Results for 'Merih Welay Welesilassie'

  1.  15
    "Only Amharic or Leave Quick!": Linguistic Genocide in the Western Tigray Region of Ethiopia.Merih Welay Welesilassie & Berhane Gerencheal - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-39.
    Language is a powerful tool that enables communication and shapes our identity and cultural practices. The right to choose one's language is a fundamental human right that helps preserve personal and communal identities. In a multilingual nation like Ethiopia, language goes beyond communication to define administrative boundaries. Consequently, depriving Ethiopians of their linguistic rights becomes a more complex punishment than food embargoes. This research investigated the motives and means by which the Amhara Regional State-enforced a monolingual and monocultural language education (...)
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