The paper presents two case studies of multi-agent information exchange involving generalized quantifiers. We focus on scenarios
in which agents successfully converge to knowledge on the basis of the
information about the knowledge of others, so-called Muddy Children
puzzle and Top Hat puzzle. We investigate the relationship between
certain invariance properties of quantifiers and the successful convergence
to knowledge in such situations. We generalize the scenarios to account
for public announcements with arbitrary quantifiers. We show that the
Muddy Children puzzle is solvable for any number of agents if and only
if the quantifier in the announcement is positively active (satisfies a version of the variety condition). In order to get the characterization result,
we propose a new concise logical modeling of the puzzle based on the
number triangle representation of generalized quantifiers. In a similar
vein, we also study the Top Hat puzzle. We observe that in this case an
announcement needs to satisfy stronger conditions in order to guarantee
solvability. Hence, we introduce a new property, called bounded thickness, and show that the solvability of the Top Hat puzzle for arbitrary
number of agents is equivalent to the announcement being 1-thick.