From PhilPapers forum Philosophy of Mind:

The 'Explanatory Gap'
Reply to Stevan Harnad

Hi Stevan,

I don't disagree with anything you've said however, suggesting there is no causal role left for feeling leaves us with a potential problem; there seems to be a reliable correlation between feeling and functing.

Feeling is no ordinary epiphenomena.  Compare to a shadow which reliably correlates to that which creates the shadow.  The outline of the shadow, the light source, and that which blocks the light are all objectively measurable and reliably correlate.

Since feeling is not objectively measurable, it is no ordinary epiphenomenon.  Feeling apparantly correlates with the function.  Escaping from pain correlates with the feeling of pain, yet if there is no objectively measurable correlation, why should we presume the qualia should reliably correlate?  We are left with the assumption that feeling pain 'shadows the functing', but there is nothing objectively measurable to suggest why this epiphenomena should correlate if it serves no purpose.