Warszawa: Scholar (
My main aim is to answer the question regarding the relationship between concepts and sensuous cognition on the basis of Kant’s critical philosophy. I argue that concepts are a part of the sensuous experience. The key question regarding the shape of this relation and the way concepts interconnect with sensibility are formulated in terms of the so-called rule-following problem that I try to resolve with reference to the function of the so-called power of judgment and Kant’s Third Critique.
I argue that the Kantian answer to the rule-following problem is not based only on the rejection of the necessity of a metaphysical criterion, since concepts and intuitions are epistemologically indiscriminable, and the rejection of an epistemological criterion, since the possibility of cognition and meaning presupposes a subjective feeling of agreement between singular and general representations. I claim that the possibility of rule-following presupposes having an ability to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant rules.