PhilPapers at Western Washington University

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Western Washington University. It is likely that many other users at Western Washington University are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Western Washington University for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

81 registered users found. 79 displayed (2 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Ryan Wasserman (Philosophy)
  2. Daniel Howard-Snyder (Philosophy)
  3. Neal Tognazzini (Philosophy)
  4. Dennis Whitcomb (Philosophy)
  5. Hud Hudson (Philosophy)
  6. Frances Howard-Snyder (Philosophy)
  7. Jimena Berzal de Dios (Art History & Aesthetics)
  8. James Hearne (Computer Science)
  9. Michelle Saint (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. Svetlana Simova (Philosophy)
  2. Lynda KOak (English)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. William McIntyre (Philosophy)
  2. Mel Mel (Philosophy)
  3. Justine Fiedler (Philosophy)
  4. Ken Davis (Philosophy)
  5. James Robertson (psychology)
  6. Mykel Madera (Philosophy)
  7. David Lloyd (Philosophy)
  8. Corey Wolden (Philosophy)
  9. B. P. McDonald (Philosophy)
  10. Mateo Galindez (Philosophy)
  11. Thomas Hall (Philosophy)
  12. Blair Peterson (Philosophy/Political Science/Economics)
  13. Joey Gish (Biochemistry)
  14. Anaalisa Unbedacht (Philosophy)
  15. Anthony Nault (Philosophy)
  16. Kaylee Galloway (Politics, Philosophy, and Economics)
  17. J. L. Bryant (Philosophy)
  18. Erisa Hu (Philosophy)
  19. Andrew Schubert (Philosophy)
  20. Timberly McKinley (Philosophy)
  21. Benjamin Irvin Mickey Halbert (Philosophy)
  22. Joy Weisel (Photography and Education)
  23. Liam Holmes (Philosophy)
  24. Morgan W. Haskins (Philosophy)
  25. Mariel Heuser (psychology)
  26. Karl Wierman (Engineering)
  27. Dana Gutierrez (Philosophy)
  28. Rhys Gentle (Philosophy)
  29. Alex Withrow (Journalism)
  30. Daniel Lawrence (Philosophy)
  31. Jennifer Monnier (Philosophy)
  32. No Way (Philosophy)
  33. Colin Nardine (Philosophy)
  34. Jose Carrillo (Philosophy)
  35. Nicholas Martin (Philosophy)
  36. Susanna Black (Philosophy)
  37. Benny Halbert (Philosophy)
  38. Shelby Jacobs (Undecided)
  39. Taylor Lapinski (Journalism)
  40. Spencer Stepniewski (Philosophy)
  41. Lauren Hoffmann (Philosophy)
  42. Mathew Baumann ()
  43. Dee Payton (Philosophy)
  44. Cassondra Cassee (Philosophy)
  45. Paige Heine (Philosophy)
  46. Toby Rose (Philosophy)
  47. Nolan Cheney (Philosophy)
  48. Ashleigh Ramirez (Philosophy)
  49. Jeffrey Kent (Philosophy)
  50. Alana Bomberger (Philosophy)
  51. Connor James Hopkins (Philosophy)
  52. Brynne Dykes (Kinesiology)
  53. Sara Wold (Philosophy)
  54. Tyler Staples (Philosophy)
  55. Matthew Handy (Philosophy)
  56. Emily Robertson (Philosophy)
  57. Lauren Slaught (Philosophy)
  58. Sean Mccanna (Philosophy)
  59. Brett R. Webb (Philosophy)
  60. Phil Fox (Philosophy)
  61. August Beimborn (Philosophy)
  62. Jordan Dean (Philosophy)
  63. Carter Stoddard (Philosophy)
  64. Ari Rose (Philosophy)
  65. Owen Montefisher (Philosophy, Mathematics)
  66. Ron Chesko (Philosophy)
  67. Audrey Stewart (Philosophy)