PhilPapers at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. It is likely that many other users at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

62 registered users found. 59 displayed (3 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Jorge Cabrejos (Sociology)
  2. Ivar Jesus Calixto (Law)
  3. Anibal Chavez (Philosophy)
  4. César Cubas Longa (Philosophy)
  5. Demetrio Díaz (Philosophy)
  6. Mabel Lucrecia Sarco (Philosophy)
  7. Cesar Zuñe Del Zuñe Del Valle (Psicología)
  8. Julio Diaz Solano (Sociologia)
  9. Roberto Ortega (Philosophy)
  10. Ricardo Vásquez (Politic science)
  11. Maria Vargas (Philosophy)
  12. Max Espiritu (Philosophy)
  13. Manuel Hidalgo (Philosophy)
  14. Joel Emerson Huancapaza Hilasaca (Philosophy)
  15. Álvaro Revolledo Novoa (Philosophy)
  16. Johel Pozo Tinoco (Historiador)
  17. Alejandra Veliz (Ciencia Política)
  18. Nataly Cruz (Literatura)
  19. Percy Acuña (Philosophy)
  20. Vanessa Utrilla (Philosophy)
  21. Monica Fuentes (Philosophy)
  22. Juan Leon (Economy)
  23. Jaime Fernando Coronado (Sociology)
  24. Andrea Michue (Philosophy)
  25. Lucas A. Palacios Liberato (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. Jose Antonio (Philosophy)
  2. Jorge Luis Delgado Otero (Philosophy)
  3. Carlos Guillermo Viaña Rubio (Philosophy)
  4. Rosario Grados (Political Science)
  5. Max Henry (Art History)
  6. Manuel J. Paredes (Philosophy)
  7. Jimena Villanueva (Philosophy)
  8. Gilmar Eduardo García Marreros (Philosophy)
  9. Paul Gamarra (Philosophy)
  10. Kevin Arroyo (Philosophy)
  11. Rafael Campos (Philosophy)
  12. Josellyn Liseth Alata Palacios (Philosophy)
  13. Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila (Literatura)
  14. Vladimir Junior Sosa Sánchez (Philosophy)
  15. César Ureta Sandoval (Philosophy)
  16. Julio César Zavala Vega (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Briangianfranco Briangianfranco (Philosophy)
  2. Leandra Villanueva (Philosophy)
  3. Pablo Rojas M. (Philosophy)
  4. Luis Cotera Wixsan (Medicine)
  5. Julián Domingo Maguiña Concha (Philosophy)
  6. Ysmael Jesús Ayala Colqui (Philosophy)
  7. Julio C. Silva (Philosophy)
  8. Piero Gayozzo (Philosophy)
  9. Jenny E. Dolores Resurrección (Antropología)
  10. Leonardo Baños (Philosophy)
  11. Gerardo Ludeña-gonzalez (Philosophy)
  12. Giancarlo Edison (Philosophy)
  13. Angie Garcia Vargas (Pharmacy)
  14. Paul Alfredo Amoretti Ismodes (Philosophy)
  15. Gian Franco Sandoval Mendoza (Philosophy)