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  1. Bunken kenkyū Marukusu-shugi hōgaku.Masayasu Hasegawa & Isamu Fujita (eds.) - 1972 - Tōkyō: Nihon Hyōronsha.
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  2. Gendaihō no kihon genri.Masayasu Hasegawa, Miyauchi Hiroshi & Yōzō Watanabe (eds.) - 1962 - Tōkyō: San'ichi Shobō.
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  3. Hito no genten o kangaeru: shinka seibutsu gakusha no gendai shakairon 100-wa.Mariko Hasegawa - 2023 - Tōkyō-to Meguro-ku: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
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  4. Hōgaku no kiso riron.Masayasu Hasegawa, Miyauchi Hiroshi & Yōzō Watanabe (eds.) - 1962 - Tōkyō: San'ichi Shobō.
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    Irradiation-induced vacancy and Cu aggregations in Fe-Cu model alloys of reactor pressure vessel steels: state-of-the-art positron annihilation spectroscopy.M. Hasegawa, Z. Tang, Y. Nagai, T. Chiba, E. Kuramoto & M. Takenaka - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (4-7):467-478.
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    Marukushizumu hōgaku nyūmon.Masayasu Hasegawa - 1952
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    Nihongo no tetsugaku e.Michiko Hasegawa - 2010 - Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō.
    「日本語の哲学」を目指すとは、いったいどんなことなのか。―少なくともそれは、古代ギリシャに始まった西洋の哲学をただ日本語で受容する、ということではないはずである。かつて和辻哲郎が挑んだその課題は、いま 、もっとも挑戦しがいのあるテーマとして研究者を待ちかまえている。ここに展開するのは、パルメニデス、デカルト、ハイデッガーといった哲学者たちと、「日本語」をもって切りむすぶ、知的バトルの数々である。これ までに類を見ない知的冒険の姿がここにある。.
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    Elevated temperature, strain rate jump microcompression of nanocrystalline nickel.Gaurav Mohanty, Jeffrey M. Wheeler, Rejin Raghavan, Juri Wehrs, Madoka Hasegawa, Stefano Mischler, Laetitia Philippe & Johann Michler - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (16-18):1878-1895.
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    Analysis on Effectiveness of Surrogate Data-Based Laser Chaos Decision Maker.Norihiro Okada, Mikio Hasegawa, Nicolas Chauvet, Aohan Li & Makoto Naruse - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-9.
    The laser chaos decision maker has been demonstrated to enable ultra-high-speed solutions of multiarmed bandit problems or decision-making in the GHz order. However, the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. In this paper, we analyze the chaotic dynamics inherent in experimentally observed laser chaos time series via surrogate data and further accelerate the decision-making performance via parameter optimization. We first evaluate the negative autocorrelation in a chaotic time series and its impact on decision-making detail. Then, we analyze the decision-making ability (...)
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    Atomic scale modeling of {110} twist grain boundaries in α-iron: Structure and energy properties.J. B. Yang, Y. Nagai, M. Hasegawa & YuN Osetsky - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (7-8):991-1000.
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  11. Typed lambda calculi and applications: 11th International Conference, TLCA 2013, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, June 26-28, 2013: proceedings.Masahito Hasegawa (ed.) - 2013 - New york: Springer.
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