PhilPapers at Universidad Central de Venezuela

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Universidad Central de Venezuela. It is likely that many other users at Universidad Central de Venezuela are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Universidad Central de Venezuela for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

44 registered users found. 43 displayed (1 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Luis Luisongo (Philosophy)
  2. Jorge Luis Alvarado Pisani (Physics)
  3. Ezra Heymann (Philosophy)
  4. Fernando Comas (Marketing Farmaceutico)
  5. Luz Marina Barreto (Philosophy)
  6. Carlos Ponce (Philosophy)
  7. María Guadalupe Llanes (Philosophy)
  8. Claudio Sandoval (Law)
  9. Andrew Muadib (Philosophy)
  10. Orlando Luna (Communication)
  11. Jorge Enrique Machado Jiménez (Philosophy)
  12. José Luis Ventura-Medina (Philosophy)
  13. Miguel Sandoval (derecho)
  14. Oswaldo Montilla (Philosophy)
  15. Carlos Eduardo Lara (Philosophy)
  16. Luis G. Castro M. (Philosophy)
  17. Silvana Pezzella (Philosophy of Economy)
  18. Ricardo Da Silva (Philosophy)
  19. Edgar E Blanco Carrero (Philosophy)
  20. María Carolina Álvarez Puerta (Philosophy)
  21. Franklin Galindo (Matemática, Lógica Matemática, Fundamentos y Filosofía de la Matemática. Cálculo Diferencial y Cálculo Integral .)
  22. Geller D. Hernández Nieves (Arte)
  23. Pablo Testa (Statistics)
  24. José Rafael Herrera (Philosophy)
  25. Deyvis Deniz (Philosophy)
  26. Omar Verde (Animal Science)
  27. Isaac Diaz Blanco (Philosophy)
  28. Flor Angelica Pereda Cantisani (Economy)
  29. Luis Javier Cedeño Gonzalez (MANAGEMENT)
  30. Jose Manuel Martinez (Enginiering)
  31. Roberto Briceno-Leon (Sociology)

Graduate student

  1. Luciano Garofalo (Philosophy)
  2. Henry Moncrieff (Political scientist)
  3. Attilio Lafontant (Sociology)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Jegriker Azuaje (Philosophy)
  2. Monica Amelia Amelia (Philosophy)
  3. Abraham Salazar (Philosophy)
  4. Eduardo R. Blanco (Philosophy)
  5. Kelvyn Viña (Philosophy)
  6. Josefa N. Herrera S. (Philosophy)
  7. Josefa Herrera (Philosophy)
  8. Sebastián G. González León (Philosophy)
  9. Wilmer Herrera (Philosophy)