The epistemology and phenomenology of contemporary society tend to be deepened, and the philosophical
challenges never are minimal that we may be called to face with the kind of post-modern chaos from the rapidly changing
phenomena of the global community. The ballast held on the identity of faculty members as a teacher and researcher now turns
due so as to be recast with our intrinsic of routine performance. I considered their quality as bent on the intellectual strife on
the method and the kind of attitude, say, evaluation and consultation. In this paper, the authors have presented some thought
and implications that triangulated the triad, i.e., research methodology, program evaluation and consulting illustration on the
college research program rankings. The author is hoped that the discourse can help the academicians to share the attribute of
different methods as well as the dimension of evaluation and consulting, perhaps essentially related with their work role in
terms of teaching and researching.
Keywords: Research Method, Qualitative Studies, Mixed Method, Program Evaluation, Theory and Philosophy,
Program Rankings, Consulting, Journal Writing