PhilPapers Surveys


Discussions of Survey results elsewhere on the web
There seem to have been quite a few discussions of the results of the Survey elsewhere on the web: e.g. Garden of Forking Paths (on free will), Prosblogion (on religion), Think Tonk (religion/epistemology), Honest Toil (nominalism), EconLog (various), Metafilter (general), Reddit (general).  And Survey data seems to have made it into at least one serious philosophy talk already.

If you've seen other discussions, post the links here.

Discussions of Survey results elsewhere on the web
Also over at Leiter Reports (general/logic/libertarianism&theism)

Discussions of Survey results elsewhere on the web
Lemmings (logic, general)
Nothing of consequence (logic)
Tweetmeme (general)
The Timpest
Feminist Philosophers

Discussions of Survey results elsewhere on the web
What's Wrong with the World (on conservatism, Christianity): 

Discussions of Survey results elsewhere on the web
The Philosopher's Eye

Discussions of Survey results elsewhere on the web
Knowledge and Experience

Boston Globe (below the climate change column)

Discussions of Survey results elsewhere on the web
Chronicle of Higher Education Blog

And some discussion in Chinese.

According to Google Webmaster, there are currently 423 links to the main survey page and 147 to the default result page (a number of sites link to the latter instead of the former). It's a little too much to look through carefully. I'll try to implement some system to automatically fetch, organize and display back links at some point. That would be handy for links to papers and other pages as well.

Discussions of Survey results elsewhere on the web
tweet (& blog) on truth: