PhilPapers at Universität Leipzig

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Universität Leipzig. It is likely that many other users at Universität Leipzig are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Universität Leipzig for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

70 registered users found. 65 displayed (5 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Kristina Musholt (Philosophy)
  2. Heinrich Herre (Logic, Ontology)
  3. Nikos Psarros (Philosophy)
  4. Sebastian Rödl (Philosophy)
  5. Pablo Duarte (economics)
  6. Ingolf Max (Logic & Analytical Philosophy)
  7. Steffi Richter (Philosophy)
  8. Scherer Stephan (Medicine)
  9. Beatrice Sasha Kobow (Philosophy)
  10. Georg Neugebauer (Theology)
  11. Christiane Hausmann (Philosophy)
  12. Georg Raatz (Theologie)
  13. Rebekka Gersbach (Philosophy)
  14. Carlos Bua (Philology)
  15. Antoaneta Nikolova (Philosophy)
  16. Jônadas Techio (Philosophy)
  17. Dawa Ometto (Department of Philosophy)
  18. Bianca Ancillotti (Philosophy)
  19. Housamedden Darwish (Philosophy)
  20. Nicolás Andrés Hinrichs (Cognitive Translatology)
  21. Yoen Qian-Laurent (Philosophy)
  22. Ansgar Lyssy (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. Carolin Sprenger (Philosophy)
  2. Stephan Ullmann (Philosophy)
  3. Nadine Schumann (Philosophy)
  4. Arthur Zito (Philosophy/ Logic)
  5. Mika Autorkhanova (Ethnologie)
  6. Wade Dschëng (Philosophy)
  7. Siri Gjersoe (Linguistics)
  8. Trevor Wedman (Philosophy)
  9. Nicole Del Del Rosario (Philosophy)
  10. Julia Held (Philosophy)
  11. Jan Masurczak (Philosophy)
  12. Karen Jiset Saavedra (Philosophy)
  13. Jens Pier (Philosophy)
  14. Christian Kleindienst (History)
  15. Lara Wenzel (theater studies; culture studies)
  16. Selim Heers (Philosophy)
  17. Jonathan Fei (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Florian John (Philosophy)
  2. Almut Reimann (Philosophy)
  3. Christoph Luttenberger (Philosophy)
  4. Max Fischer (Philosophy)
  5. Matthias Sievers (Philosophy)
  6. Lina Thoelke (Philosophy)
  7. Johanna Rademacher (Philosophy)
  8. Trung Nguyen (Philosophy)
  9. Steffen Sindermann (Sociology)
  10. Anna Lena Weyand (Philosophy)
  11. Nina Heinke (Philosophy)
  12. Konstantinos Avramis (Philosophy)
  13. Mattis Scherrer (Philosophy)
  14. Quesnel Marine (Philosophy)
  15. Dominik Zeymer (Philosophy)
  16. Steffi Richter (Japanese Philosophy)
  17. Juan C. Castillo ()
  18. Leonhard Riep (Cultural Studies)
  19. Tural Abbas (Philosophie)