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  1.  32
    George Santayana i problem wolności.Adam Grzeliński & Alicja Pietras - 2023 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 14 (3):123-146.
    This article is a commentary and an introduction to the Polish translation of George Santayana’s work, Freedom, which is a chapter in the fourth volume of his series, The Realms of Being, titled The Realm of Spirit (1940). It provides an overview of his previous works, particularly his series The Life of Reason (1905–1906) and Scepticism and Animal Faith (1926). Additionally, it briefly examines the evolution of Santayana’s standpoint and the meaning of the fundamental categories and concepts of his ontology. (...)
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  2.  30
    Wolność.George Santayana, Adam Grzeliński, Rafał Michalski & Alicja Pietras - 2023 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 14 (3):147-166.
    Niniejszy esej stanowi piąty rozdział tomu The Realm of Spirit kończącego cykl The Realms of Being. Podstawą przekładu jest pierwsze wydanie dzieła: George Santayana, The Realms of Being (London: Constable and Co., Ltd., Toronto: The Macmillan Company, 1940), 67–89. -/- This essay is the fifth chapter of The Realm of Spirit volume concluding The Realms of Being series. The translation is based on the first edition of the work: George Santayana, The Realms of Being (London: Constable and Co., Ltd., Toronto: (...)
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  3. Konceptualizm Richarda Burthogge'a i jego źródła w średniowiecznej optyce perspektywistycznej.Bartosz Żukowski - 2023 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 14 (1):31-54.
    "Richard Burthogge's Conceptualism and Its Origins in the Medieval Perspectivist Optics" The paper aims to analyse the historical determinants of the conceptualist argument for epistemological idealism made by the seventeenth-century English philosopher Richard Burthogge. The crux of this argument, unprecedented in earlier philosophy, is an attempt to prove the inherent inadequacy of human cognition from the divergence between the general concepts and the extra-mental singulars. At the same time, Burthogge considers the relationship between the universal and the particular to be (...)
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