PhilPapers at Wilfrid Laurier University

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Wilfrid Laurier University. It is likely that many other users at Wilfrid Laurier University are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Wilfrid Laurier University for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

102 registered users found. 100 displayed (2 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Kathy Behrendt (Philosophy)
  2. Loren King (Political Science)
  3. Gary Foster (Philosophy)
  4. Byron Williston (Philosophy)
  5. Andrea Brown (Political Science)
  6. Margaret E. Toye (Women and Gender Studies)
  7. Jill Rusin (Philosophy)
  8. Greg Bird (Sociology)
  9. Ashwani Kumar Peetush (Philosophy)
  10. Erin Krol (Sociology)
  11. Matt Thomas (LIS)
  12. Melissa Leigh Finn (Political Science)
  13. Joanne Oud (Philosophy)
  14. Marta Marin-domine (Philosophy)
  15. John G. Wilkinson (Philosophy)
  16. Marcie Foster (Philosophy)
  17. Tyler Wunder (Philosophy (sessional))
  18. Frank Cameron (Philosophy & Foundations)
  19. Brad Sdg (Philosophy)
  20. Kati Der (Philosophy)
  21. Renato Cristi (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. Fahad Naveed (Psychology)
  2. Audrey Brouillette (Music Therapy)
  3. Ariel Bluy-Williams (Philosophy)
  4. Michael Pougnet (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Amy Grief (Communication)
  2. Esther Pettinger (communications)
  3. Amanda Weglarz (Sociology)
  4. Jennifer Evans (Philosophy)
  5. Adam Cochran (Philosophy)
  6. Farida Alabo ()
  7. Steven Leb (Philosophy)
  8. Shantel Edwards (Philosophy)
  9. Feribaa Saboor (Global Studies)
  10. Greg Carron (Philosophy)
  11. Laura Douglas (Philosophy)
  12. Kathleen Reeves (Philosophy)
  13. Amira Hasan (Philosophy)
  14. Genai Smith (Biology)
  15. Emily Peters (Philosophy)
  16. Jon Mackey (Kinesiology)
  17. Timothy Hall (Philosophy)
  18. Amber Richardson (Sociology)
  19. Lindsay Schiassi (Philosophy)
  20. Jennifer LeBlanc (Sociology)
  21. Hillary Hilly (Philosophy)
  22. Amanda Sheppard (Philosophy)
  23. Alyssa Gard (Political Science)
  24. Julia Decker (Philosophy)
  25. Nicole Montgomery (Global Studies)
  26. Mianda Thwaites (Global Studies)
  27. Alyssa Gilby (Philosophy)
  28. Kelly Hayhurst (Social Work)
  29. Holly Weston (Philosophy)
  30. Olivia Dio (Contemporary Studies)
  31. Alicia Dallos (Philosophy)
  32. Jessica Johnstone (Human rights)
  33. Jacob DeLottinville (Education)
  34. James McKnight (Philosophy)
  35. Natasha Morris (Contemporary Studies)
  36. Colton Kelly (Sociology)
  37. Lucy Harding (Philosophy)
  38. Megan Lanoue (Philosophy)
  39. Jean Ramsay (Criminology)
  40. John Smith (Philosophy)
  41. Divine Intsinzi Nibagwire (Business Administration)
  42. Julian Mooken (Biology)
  43. Marie Longtin (Law and Society)
  44. Ronald Foxcroft (Philosophy)
  45. Usmana Quddus (Philosophy)
  46. Declan Simmons (economics)
  47. Tyler Morrison (Philosophy)
  48. Kristen Berge (Philosophy)
  49. Mat Carere (Philosophy)
  50. Julia Stel (Philosophy)
  51. Helen Alarashi (Philosophy)
  52. Julia Dhaene (Philosophy)
  53. Curtis Miller (Philosophy)
  54. Kody Smith (Philosophy)
  55. Richard Burrough (Philosophy)
  56. Nikki Micks (Psychology)
  57. John Vaillancourt (Psychology)
  58. Dayna Eckert (Philosophy)
  59. Victoria McCartie (Global Studies)
  60. Emily Ford (Kinesiology)
  61. Nitin Longani (Kineisology)
  62. Sharmagne Anne Coffey (Philosophy)
  63. Stephanie Tse (Philosophy)
  64. Christian Surmanski (communications)
  65. Nicole Benson (Philosophy)
  66. Katherine Li (Philosophy)
  67. Lindsey Feltis (communications)
  68. Amanda Lockhart (Philosophy)
  69. Jillian Simons (women studies)
  70. Nikki Olguin (Psychology)
  71. Jonathan Du (Philosophy)
  72. Abdur-Rahmaan Qidwai (History)
  73. Matt Thomas (Library and Information Science)