PhilPapers at École des hautes études en sciences sociale

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with École des hautes études en sciences sociale. It is likely that many other users at École des hautes études en sciences sociale are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left École des hautes études en sciences sociale for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

88 registered users found. 78 displayed (10 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Gerard Jorland (Philosophy)
  2. Sandra Lasry (Philosophy)
  3. Aurelien Carré (Political)
  4. Elena Tb (Philosophy)
  5. Stephane Baciocchi (Social Sciences)
  6. Hélio Silva (Philosophy)
  7. Alejandra Ag (Ethnology & Anthropology)
  8. Pierre-Henri Castel (Philosophy)
  9. Margherita Arcangeli (Philosophy)
  10. François Bauduin (Sociology)
  11. Nathalie Manrique (Anthropology)
  12. Marjolaine Deschênes (Philosophy)
  13. Danny Trom (Philosophy)
  14. Alexandra Novitchkova (Political Phylosophy)
  15. Antonino Antosorci (Philosophy)
  16. Myriam Win (Philosophy)
  17. Tiaha David-Le-Duc (Philosophy and social sciences)
  18. Laure Guirguis (Philosophy)
  19. Marc Truchet (Philosophy)
  20. Valérie Charolles (Philosophy)
  21. Eric Michaud (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. Alexis De La Ferriere (Philosophy)
  2. Baptiste Roullin (Philosophy)
  3. Andrés Vélez Posada (Philosophy and History)
  4. Baptiste Bouju (Philosophy)
  5. Claudia Diaz (Anthropology)
  6. Giulia Tognon (arts et langages)
  7. Med Laz (Anthropology)
  8. Valentin Lewandowski (Philosophy)
  9. Sarah Billaut (Sciences History)
  10. Alexis Kaiser (Philosophy)
  11. Xiaochen Liu (Cogitive Science)
  12. Alo Paistik (Philosophy)
  13. Laurie Tran Van Huong (ethnology)
  14. Carole Caro (Langage et Art)
  15. Hazal Atay (Political Science)
  16. Denise Celentano (Philosophy)
  17. Yann Rischette (Political Studies)
  18. Fourt Xavier (sociologie)
  19. Daniel Bermudez (Philosophy)
  20. Gaelle Rouvier (Philosophy)
  21. Virginie Schmidt (Philosophy)
  22. Hannah Bensussan (Philosophy)
  23. Armando Lavalle Terrón (Philosophy)
  24. Thierry Caro (Sociology)
  25. Guilhem Corot (Philosophy of sciences)
  26. Gc Cg (Philosophy)
  27. Alan Tenenbaum (Philosophy)
  28. Matéo Legras (Philosophy)
  29. Augusto Sperb Machado (Political Philosophy)
  30. Micol Bez (Philosophy)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Hemaey Panohara (Sciences Sociales)
  2. Nathália Sanglard (History)
  3. Margaux Novelli (Philosophy)
  4. Maximilien Gremaud (Philosophy)
  5. Théo Jesu (Philosophy)
  6. Annabelle Bonnet (Cultural Studies)
  7. Samuel Lelievre (Philosophy)
  8. Pablo Fontoura (Philosophy)