PhilPapers at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. It is likely that many other users at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left the University of Nebraska, Lincoln for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

103 registered users found. 90 displayed (13 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. John Brunero (Philosophy)
  2. Colin McLear (Philosophy)
  3. Mark van Roojen (Philosophy)
  4. Albert Casullo (Philosophy)
  5. Jennifer McKitrick (Philosophy)
  6. Michael Stricklin (Communication)
  7. David Henderson (Philosophy)
  8. Joseph Weber (Journalism)
  9. Adam J. Liska (Science)
  10. Richard K. Sutton (Landscape Architecture)
  11. Pj Kennedy (Philosophy)
  12. Jessie Kapustka (Philosophy)
  13. Donald Costello (Philosophy)
  14. Hayley Hunt (Philosophy)
  15. Gabriel Bruguier (Philosophy)
  16. Charles Sayward (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. Dan Foy (Anthropology)
  2. Christine Olsen (Teacher Education)
  3. Landon Hedrick (Philosophy)
  4. Luke Elwonger (Philosophy)
  5. Shane George (Philosophy)
  6. Gabriel Bruguier (Philosophy)
  7. Christopher Cunningham (education)
  8. Dongjun Yuan (Philosophy)
  9. Joseph Dante (Philosophy)
  10. Kirby Little (English)
  11. Beckie Rebecca Tuttle (education)
  12. Samuel Hobbs (Philosophy)
  13. Jason Lemmon (Philosophy)
  14. Mary Sinclair (Educational Philosophy)
  15. Kyle R. Martens (Natural Resource Sciences)
  16. Zachariah Wrublewski (Philosophy)
  17. Talhah Mustafa (Philosophy)
  18. Seungchul Yang (Philosophy)
  19. Swarnima Kain (Philosophy)
  20. Isaac Zhu (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Lucas Sevedge (Philosophy)
  2. Anthony DiCostanzo (Philosophy)
  3. David Solomon (Philosophy)
  4. Madeleine Sheils (Philosophy)
  5. J. Pierce (Philosophy)
  6. Tony Moran (Philosophy)
  7. Samira Sabetrasekh (Philosophy)
  8. Chandler Dulin (Psychology)
  9. Beau Treyz (english)
  10. Maddy Moeller (Philosophy)
  11. Abigail Johnson (Philosophy)
  12. Lindsey Geise (Philosophy)
  13. Evy Olsen (Fashion)
  14. Stefani Bradley (Philosophy)
  15. Annie Molek (Philosophy)
  16. Joseph Morrison (Philosophy)
  17. Kelly Marno (Sociology)
  18. Rachel Jean (Philosophy)
  19. Kayla Grote (Family Science)
  20. Ema Muslic (Philosophy)
  21. Mohammed Albadaai (Accounting)
  22. Rousol Aribi (Architecture)
  23. Natalie Natalie (Philosophy)
  24. Brianna McManaman (English)
  25. Matthew Jockers (Philosophy)
  26. RIley Nelson (Philosophy)
  27. Mary-kate Boyle (Philosophy)
  28. Amy Sue Peterson (Philosophy)