PhilPapers at Hunter College (CUNY)

The following individuals have registered on PhilPapers and declared an affiliation with Hunter College (CUNY). It is likely that many other users at Hunter College (CUNY) are not listed here, as 80% of page hits on PhilPapers are from unregistered users. Note also that some registered users do not specify their affiliations, and some elect to make their profile private. Those users do not appear below. Some individuals may have left Hunter College (CUNY) for another university but not updated their profiles. These departures are partly offset by users who have joined an institution without updating their affiliation.

A star () indicates a PhilPapers editor.

82 registered users found. 78 displayed (4 private).

Academic staff
(faculty, postdoc, lecturer, etc)

  1. Carol C. Gould (Philosophy)
  2. Daniel W. Harris (Philosophy)
  3. Rolando Perez (Spanish)
  4. Judith Dederick (Psychology)
  5. John Sorrentino ()
  6. Justin Garson (Philosophy)
  7. Omar Dahbour (Philosophy)
  8. Linda Martín Alcoff (Philosophy)
  9. Sandra Shapshay (Philosophy)
  10. Kyle Ferguson (Philosophy)
  11. Mark A Cohen (French, History)
  12. Thierry de Duve (Philosophy)
  13. Kathleen T. Goff (Anthropology, legal theory, network theory)
  14. Joshua Keton (Philosophy)
  15. Joanna Trimble (Philosophy)
  16. David Egan (Philosophy)
  17. Dan Mailick (Philosophy)
  18. Douglas A. Shepardson (Philosophy)
  19. John Lango (Philosophy)
  20. Alan Hausman (Philosophy)

Graduate student

  1. Maryun Thame (Education)
  2. Johanny Arias (Education)
  3. Janet Erazo (social work)
  4. Alice Bonilha (anthropology)
  5. Anum Hussain (sociology)
  6. Sarah Van Norden (sociology)
  7. Jillian Garvey (Education)
  8. Raquel Verdina (History)
  9. Alexandra Dorga (social work)
  10. Ann Glickman (anthropology)
  11. Jason Rondinelli (Studio Art)
  12. Keshia Lewis (social work)
  13. Naeta Rohr (Education)
  14. Caitlin Wettlaufer (Philosophy)
  15. Joseph Orefice (Philosophy)
  16. Arlene Fernandez (Counseling)
  17. Quill Rebecca Kukla (Geography)
  18. Alexander Cloudt (Psychology)
  19. Hinda Dalfin (Social Work)

(undergraduate, administration, etc.)

  1. Becky Morelli (Philosophy)
  2. Kristin Brophy (Philosophy)
  3. Seung Paek (Philosophy)
  4. Kimberly Aiken (Philosophy)
  5. Daniel Pana (Philosophy)
  6. Tara Marie Mullen (Philosophy)
  7. Rina Pelinku (Philosophy)
  8. Jenn Smith (Philosophy)
  9. Narish Singh (Philosophy)
  10. Andrea Warmack (Philosophy)
  11. Maha Paracha (English)
  12. Jen La (Philosophy)
  13. Patrick McGuire (Philosophy)
  14. Zahin Rahman (Philosophy)
  15. Luis Vargas (Philosophy)
  16. Regina Poukalova (Philosophy)
  17. Niki Soprano (Philosophy)
  18. Tanya Bouillon (Political Science)
  19. Alcida Adam (Psychology)
  20. Oralia Navarrete (Philosophy)
  21. Darlene Laboy (Anthropology)
  22. Kayla Velazquez (Philosophy)
  23. Emily Clayton (Philosophy)
  24. Jeffrey Konowitch (Philosophy)
  25. Katherine Belle Merritt (Philosophy)
  26. Alexandre Ax (Philosophy)
  27. Chynna Krouser (English)
  28. Noa Rafimayeri (Philosophy)
  29. Oscar Rodriguez (Philosophy)
  30. Ari Bengiyat (Psychology)
  31. Harry Moiris (Philosophy)
  32. Zeng Hong Li (Philosophy)
  33. Juda Ato (Philosophy)
  34. Keith Istré (Philosophy)
  35. Brad Rappaport ()
  36. Elijah Castle (Research)