Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Rigid Designators" by Joseph LaPorte
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This experiment has been authorized by the editors of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The original article and bibliography can be found here.
- Anscombe, G. E. M., & Geach, P. T., 1961, Three Philosophers, Ithaca: Cornell University Press. (Scholar)
- Bacon, Andrew, forthcoming, “Representing Counterparts,” Australasian Journal of Logic. (Scholar)
- Baker, Lynne R., 2000, Persons and Bodies: A Constitution View, New York: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Bealer, George, 2002, “Modal Epistemology and the Rationalist Renaissance,” in Tamar Gendler and John Hawthorne (eds.): Conceivability and Possibility, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 71–125. (Scholar)
- Besson, Corine, 2009, “Externalism, Internalism, and Logical Truth,” The Review of Symbolic Logic, 2: 1–29. (Scholar)
- Brown, Deborah, 2000, “Immanence and Individuation: Brentano and the Scholastics on Knowledge of Singulars,” The Monist, 83: 22–46. (Scholar)
- Caplan, Ben, 2005, “Against Widescopism,” Philosophical Studies, 125: 167–190. (Scholar)
- Carney, James, 1982, “A Kripkean Approach to Aesthetic Theories,” British Journal of Aesthetics, 22: 150–157. (Scholar)
- Cartwright, Richard, 1998, “On Singular Propositions”
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- Chalmers, David, 2002, “On Sense and Intension,” Philosophical Perspectives, 16: 135–82. (Scholar)
- –––, 2006, “The Foundations of Two-Dimensional Semantics,” in M. Garcia-Caprintero and J. Macia (eds.), Two-Dimensional Semantics: Foundations and Applications, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Cook, Monte, 1980, “If ‘Cat’ is a Rigid
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Studies, 37: 61–4. (Scholar)
- Davidson, Matthew, 2003, “Introduction,” in
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Oxford University Press, pp. 3–24. (Scholar)
- Devitt, Michael, 2005, “Rigid Application,” Philosophical Studies, 125: 139–165. (Scholar)
- –––, 2009, “Buenos Aires Symposium on Rigidity: Responses,” Análisis Filosófico, 29: 239–251. (Scholar)
- –––, 2020, “Stirring the Possum: Responses to the Bianchi Papers,” in Andrea Bianchi (ed.), Language and Reality from a Naturalistic Perspective, Philosophical Studies Series, vol 142. Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-47641-0_12">10.1007/978-3-030-47641-0_12">10.1007/978-3-030-47641-0_12 (Scholar)
- Devitt, Michael, and Sterelny, Kim, 1999, Language and Reality: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Language, 2nd edn. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (Scholar)
- Donnellan, Keith, 1977, “The Contingent A Priori and Rigid Designators,” Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 2: 12–27. (Scholar)
- Dranseika, Vilius, Dagys, Jonas and Berniūnas, Renatas, 2020, “Proper Names, Rigidity, and Empirical Studies on Judgments of Identity Across Transformations,” Topoi, 39: 381–388. (Scholar)
- Dummett, Michael, 1981, Frege: Philosophy of Language, 2nd edn. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
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- Evans, Gareth, 1979, “Reference and Contingency,” Monist, 62: 160–89. (Scholar)
- Everett, Anthony, 2005, “Recent Defenses of Descriptivism,” Mind & Language, 20: 103–39. (Scholar)
- Fara, Delia Graff, 2008, “Relative-Sameness Counterpart Theory,” Review of Symbolic Logic, 1: 167–189. (Scholar)
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- Fitch, G. W., 1976, “Are There Necessary A Posteriori Truths?,” Philosophical Studies, 30: 243–7. (Scholar)
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- Fitting, Melvin, and Mendelsohn, Richard, 1998, First–Order Modal Logic, Dordrecht: Kluwer. (Scholar)
- Føllesdal, Dagfinn., 1986, “Dagfinn Føllesdal:
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- Funkhouser, Eric, 2014, The Logical Structure of Kinds, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Gampel, Eric H., 1997, “Ethics, Reference, and Natural Kinds,” Philosophical Papers, 26: 147–63. (Scholar)
- García-Carpintero Manuel, 2018, “The Mill-Frege Theory of Proper Names,” Mind 127: 1107–1168, doi:10.1093/mind/fzx010. (Scholar)
- Garrett, Brian J., 2005, “Marcus, Ruth Charlotte
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- Gendler, Tamar and Hawthorne, John, 2002, “Introduction,” to Gendler and Hawthorne (eds.), Conceivability and Possibility, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 1–70. (Scholar)
- Gibbard, Allan, 1975, “Contingent Identity,” Journal of Philosophical Logic, 4: 187–221. (Scholar)
- Glüer, Kathrin and Pagin, Peter, 2011, “General Terms
and Relational Modality,” Noûs: 1–41. (Scholar)
- Gómez-Torrente, Mario, 2006, “Rigidity and Essentiality,” Mind, 115: 227–259. (Scholar)
- Haukioja, Jussi, 2006, “Proto-Rigidity,” Synthese, 150: 155–169. (Scholar)
- –––, 2012, “Rigidity and actuality-dependence,” Philosophical Studies, 157: 399–410. (Scholar)
- Haze, Tristan Grøtvedt, 2021, “A simple theory of rigidity,”
Philosophical Studies. doi:10.1007/s11098-021-01643-y
- Heintz, John, 1973, Subjects and Predicables, Mouton: The Hague. (Scholar)
- Hershenov, David, 2005, “Do Dead Bodies Pose a Problem for Biological Approaches to Personal Identity?,” Mind, 114: 31–59. (Scholar)
- Hughes, Christopher, 2004, Kripke: Names, Necessity, and Identity, Oxford: Clarendon. (Scholar)
- Hunter, David, 2005, “Soames and Widescopism,” Philosophical Studies, 123: 231–241. (Scholar)
- Inan, Ilhan, 2008, “Rigid General Terms and Essential Predicates,” Philosophical Studies, 140: 213–228 (Scholar)
- Jackson, Frank, 1998, From Metaphysics to Ethics, Oxford: Clarendon. (Scholar)
- Justice, John, 2003, “The Semantics of Rigid Designation,” Ratio, 16: 33–48. (Scholar)
- Jylkkä, Jussi, 2008, “Concepts and Reference: Defending a Dual Theory of Natural Kind Concepts,” Ph.D. Disseration, University of Turku, Finland. (Scholar)
- Kaplan, David, 1989a, “Demonstratives,” in J. Almog, H. Wettstein, and J. Perry (eds.), Themes From Kaplan, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 481–563. (Scholar)
- –––, 1989b, “Afterthoughts,” in J. Almog, H. Wettstein, and J. Perry (eds.), Themes From Kaplan, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 565–614. (Scholar)
- King, Jeffrey, 2001, “Day Designators,”
Philosophical Perspectives, 15: 291–333. (Scholar)
- –––, 2001, Complex Demonstratives. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003, “Tense, Modality, and Semantic Values,” Philosophical Perspectives, pp. 17, 195–245. (Scholar)
- –––, 2007, The Nature and Structure of Content, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- King, Peter, 2015, “Thinking About Things: Singular Thought in the Middle Ages” in Gyula Klima (ed.), Intentionality, Cognition and Mental Representation in Medieval Philosophy, New York: Fordham University Press, pp. 104–121. doi:10.5422/fordham/9780823262748.001.0001 [King 2015 available online] (Scholar)
- Kripke, Saul, 1971, “Identity and Necessity,” in M.K. Munitz (ed.), Identity and Individuation, New York: New York University Press, pp. 135–64. (Scholar)
- –––, 1976, “Is There a Problem About Substitutional Quantification?” in Gareth Evans and John McDowell (eds.), Truth and Meaning. Oxford University Press, pp. 324–419. (Scholar)
- –––, 1979, “A Puzzle About Belief,” in A. Margalit (ed.), Meaning and Use, Dordrecht: D. Reidel, pp. 239–83. (Scholar)
- –––, 1980, Naming and Necessity, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (Scholar)
- LaPorte, Joseph, 2003, “Does a Type Specimen Necessarily or Contingently Belong to Its Species?,” Biology and Philosophy, 18: 583–588. (Scholar)
- –––, 2004, Natural Kinds and Conceptual Change, New York: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2013, Rigid Designation and Theoretical Identities, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2020, “Theoretical Identities as Necessary and A Priori,” In Routledge Handbook on Linguistic Reference, eds. S. Biggs & H. Geirsson. London: Routledge, 324–334. (Scholar)
- Leddy, Thomas, 1987, “Rigid Designation in Defining Art,” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 45: 263–272. (Scholar)
- Lee, Jeonggyu, 2020, “Against Predicativism About Names,” Philosophical Studies 177: 243–261. (Scholar)
- Lewis, David, 1986, On the Plurality of Worlds, New York: Basil Blackwell. (Scholar)
- –––, 1998, “Index, Context and
Content,” in Papers in Philosophical Logic, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, pp. 21–44. (Scholar)
- Linsky, Bernard, 1984, “General Terms as Designators,” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 65: 259–76. (Scholar)
- Linsky, B., and Zalta, E., 1996, “In Defense of the Contingently Nonconcrete,” Philosophical Studies, 84: 283–294. (Scholar)
- Locke, John, 1975, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Peter H. Nidditch (ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- López de Sa, Dan, 2008, “The Over-Generalization
Problem: Predicates Rigidly Signifying the
‘Unnatural’.” Synthese, 163:
263–272 (Scholar)
- Lowe, E.J., 2008, “Two Notions of Being: Entity and Essence,” Philosophy, 83: 23–48. (Scholar)
- Martí, Genoveva, 1998, “Rigidity and the Description of Counterfactual Situations,” Theoria, 13: 477–90. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003, “The Question of Rigidity in New Theories of Reference,” Noûs 37: 161 –79. (Scholar)
- Matthews, Gareth B., 2005, Augustine, Malden, MA: Blackwell. (Scholar)
- Merricks, Trenton, 2001, Objects and Persons, Oxford: Clarendon. (Scholar)
- Meyer, Ulrich, 2013, “Counterpart Theory and the Actuality Operator,” Mind, 122: 27–42. (Scholar)
- Miller, Kristie, 2005, “The Metaphysical Equivalence of Three and Four Dimensionalism,” Erkenntnis, 62: 91–117. (Scholar)
- Nelson, Michael, 2002, “Descriptivism Defended,” Noûs, 36: 408–36. (Scholar)
- Nimtz, Christian, 2019, “Kripkean Meta-Semantics and Generalized Rigidity.” Philosophical Quarterly 69: 332–353. doi:10.1093/pq/pqy059. (Scholar)
- Ninan, Dilip, 2012, “Propositions, Semantic Values, and Rigidity.” Philosophical Studies 158: 401–413. (Scholar)
- Noonan, Harold, 2013, Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Kripke and Naming and Necessity. Oxon: Routledge. (Scholar)
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Against Moral Realism: Revisited,” Metaphysica 21: 151–165, doi:10.1515/mp-2020-0004. (Scholar)
- Nowak, Ethan, 2019, “Complex demonstratives, hidden arguments, and presupposition,” Synthese 198: 1–36. doi:10.1007/s11229-019-02250-5. (Scholar)
- Nunberg, G., 1993, “Indexicality and Deixis,” Linguistics and Philosophy, 16: 1–43. (Scholar)
- Oppy, G., 1994, “Salmon on the Contingent a Priori and the Necessary a Posteriori,” Philosophical Studies, 73: 5–33. (Scholar)
- Plantinga, Alvin, 1974, The Nature of Necessity, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1985, “Self-Profile,” in J.
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Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 3–97. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003, Essays in the Metaphysics of
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Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 2011, Where the Conflict Really Lies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
- Putnam, Hilary, 1975, Mind, Language and Reality, New York: Cambridge University Press. (Scholar)
- Quinn, Philip L., 1978, “Some Problems about Resurrection,” Religious Studies, 14: 343–59. (Scholar)
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- Rami, Dolf, 2019, “Names and Their Kind of Rigidity,”Erkenntnis, 84: 257–282. (Scholar)
- Rea, Michael (ed.), 1997, Material Constitution, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. (Scholar)
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Philosophical Books, 50: 125–141. (Scholar)
- Russell, Jeffrey, 2013, “Actuality For Counterpart Theorists,” Mind, 122: 85–134. (Scholar)
- Salmon, Nathan, 1981, Reference and Essence, Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1986, Frege’s Puzzle, Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press. (Scholar)
- –––, 1987–1988, “How to Measure the Standard Metre,” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 88: 193–217. (Scholar)
- –––, 2003, “Naming, Necessity, and Beyond,” Mind, 112: 475–92. (Scholar)
- –––, 2005, “Are General Terms
Rigid?,” Linguistics and Philosophy, 28:
117–134. (Scholar)
- –––, 2020, “Naming and Non-necessity,” in Andrea Bianchi (ed.), Language and Reality from a Naturalistic Perspective, Philosophical Studies Series, vol 142. Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-47641-0_12 (Scholar)
- Schoubye, Anders, 2018, “The Predicative Predicament,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 96: 571–595. 10.1111/phpr.12336 (Scholar)
- Schwartz, Stephen P., 2002, “Kinds, General Terms, and Rigidity: A Reply to LaPorte,” Philosophical Studies, 109: 265–77. (Scholar)
- –––, 2018, “Against Rigidity for Natural Kind Terms,” Synthese. doi:10.1007/s11229-018-1857-x (Scholar)
- –––, 2020, “Against Rigidity for General Terms,” in Andrea Bianchi (ed.), Language and Reality from a Naturalistic Perspective, Philosophical Studies Series, vol 142. Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-47641-0_12 (Scholar)
- Shieh, Sanford, 2001, “Meaning, Rigidity, and
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- Sidelle, Alan, 1992, “Rigidity, Ontology and Semantic Structure,” Journal of Philosophy, 89: 410–30. (Scholar)
- –––, 1995, “A Semantic Account of Rigidity,” Philosophical Studies, 80: 69–105. (Scholar)
- –––, 2002, “Is There a True Metaphysics of Material Objects?” Philosophical Issues, 12 ( Realism and Relativism): 118–145. (Scholar)
- Smith, Quentin, 1989, “The Multiple Uses of Indexicals,” Synthese, 78: 167–191. (Scholar)
- Soames, Scott, 2002, Beyond Rigidity: The Unfinished Semantic Agenda of Naming and Necessity, New York: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
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- –––, 2006, “Reply to Critics,” Philosophical Studies, 128: 711–38. (Scholar)
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- Sosa, David, 2001, “Rigidity in the Scope of Russell’s
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- Stalnaker, Robert, 2003, Ways a World Might Be, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Scholar)
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- Stanley, Jason, 1997a, “Names and Rigid Designation,” in Bob Hale and Crispin Wright (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Language, Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 555–85. (Scholar)
- –––, 1997b, “Rigidity and Content,” in R. Heck (ed.), Language, Thought, and Logic: Essays in Honour of Michael Dummett, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 131–56. (Scholar)
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- Sullivan, Arthur, 2005, “Rigid, Designation, Direct Reference, and Modal Metaphysics,” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 86.4: 577–599. (Scholar)
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- Van Fraassen, B., 1984, “Belief and the Will,” The Journal of Philosophy, 81: 235–256. (Scholar)
- Varzi, Achille C., 2003, “Naming the Stages,” Dialectica, 57: 387–412. (Scholar)
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