PhilPapers at Zhejiang University

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Zhejiang University. It is likely that many other users at Zhejiang University are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Zhejiang University for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

70 registered users found. 68 displayed (2 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Kristjan Laasik (Philosophy)
  2. Hengwei Li (Philosophy)
  3. Chuzhaowei Chu (education)
  4. Jie Gao (Philosophy)
  5. Davide Fassio (Philosophy)
  6. Yicai Ni (Philosophy)
  7. Bruno Bentzen (Philosophy)
  8. Dong An (Philosophy)
  9. Jinyu Sun (Philosophy)
  10. Xuanpu Zhuang (Philosophy)
  11. Enrong Pan (Philosophy)
  12. Song Gao (Philosophy)
  13. Martina Mavrinac (Psychology)
  14. Yang Roy (economics)
  15. Ishraq Ali (Philosophy)
  16. Tianwen Xu (Law and Logic)
  17. Xiaoyu Ke (Philosophy)
  18. Yili Zhou (Philosophy)
  19. Ke Zhang (Philosophy)
  20. Alexander Garton-Eisenacher (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. Linghao Wang (Legal Theory)
  2. Wang Hongjian (Philosophy)
  3. Chenjiong Qi (Philosophy)
  4. Yafeng Li (Philosophy)
  5. Zhang Hong (Economics)
  6. Cassie Q. Ronger (Education)
  7. Firyuza Alibek (MBA)
  8. Liufang Zhou (psychology)
  9. Wenlizhi Huang (Philosophy)
  10. Fiona Wang (Philosophy)
  11. Yeonhee Lee (Philosophy)
  12. Xian He (Philosophy)
  13. Xiuchen An (Philosophy)
  14. Yue Shui (Philosophy)
  15. Huayu Guo (Philosophy)
  16. Qifeng Gao (Philosophy)
  17. Hongqing Cui (Philosophy)
  18. Chen Chen (Philosophy)
  19. Yini Huang (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Vivi Shan (Philosophy)
  2. Ying Chen (Philosophy)
  3. Chesia Yang (Philosophy)
  4. Daisy Wang (Philosophy)
  5. Lydia Karen (English)
  6. Shu Ruan (Philosophy)
  7. Yawen Yu (Philosophy)
  8. Jun Lee (Chinese Literature)
  9. Liu Dong (English Literature)
  10. Chen Xia (Philosophy)
  11. 颖彤 肖 (English Language and Literature)
  12. Nikki Jin (law)
  13. Chen Zijia (Philosophy)
  14. Lyndon Lin (Philosophy)
  15. Zheng Yulin (Philosophy)
  16. Karl Kraatz (Philosophy)