PhilPapers at the University of North Texas

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with the University of North Texas. It is likely that many other users at the University of North Texas are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left the University of North Texas for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

104 registered users found. 99 displayed (5 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Paul Tarau (Computer Science)
  2. Adam Briggle (Philosophy)
  3. Paul Dworak (Music)
  4. David M. Kaplan (Philosophy)
  5. Stephanie Hawkins (English)
  6. Ricardo Rozzi (Philosophy)
  7. Austin Anderson (Sport and Recreation)
  8. Leah Kalmanson (Philosophy)
  9. Lib Debate (Philosophy)
  10. Trish Glazebrook (Philosophy)
  11. Roberr Figueroa (Philosophy)
  12. Allen Bradley (Philosophy)
  13. Cory Parker (Philosophy)
  14. EmaLee White (Philosophy)
  15. Shireen Khuwaja (Philosophy)
  16. Hollis Edwards III (Philosophy)
  17. Jennifer Aglio (Philosophy)
  18. Jerry Bod (Philosophy)
  19. Jashan Duke (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. Jonathan Brewer (Biology)
  2. Jonathan Edwards (Linguistics)
  3. Matthew Bower (Philosophy)
  4. Philip Day (Philosophy)
  5. Wenlong Lu (Philosophy)
  6. Sarah Conrad (Philosophy)
  7. Gordon Akon-Yamga (Philosophy)
  8. Jennifer Rowland (Philosophy)
  9. Angela Gaddis (Philosophy)
  10. Joseph Tuminello (Philosophy)
  11. Giovanni Frigo (Philosophy)
  12. Dollie Speights (Communication)
  13. Aruna Singh (Education)
  14. Hillary St John (Communication)
  15. Ralph Jarzombek (Music Theory)
  16. Kelli Barr (Philosophy)
  17. Justin Williams (Philosophy)
  18. Laura Kathryn Katy Campbell (International Sustainable Tourism)
  19. Kevin Landry (music)
  20. John John (Journalism)
  21. Joe Bates (music)
  22. Rodney Gill (Political Theory)
  23. Linda Tyrer (Philosophy)
  24. Kelly Desjardins (music)
  25. Silvia Schleicher (Psychology)
  26. Robert Korver (History)
  27. Jared Bradford (Economics)
  28. Eric Sampson (Philosophy)
  29. Rob Lo (Philosophy)
  30. Kevin Siefert (Philosophy)
  31. Sumshot Khular (Philosophy)
  32. Pedro Brea (Philosophy)
  33. Sara Louise Tonge (Philosophy)
  34. Hyun Yang (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Jonny Moonpie (Philosophy)
  2. J. E. H. Simon (Philosophy)
  3. Joseph Carr (Philosophy)
  4. Joshua McNutt (Philosophy)
  5. Beast Man (Philosophy)
  6. Ian Moore (Philosophy)
  7. Katelyn Dacus (Philosophy)
  8. Ashley Clepper (Philosophy)
  9. Allana Koziczynski (Philosophy)
  10. Dylan McGraw (Philosophy)
  11. Heather Williams (Philosophy)
  12. A. B. Warren (Philosophy, Psychology, Neuroscience, French)
  13. Jeanette Hernandez (Anthropology)
  14. Jeff Aitken (Philosophy)
  15. Katie Ehalt (Philosophy)
  16. Faith Socall (Philosophy)
  17. Grace Huang (Philosophy)
  18. Roger Wasson (Philosophy)
  19. Emily Shipman (Philosophy)
  20. Autumn Carter (Philosophy)
  21. Evelyn Evelyn Jasso (psychology)
  22. Sharla Vitsentzos (Philosophy)
  23. Justin Du (Neuroscience)
  24. Melissa Hart (English)
  25. Brenda TitiLayo (Criminal Justice)
  26. Pam Mercieri (Philosophy)
  27. Khali Murphy (Philosophy)
  28. Uyen Cao (Philosophy)
  29. Manuel Hogan (Philosophy)
  30. Emily Dickerson (Anthropology)
  31. Amber Santoro (Philosophy)
  32. Alexandra Alex (Philosophy)
  33. Derek Strickland (Computer Science)
  34. Antonio Briseno (Philosophy)
  35. Jennifer Holt (psychology)
  36. Jonathan Mize (Philosophy)
  37. Baylee Wilcox (Philosophy)
  38. Cortney Burns (Philosophy)
  39. Jackie Brown (Philosophy)
  40. Nancy Ellis (Philosophy)