PhilPapers at the University of Newcastle, Australia

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with the University of Newcastle, Australia. It is likely that many other users at the University of Newcastle, Australia are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left the University of Newcastle, Australia for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

167 registered users found. 164 displayed (3 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Nathaniel Coleman (Architecture)
  2. Joe Mintoff (Philosophy)
  3. Jonathan James (Visual Art)
  4. David Guez (Animal cognition)
  5. Paul Schott (Social Work)
  6. Sissi Chen (Architecture)
  7. James Juniper (Economics)
  8. Linda Walsh (Music)
  9. Kirsty Mcguinness (Politics)
  10. Elaine Campbell (Sociology)
  11. Bridget Neale (LINGUISTICS)
  12. Harpreet Mand (Architecture)
  13. William Edward Herfel (Philosophy)
  14. Samuel Douglas (Philosophy)
  15. David Morgan (Creative Writing and Philosophy)
  16. Nowshade Kabir (Business)
  17. Michael Julius Manuel (Philosophy)
  18. John Doolah (Cultural studies)
  19. Francesca Lecchini-Lee (Philosophy)
  20. Simon Thirsk (Philosophy)
  21. Dave Li (Philosophy)
  22. Soobhiraj Bungsraz (Politics)
  23. Lee Goodare (Philosophy)
  24. Mary Smith (Philosophy)
  25. Rachael Neaves (Philosophy)
  26. Juno Anderson (Philosophy)
  27. Anna Goulding (Philosophy)
  28. Leanne Wilkinson (Philosophy)
  29. Sam Richardson (Philosophy)
  30. Nguyen Nguyen (Philosophy)
  31. Jennifer Manuel (Philosophy)
  32. Karen Moller (Academic Library)
  33. Xiuli Sun (Philosophy)
  34. Lorraine Cowley (Sociology)
  35. Jie Yin (Philosophy)
  36. Amy Wilson (Philosophy)
  37. Ana Flamind (Philosophy)
  38. Georgia Hore (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. Sarah Askew (Planning)
  2. David Morgan (Philosophy)
  3. David Ian McBryde (Classics)
  4. Charles McKnight (ethics)
  5. Michelle Louise Smith (Politics)
  6. Jamal Mir (Philosophy)
  7. Jason James Tampake (Philosophy)
  8. Cristina Fernandez-Garcia (Philosophy)
  9. Emille Thomas (Philosophy)
  10. Scott Saunders (Philosophy)
  11. Bernie Nigol (Philosophy)
  12. Tom O'Neill (Politics)
  13. Garrick Everett (Education)
  14. Benz Tapaneeyakorn (Student)
  15. Sarah Jane Stoddart (History)
  16. Melanie Anggraeni (Media)
  17. Garry Glen Bourke (Theology)
  18. Darren Smith (Theology)
  19. Lisa-Gaye Williams (Linguistics)
  20. Chanuwan Phetkla (Linguistics)
  21. Melissa Pyers (Theology)
  22. Dalisa Punsakd (Philosophy)
  23. Roja Neppalli (IT)
  24. Nicholas Brignell (Philosophy)
  25. Orly Ashkenazi (sociology)
  26. Jack Charnley (Education)
  27. Margaret Monica O'Leary (Theology)
  28. Janelle Kirk (Philosophy)
  29. Fiona Hopping (Theology)
  30. Mat Grey (Philosophy)
  31. Paul Dart (Philosophy)
  32. Tap Bhattarai (Education)
  33. Tess Fong (Philosophy)
  34. Kyile Chapman (Education)
  35. Phil Kapudija (Philosophy)
  36. Camilla Fraser (Philosophy)
  37. Melanie Cramp (Theology)
  38. Zengminyi Zhang (modern languages)
  39. Antonia Manresa (humanities)
  40. Sajeev Kunaharan (Neuroscience)
  41. Jialin Huang (Philosophy)
  42. Asmarani Februandari (Architecture)
  43. Christopher Appiah-Thompson (Philosophy and Politics)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. James Igoe (Science)
  2. Aneesa Butt (law)
  3. Beckie Broadbent (Philosophy)
  4. Elizabeth Kirk (Classical Studies)
  5. Imogen Nixon (Medicine)
  6. Josie Cleveland (Archaeology)
  7. Nicholas Bond (Philosophy)
  8. Laura Dinnage (geography)
  9. Sofia Palios (Psychology)
  10. Rebecca Cohen (Medicine)
  11. Amy Johnson (Philosophy)
  12. Bernie Ranson (Philosophy)
  13. Jess Nidd (Classical Studies)
  14. Ashley South (Philosophy)
  15. Katie Bartle (Philosophy)
  16. Gilbert Walker (Philosophy)
  17. Imogen Atkinson (Philosophy)
  18. Amanda Bobbins (Philosophy)
  19. Laura Callaghan (Philosophy)
  20. Gabriela Maria Martins Da Silva (Ancient History)
  21. Ede Dugdale (Combined Honours)
  22. Jody Sharma (Education)
  23. Olivia McRohan (fine arts)
  24. Lucy Tague (speech and language therapy)
  25. Robyn Margaret White (Philosophy and Religion)
  26. Valerie Ann Horton (fine arts)
  27. Fiona Barcenilla (Combined Honours)
  28. Yusra Abdul Rahim (Politics and Sociology)
  29. Tara McCormick (Classical Studies)
  30. Lauren Malloy (Sociology)
  31. Olivia Anderson (Philosophy)
  32. Gior Giorgi (Marketing)
  33. George Smith (politics)
  34. Natali Sung (Philosophy)
  35. Ruby Ozolins (law)
  36. Olivia Watson (Sociology)
  37. Nat Pope (Philosophy)
  38. Marcus Wombwell (construction)
  39. Viv Escobedo (Philosophy)
  40. Karly O'Hara (Philosophy)
  41. Keir Harris (politics)
  42. Elle Towell (Sociology)
  43. Thomas Agrusti (Philosophy)
  44. Lauren Orton (Philosophy)
  45. Gergana Petrova (Philosophy)
  46. Ed Saunders (politics)
  47. Molly Herridge (geography)
  48. Rema Grace Gifford (Philosophy)
  49. Daniel Neill (Fine Art)
  50. Anna Pritchard (Fine Art)
  51. Katie Al (English)
  52. Emily Edwards (politics)
  53. Gabriele Regesaite (cultural studies)
  54. Jasmyn Garay (Philosophy)
  55. Jez Lowe (politics)
  56. Terry Berry (Philosophy)
  57. Edwin Ashman (Sociology)
  58. Didrik Lie (Education)
  59. Kayleigh Paxman (Languages)
  60. Abi Walker (English Literature)
  61. Sonia Latter (Bachelor of Commerce)
  62. Boyd Steele (Psychology)
  63. Theo Moxham (Psychology)
  64. Cate Marques (Philosophy)
  65. Rosie Shouler-Harris (Philosophy)
  66. James William Durie (History)
  67. Rachel Allerton (geography)
  68. Mariah Jazmin Gardner (Philosophy)
  69. Lucy Horan (geography)
  70. Rashmi Dayanand (law)
  71. Edward Shackle (Politics & Sociology)
  72. Ali Alshirawi (Architecture and urban planning)
  73. Freddie Chetwood (politics)
  74. Kenji Konda (Philosophy)
  75. Aaron-jade Didcock (Information technology)
  76. Paris Drinkwater (Philosophy)
  77. Grace Kinsela (Sociology)
  78. Bella Hawkins (Philosophy)
  79. Elliot Brooks (Education)
  80. Ron Owens (Philosophy)