Analysability of finiteU-rank types are explored both in general and in the theory${\rm{DC}}{{\rm{F}}_0}$. The well-known fact that the equation$\delta \left = 0$is analysable in but not almost internal to the constants is generalized to show that$\underbrace {{\rm{log}}\,\delta \cdots {\rm{log}}\,\delta }_nx = 0$is not analysable in the constants in$\left$-steps. The notion of acanonical analysisis introduced–-namely an analysis that is of minimal length and interalgebraic with every other analysis of that length. Not every analysable type admits a canonical analysis. Using properties of reductions and coreductions in theories with the canonical base property, it is constructed, for any sequence of positive integers$\left$, a type in${\rm{DC}}{{\rm{F}}_0}$that admits a canonical analysis with the property that theith step hasU-rank${n_i}$.