PhilPapers at Universität Bonn

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Universität Bonn. It is likely that many other users at Universität Bonn are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Universität Bonn for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

135 registered users found. 130 displayed (5 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Heinrich G. Brakmann Brakmann (Theology)
  2. Rainer Probstmeier (Biology)
  3. Kinzig Wolfram (Theology)
  4. Jan Brandner (Philosophy)
  5. Klaus Obenauer (Theology)
  6. Samantha Escobar Cerna (Literature)
  7. Bernd Harbeck (Theology)
  8. Stefanie Waldschmidt (Political Science)
  9. Jan Voosholz (Philosophy)
  10. Dennis Lehmkuhl (History and Philosophy of Physics)
  11. Annette Dufner (Philosophy)
  12. Michael Förster (Philosophy)
  13. Bert Heinrichs (Philosophy)
  14. David W. Wood ()
  15. Juan Miguel Pallarés (Philosophy)
  16. Laure Cahen-Maurel (Philosophy)
  17. Stephan Zimmermann (Philosophy)
  18. Norbert Feinendegen (Philosophy)
  19. Tetsushi Hirano (Philosophy)
  20. Hyun Kim (Philosophy)
  21. Bastian Reichardt (Philosophy)
  22. Mel Riedel (Philosophy)
  23. Yonca Sicimoglu (Philosophy)
  24. Sandra Garcia (Philosophy)
  25. Ansgar Cordie (Philosophy)
  26. Risse Johanna (Philosophy)
  27. Payam Kamali (Philosophy)
  28. Marie Panayotopoulos (Philosophy)
  29. Joachim Bromand (Philosophy)
  30. James Bahoh (Philosophy)
  31. Mehdi Parsakhanqah (Philosophy)
  32. Tobias Keiling (Philosophy)
  33. Lutz Bindl (Medicine)
  34. Martín Grassi (Philosophy)
  35. Scott Robbins (Philosophy)
  36. Juliusz Doboszewski (Philosophy)
  37. Noah Stemeroff (Philosophy)
  38. Sergio Genovesi (Philosophy)
  39. Katharina Kaesling (Law, Philosophy of Law)
  40. Charlotte Gauvry (Philosophy)
  41. Samaneh Khalili (comprativ theology)
  42. Antonis Antoniou (Philosophy)
  43. Martin Langston (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. Dorothee Schmitt (Philosophy)
  2. Katharina Dröse (Philosophy)
  3. Boris Brandhoff (Philosophy)
  4. Marcel Inhoff (American Studies)
  5. Yaprak Has (economics)
  6. Conrad Baetzel (Philosophy)
  7. Kerem Aslan (Philosophy)
  8. Jonas Braun (Philosophy)
  9. Maximilian Zachrau (Philosophy)
  10. Thomas Backes (Philosophy (PhD Student))
  11. Katharina Anton (Komparatistik)
  12. Simon Waskow (Philosophy)
  13. Mina Margaritidou (Philosophy)
  14. Jen So (Philosophy)
  15. Marcel Vogel (Theology)
  16. Stefan Sprick (Philosophy)
  17. Rafaela Warkentin (Psychology)
  18. Andreas Masur (Philosophy)
  19. Jacob Tong (Political Science)
  20. Hyung-ki Min (Philosophy)
  21. Yizhi Li (Philosophy)
  22. Florian Maiwald (Philosophy)
  23. Fiona Torke (Media Science)
  24. Christos Kalpakidis (Philosophy)
  25. Gideon Noß (Philosophy)
  26. Sebastian Kopf (Political Science // Politikwissenschaft)
  27. Lei Hu (Philosophy)
  28. Marc Thiele (Philosophy)
  29. Niklas Kurzböck (Philosophy)
  30. Robert Krug (Philosophy)
  31. Minsoo Park (Philosophy)
  32. Giuseppe Comerci (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Andrea Wille (Philosophy)
  2. Raimund Fiedler (Philosophy)
  3. Ellen Niess (Philosophy)
  4. Stephan Klampfl (Philosophy)
  5. Tom Heisterbach (Philosophy)
  6. Tilman Wegerhoff (Philosophy)
  7. Natalie Müllermeierschmitt (Philosophy)
  8. Serap Ergin Aslan (Philosophy)
  9. Michael Barkas (Philology)
  10. Christoph Lehmann (Philosophy)
  11. Sofia Ramos (Philosophy)
  12. Christoph Schmitz (Philosophy)
  13. Jonas Schmitz (Philosophy)
  14. Stegh Bastian (Philosophy)
  15. Jule Do. (Philosophy)
  16. Giuliano Infantino (Department of Philosophy)
  17. Antje Bakker (Philosophy)
  18. Hyung-ki Min (Philosophy)
  19. Vincent Maël Schubert (Philosophy)
  20. Paul Thomas Engeland (Philosophy)
  21. Mathis Grimm (Philosophy)
  22. Benedikt Bonkhofer (Philosophy)
  23. Annika Seibt (Philosophy)
  24. Sira Schöneich (Philosophy)
  25. Timothy Currie (Economics)
  26. Kai-Joachim Koeplin (Philosophy)
  27. Moritz Schuh (Philosophy)
  28. Martin King (Philosophy)
  29. Mohamad Reza Vaez Shahrestani (Philosophy)
  30. Stefano Pugnaghi (Philosophy)
  31. Julia Maria Moenig (Philosophy)
  32. Brendan Balcerak Jackson (Computer Science)