Results for 'asmens duomenų teisinė apsauga'

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  1.  18
    Legal Regulation of Electronic Marketing.Mindaugas Kiškis - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 121 (3):349-370.
    The article analyses the legal regulation of electronic marketing in the European context. The historical and teleological perspective on past and present regulations of electronic marketing is provided. Emphasis is given on the ability of the legal rules to preserve the balance of private and entrepreneurial interests, and the desirable principles of the regulation of the socially beneficial electronic marketing. The paper concludes that the harmonization of legal regulation of electronic marketing at the European Union level is limited, which causes (...)
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    Jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice over Issues Relating to the Common Foreign and Security Policy under the Lisbon Treaty.Loreta Saltinyte - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 119 (1):261-279.
    Although the Lisbon Treaty maintained the general exclusion of Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) matters from ECJ jurisdiction, it introduced a number of changes into this area, including an explicit statement that the Court is competent to review the legality of the Council decisions imposing restraining measures on persons. The article analyzes the nature and origin of those changes and considers the legal implications for the level of the protection of fundamental rights in the European Union. For this purpose (...)
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    Concept of the Right to Health Care.Paulius Čelkis & Eglė Venckienė - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (1):269-286.
    On the grounds of the fundamental value of the human rights, which is the human dignity, this article describes a basis of the right to health care in terms of quality, discloses its concept, reviews the spheres of health system in which this right is exercised: health care and public health. The right to health care is stressed as one of the fundamental rights, without which the person will not able to enjoy other rights: economic, political and social rights. It (...)
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    The Nature of Investigation Proceedings of Legal Entity under the Civil Code of Lithuania.Agnė Tikniūtė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (2):525-541.
    With reference to the Dutch model, which has been adopted by the Lithuanian Civil Code, the possibility to renounce Investigation Proceedings in the Articles of Incorporation or shareholder agreements is analysed in this article. The mandatory nature of the Investigation Proceedings is derived from the provisions of the Code, mainly: from an active role of the court, typical to the cases with the element of public interest, from specific rules for protecting the public interest in the course of the Investigation (...)
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    Human Life as Legal Value and its Protection in the Roman Law (article in Lithuanian).Marius Jonaitis & Albertas Milinis - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (3):821-840.
    Right to life is an essential natural right protected and defended by law. The aim of this publication is to discuss the main issues regarding human right to life and its protection in the Roman law. Article deals with the problems of beginning and end of the human life and legal capacity in Rome, elements of legal protection of slaves and family members subject to pater familias life as well as the principle crimes attempting to human life. First of all, (...)
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    Is there a Need for Extension of Subsidiary Protection in the European Union Qualification Directive?Lyra Jakulevičienė - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 120 (2):215-232.
    The establishment of the Common European Asylum System by 2012 remains a key policy objective for the European Union. According to the Council of the European Union, the development of a Common Asylum Policy should be based on a full and inclusive application of the 1951 Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and other relevant international treaties. In the European Pact on Immigration and Asylum attention is brought to the persistence of wide disparities amongst Member States in the (...)
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  7. Fizinio asmens bankroto problema.Teisiniai Aspektai - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 121 (3):213-232.
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  8. Teisinės pasekmės pažeidus pareigą kreiptis į teisingumo teismą prejudicinio sprendimo.Regina Valutytė - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 121 (3):177-194.
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    „Nichts“ ir „Il y a“ problema kaip asmens tapatumo koreliatyvumas.Luc Anckaert - 2017 - Žmogus ir Žodis 19 (4).
    Dialogo filosofijos mąstytojų Rosenzweig‘o ir Levino darbų esmė – mirties bedugnės ir asmens tapatumo santykis. Rosenzweig‘as niekį laiko galutiniu kantiškojo mąstymo tašku. Mirtis, kaip egzistencinis niekio patyrimas, buvo laikoma kiekvieno žmogaus realybe sudėtingu amžių sandūros laikotarpiu. Rosenzweig‘ui niekis buvo atspirties taškas, permąstant ir siekiant išsaugoti asmens tapatumą. Asmens tapatumas apsaugo nuo niekio, tačiau jis taip pat yra atviras pokyčiams. Savo ankstyvuosiuose tekstuose Levinas daro panašias prielaidas, laikydamas Buvimą asmens tapatumo pradžia. Levinas plėtojo dialektinę fenomenologiją pradėdamas nuo (...)
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  10. Junginių teisės vaidmuo įgyvendinant teisinės valstybės doktriną lietuvos didžiojoje kunigaikštystėje.Aristokratinei Valstybei Alternatyvi - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 121 (3):39-53.
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  11. NUkeNtėJUsio NUo NUsikalstaMos veikos asMeNs teisė kReiptis į teisMą kaip teisMiNės gyNybos RealizaviMo baUdžiaMaJaMe pRocese pRielaida.Rima Ažubalytė - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 122 (4):221-244.
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    Viltis – esminis asmens tobulėjimo veiksnys personalizmo perspektyvoje.Eugenijus Danilevičius - 2019 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 98.
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    Kultūros ir kalbos įtaka asmens identiteto raidai.Irena Darginavičienė - 2018 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 95:164-176.
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    Pavardė kultūrinės globalizacijos kontekste: „asmens prekės ženklas“ ar kalbos paveldo dalis?Aušra Žemienė - 2018 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 94:179-189.
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  15. Pagrindinių teisių apsauga pagal Europos žmogaus teisių konvenciją ir Europos Sąjungos teisę.Danutė Jočienė - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 121 (3):97-113.
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  16. Plačiai žinomų prekių ženklų teisinės apsaugos ribos: Teisinio reguliavimo problemos.Danguolė Klimkevičiūtė - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 115 (1):267-294.
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  17. Penitencinės sistemos teisinės raidos perspektyvos lietuvoje.Simona Mesonienė - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 117 (3):197-216.
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  18. Pilietinė visuomenė kaip teisinės valstybės egzistavimo garantas: Lietuvos patirtis 1918–1940 metais.Kristina Miliauskaitė & Gintaras Šapoka - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 115 (1):183-198.
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  19. Autorių teisių ir Sui generis teisių į duomenų bazes subjektai.Ramūnas Birštonas - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 116 (2):211-227.
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    Tarptautinės jūrų misijos personalizmas: jūrininko kaip asmens psichologinio pripažinimo bazė.Saulius Lileikis - 2022 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 113.
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  21. Kovo 11-oji: Nepriklausomybės atkūrimo teisinė konstrukcija.Vytautas Sinkevičius - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 121 (3):55-71.
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  22. Vertybės sampratos turinio erdvė ir jos reikšmė asmens gyvenime ir valstybės politikoje.Vilija Targamadzė - 2017 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 90:99-106.
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    Bažnyčių bei kitų religinių organizacijų teisinė būklė pagal Lietuvos Respublikos Konstituciją.Vaidotas A. Vaičaitis - 2022 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 110.
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  24. Fenomenologijos ir natūralizmo suderinamumo klausimas Shauno Gallagherio filosofijoje.Paulius Rimkevičius & Mintautas Gutauskas - 2014 - Problemos 86:120-126.
    Straipsnis nagrinėja, kaip Shaunas Gallagheris sprendžia fenomenologijos ir natūralizmo suderinamumo klausimą. Pirmoje dalyje aptariamas Gallagherio tyrimų atspirties taškas: fenomenologinės kūno schemos sampratos pritaikymas interpretuojant trečiojo asmens prieiga gautus duomenis. Antroje dalyje aptariamas bendras Gallagherio fenomenologijos natūralizavimo projektas: argumentai už tai, kad į natūralistinę programą būtų įtrauktos ne paskiros fenomenologų įžvalgos, bet metodiškas pirmojo asmens prieigos taikymas. Trečioje dalyje aptariami argumentai prieš fenomenologijos natūralizavimą. Teigiama, kad pagrindinė problema fenomenologiją ir natūralizmą derinančiam filosofui – mąstymo fenomenologijos natūralizavimas. Galiausiai bandoma apibrėžti (...)
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    Ekonominių ir religinių veiksnių įtaka postmaterialistinių vertybių sklaidai pirmojoje pokomunistinėje kartoje: lyginamoji 24 šalių analizė.Laura Daukšaitė - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (4 Special).
    Šiame straipsnyje pirmosios pokomunistinės kartos (gim. 1991–2000) vertybių analizei 24-iose pokomunistinėse šalyse pasitelkiama Ronaldo Ingleharto materialistinių-postmaterialistinių vertybių kaitos teorija. 1990–1993 m., 1999–2004 m., 2008– 2014 m. ir 2017–2022 m. bangų Pasaulio ir Europos vertybių tyrimų duomenų analizė leidžia daryti išvadas, kad daugumoje pokomunistinių šalių postmaterialistinės vertybės pirmojoje pokomunistinėje kartoje, palyginti su vyresnėmis kartomis, sustiprėjo. Tokia tendencija ypač ryški ekonomiškai stipriose pokomunistinėse šalyse, tačiau matoma ir ekonomiškai nepasiturinčiose. Tik šešiose šalyse fiksuotas statistiškai reikšmingas ryšys tarp religijos svarbos žmogaus gyvenime ir materialistinių-postmaterialistinių (...)
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  26. Nežudyk, nevok, nemeluok: preliminarus lietuviams kognityviai raiškiausių moralinių nusižengimų tyrimas.Renatas Berniūnas & Vilius Dranseika - 2017 - Žmogus ir Žodis 19 (4).
    Kokie veiksmai yra kognityviškai raiškiausi, labiausiai prototipiški moralės transgresijų pavyzdžiai? Deja, šiuo metu yra labai nedaug tyrimų, siekiančių sistemiškai nagrinėti šį klausimą. Šiuo straipsniu siekiame prisidėti prie šio klausimo sprendimo pristatydami preliminarius tyrimo duomenis apie tai, kurie veiksmai tyrimo dalyviams lietuviams buvo raiškiausi. Pirmajame tyrime pritaikius kognityvinės antropologijos metodus buvo nustatyti tyrimo dalyviams iš Lietuvos raiškiausi moralinių transgresijų atvejai. Antrajame tyrime dalyvių buvo prašoma šiuos veiksmus suskirstyti į kategorijas, paimtas iš Haidto moralės pagrindų teorijos. Paėmus kartu, šie tyrimai suteikia preliminarių (...)
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  27. The Fourth Kant’s Antinomy and the Odyssey of Levinas’ Subject.Jūratė Baranova - 2007 - Problemos 71:148-156.
    Straipsnyje svarstomas teorinis judesys, kuriuo Emmanuelis Levinas grindë savàjà asmens tapatumosampratà, prieðingà Vakarø filosofijos klasikiniame racionalizme ir fenomenologijoje susiklosèiusiossavimonës kaip sàmonës tapatumo sau prielaidai. Kanto asmens tapatumo koncepcija taip pat liekaðioje „antileviniðkoje“ paradigmoje, taèiau Levinas pasitelkia ketvirtàjà Kanto antinomijà kaip iðlaisvinanèià subjektyvumà ið laiko spàstø. Straipsnyje keliamas klausimas, kaip Levinas perðoka nuo dinamiðko laiko sekmens problemos prie subjekto tapatumo kaip jo socialumo klausimo. Koká vaidmenáðioje naujoje asmens tapatumo sampratoje vaidina Fiodoro Dostojevskio romanø kai kuriø veikëjøvertybinëms prielaidoms labai (...)
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    Influence of the European Union Directive 2004/83/EC on the Interpretation of Definition of Refugee.Laurynas Biekša - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 117 (3):251-261.
    The 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees embody fundamental provisions of refugee law. However, since the adoption of these documents the world has changed dramatically and the laws are not developing fast enough in order to catch up with dynamically changing contemporary situations. The application and interpretation of definition of a refugee was developed through traditional practice of Western states, which was influenced by two world wars and the (...)
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    Dynamics of Crimes against the Security of Electronic Data and Information Systems and its Influence on the Development of Electronic Business in Lithuania.Tatjana Bilevičienė & Eglė Bilevičiūtė - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (2):689-702.
    The development of an information society and information technologies does not result in positive consequences only. Individuals with criminal intent also find their niche. Information security includes the creation of the input, processing and output processes of protection. The objective of information security is to protect the system of values, to protect and ensure accuracy and integrity and to minimize losses that may be incurred if the information is modified or destroyed. In the development of an information society, the new (...)
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    Owners of Databases Copyright and Sui Generis Right.Ramūnas Birštonas - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 116 (2):211-227.
    Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the legal protection of databases of 11 March 1996, which was intended to protect the interests of the makers of databases, determined that databases could be protected by double rights: copyright and sui generis right. The article first of all analyses what persons are entitled to be acknowledged as holders of copyright and sui generis right in respect of a newly created database. As the issue of the owner of (...)
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  31. Kavoliška laisvės sociologija ir jos dėmenys.Dainius Genys - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 35 (2).
    Žymus Lietuvos sociologas Vytautas Kavolis visą akademinę karjerą plačiai tyrinėjo laisvės klausimą, nors ir nenaudojo „laisvės sociologijos“ pavadinimo. Jo daugiamatė analizė apėmė politines institucijas, kultūros normas, istorinę evoliuciją ir globalias perspektyvas, atskleisdama sudėtingą visuomenės struktūrų ir asmens laisvių sąveiką. Šiame straipsnyje politinės sociologijos požiūriu, išskaidant laisvės ir jos apraiškų įvairiuose visuomenės kontekstuose supratimą, bandoma kristalizuoti V. Kavolio sociologinius rėmus. V. Kavolio tarpdisciplininis požiūris, metodologinis originalumas ir reflektyvi analizė prisidėjo prie gilaus visuomenės laisvėjimo dinamikos ir galios santykių tyrinėjimo, metė iššūkį (...)
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    Asylum Legal Framework and Policy of the Slovak Republic.Lucia Hurná - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (4):1383-1405.
    After the establishment of the independent Slovak Republic, legal and institutional ground rules were set for providing asylum to foreigners present on the territory of the Slovak Republic. The national legislation of the last twenty years was adopted in compliance with international treaties and the European Union instruments covering asylum matters. In the field of asylum policy, the Slovak Republic complies with its traditional pillars and supports new forms of protection following the new challenges faced by the international community. The (...)
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    Laisvi ir laimingi? Laimės dinamika Lietuvoje kartų kaitos perspektyvoje.Rūta Žiliukaitė - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (S4).
    Pastaruoju metu pasaulyje vis labiau populiarėja laimės kaip atskiros socialinių tyrimų srities studijos, nes vis daugiau dėmesio skiriama gyvenimo kokybės aspektams. Mokslininkai sprendžia klausimus: kas lemia, kad žmonės jaučiasi laimingi; ar esame laimingi vienodai; ką tai atskleidžia apie mus kaip visuomenę; ar skirtingų kartų žmonėms laimė reiškia tuos pačius dalykus; ar laisvoje aukštesnio gerbūvio visuomenėje formuojasi laimingesnių žmonių karta.Šiame straipsnyje, pasitelkiant 1990, 1999, 2008 ir 2017 metų Europos vertybių tyrimo duomenis, analizuojama laimės lygio dinamika Lietuvoje, siekiant išsiaiškinti, kaip skirtingi sociodemografiniai (...)
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    Constitutional Problems of Depersonalizing Judicial Procedural Decisions.Algimantas Šindeikis - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 117 (3):41-58.
    This publication analyzes the issue of depersonalization in the field of constitutional substantiation of judicial resolutions, judgements, verdicts and rulings (hereinafter, judicial procedural decisions). Electronic databases are the primary source of information about judicial procedural resolutions for judges, reporters, as well as for the public-at-large. As for judicial practice, the data regarding parties of a case is depersonalised in these databases. Personal names are either replaced with initials, or a message “depersonalized data” is included. The constitutional substantiation for such a (...)
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    Protection of Creditors' Rights in Asset Deal.Asta Jakutytė-Sungailienė - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (1):199-212.
    The Civil Code of Lithuania re-established enterprise (business) as a self-sufficient object of civil rights and introduced several legal transanctions with it, the so- called asset deals (sale-purchase of enterprise and lease of enterprise). Since every transfer of enterprise comprises the transfer (delegation) of debts to the new owner, the legal regulation on asset deals must be orientated to the protection of creditors’ rights. However, the legal practice showed that the existing legal regulation regarding asset deals, in particular the mechanism (...)
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    Goals of Concentration Control and the Main Legal Tests for the Evaluation of Concentrations.Saulius Katuoka & Eglė Leonavičiūtė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (2):605-624.
    The main goal of concentration control and basic legal tests applied worldwide for the evaluation of concentrations, such as “dominance”, “significant impediment of competition” and “substantial lessening of competition” are analysed in this article. Every control, whatever its nature, is implemented in order to reach certain goals. In the first part of this article we analyse the goals of concentration control in different jurisdictions – mostly in the European Union, the USA and Lithuania. Four basic market security standards are excluded: (...)
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    Reducing Irrationality of Legal Methodology by Realistic Description of Interpretative Tools and Teaching the Causes of Irrationality in Legal Education.Hans Paul Prümm - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 115 (1):199-219.
    Lawyers pretend as if the process of application of laws, as well as its outcome, could be an analytic-deductive derivation; especially law students learn that legal decision-making is primarily a logic process. But we know that application of laws depends on analytic-logical as well as on voluntaristic (wilful) elements. Exact relations between these components are unknown and will be unknown. At most German law schools students as the most important imperative tool learn the so called “Auslegung” through the use of (...)
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    The Right to Judicial Defence in the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania.Armanas Abramavičius - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 117 (3):21-40.
    The article deals with the constitutional right of a person to apply to court. While construing this constitutionally entrenched right of a person, one analyses the doctrine of the right of a person to apply to court, which was formed in the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania. The right of a person to court is entrenched expressis verbis in Paragraph 1 of Article 30 of the Constitution whereby the person whose constitutional rights or freedoms are (...)
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    European Union Accession to the European Convention on Human Rights: Stronger Protection of Fundamental Rights in Europe?Loreta Šaltinytė - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 120 (2):177-196.
    The treaty of Lisbon makes European Union (EU) accession to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) an obligation of result. The issue has been intensely discussed for more than thirty years, arguing that such accession is necessary in view of the need to ensure the ECHR standard of fundamental rights protection in Europe. This question again gains prominence as the EU member states and the institutions seek to agree on the negotiation directives of EU accession to the ECHR. The (...)
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    Workplace Privacy: Different Views and Arising Issues.Tomas Bagdanskis & Paulius Sartatavičius - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (2):697-713.
    This article discusses the problematic aspects relating to the employee privacy in his workplace and its limits reacting to employer‘s interests. It contains analysis of National, European and transatlantic legislation of privacy in the workplace and concentrates on the electronic privacy (e-mails, communications, etc.). The article is based on legal acts and judgements of the Supreme court of Lithuania, European Court of Human Rights and other countries courts judgements in order to provide the legislative execution practice as well as reveal (...)
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    Problems of Application of Detention of Asylum Seekers in the Practice of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania.Laurynas Biekša & Eglė Samuchovaitė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (4):1407-1422.
    The question of detention of asylum seekers is specific due to the special situation of detainees (persons who have experienced human rights violations and apply for asylum in receiving country) and due to peculiarities of detention itself (persons have not committed crimes, but come or stay illegally because they have been forced to do so by fleeing from human rights violations). Therefore, lately it raises many discussions at the European level. Sooner or later, discussions influence national laws, as after adopting (...)
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    The Refugee Qualification Problems in LGBT Asylum Cases.Laurynas Biekša - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (4):1555-1565.
    In 2011 there are 76 countries of the world still criminalising same-sex sexual acts between consenting adults. In seven of those countries homosexual acts are punishable with death penalty (i.e., Mauritania, Sudan, the northern states of Nigeria, the southern parts of Somalia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen). Homophobic (transphobic) attitudes are also frequent in many societies. However, the LGBT asylum seekers are frequently left outside the refugee definition due to many refugee qualification problems in LGBT cases. Therefore, in this article the (...)
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    Legal Effects of Registration of Ownership in Immovable Property.Ramūnas Birštonas & Viktorija Budreckienė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (4):1479-1493.
    The principle of publicity is one of the fundamental principles of property law: property rights should be made public in order to inform third parties about the existence of the property right and its holder and thereby to foster legal certainty and efficiency. The publicity of ownership in immovable property is achieved through registration of ownership in the public register. However, the problem arises because of the unavoidable discrepancies between the data contained in the public register and the factual situation. (...)
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    Safeguarding of Credit and Bankruptcy: History and Regulating Tendencies. The Italian Experience.Barbara Biscotti - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 120 (2):325-340.
    The safeguarding of credit represents one of the most important economic and juridical challenges for every complex society. Just by reading the news we can realize how current this topic is for us. By thinking back over the history of ideas and the social, economic, and political reasons that got Law makers to legislate on this subject, we can better understand what’s happening today and in which direction our societies are going. An analysis of the Italian juridical system’s development on (...)
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    Social Purpose of Private Property.Solveiga Cirtautienė & Dalia Vasarienė - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 118 (4):105-122.
    Lithuania had a different experience in legal regulation of private property. There were periods when right to private ownership was denied and on the other hand – the periods when right to private ownership was respected and protected. Authors wanted to review today’s status of rights to private property in retrospective. The main purpose of the article is to reveal functions of private property in Lithuania. The article analyzes peculiarities of legal regulation of private property in Lithuania during different stages (...)
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  46.  24
    Ambivalences in Consumer Law: Remarks on the Effects of Writing the Law.Vincent Forray - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (3):971-1003.
    In every legal system, consumer law indicates problems that it is supposed to solve: imbalance, unfairness and unconscionability. It raises important questions about a legal system’s pre-existing ability to deal with those problems. In a way, consumer law’s very presence in a legal system judges that system. When considering consumer law as a part of the system, an opposition arises between two kinds of discourse. First, there is a discourse, which constructs consumer law as a legal entity apart from the (...)
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    The Problem of Bankruptcy of Natural Persons: Legal Aspects (text only in Lithuanian).Edita Gruodytė, Julija Kiršienė & Paulius Astromskis - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 121 (3):213-232.
    The modern doctrine of the “fresh start” reflects the differences between the past paradigm of punishment of the insolvent person and the current focus on the economic effectiveness and activeness. Global practice in the field of insolvency shows that the “limited liability rule” is eminently effective in the economic and social perspective. The appending threat of abuse and misapplication of the system might be neutralized through the legal regulation of prevention and rehabilitation means, which are analyzed in this article. The (...)
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    Interim Measures in Administrative Proceedings: Specifics of Environmental Cases.Werner Heermann, Rasa Ragulskytė-Markovienė & Indrė Žvaigždinienė - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (1):207-233.
    Interim measures are procedural means that allow persons or States to have their rights preserved when a case is pending. Application of these measures especially in environmental cases is very important. In many of these cases (e.g. cases dealing with territorial planning, IPPC permits, environmental impact assessment, etc.) the claims deal with the protection of environment or its components (water, air, soil, etc.) as well as with the protection of public interest. Legal regulation of application of interim measures provided by (...)
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    Lessons of the First EU Court of Justice Judgments in Asylum Cases.Lyra Jakulevičienė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (2):477-505.
    Starting from 2009, national courts of the EU Member States for the first time gained a “real” right to request the EU Court of Justice for preliminary rulings in asylum matters. First judgments of this Court demonstrate equivocal tendencies: some are blaming the Court for incompetence in asylum matters, others believe that the adoption of authoritative decisions at the European level will assist in developing consistent practice of applying asylum law in the European Union, something that failed at international level (...)
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  50.  22
    Reception Conditions Directive: Concerns of Transposition into Lithuanian Legislation and Implementation.Lyra Jakulevičienė & Laurynas Biekša - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 115 (1):313-333.
    The 6th of February 2005 marks the deadline of transposition of the EU Council Directive No. 2003/9/EC (Reception Conditions‘ Directive) into national legislation. This article is the second in a series of articles on transposition of the European Union Asylum Directives in Lithuania and remaining concerns. It analyses the transposition of the Reception Conditions Directive in the country, the impact of the directive‘s provisions on the development of the Lithuanian asylum law and draws attention to the remaining concerns in relation (...)
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