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  1. Contemporary attitudes and studies of human sexuality and family life.Ph J. Arland Thornton - forthcoming - Communicating the Catholic Vision of Life: Proceedings of the Twelfth Bishops' Workshop, Dallas, Texas.
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  2. New theories of physical causes of homosexuality and moral behavior.A. Fred S. Berlin - forthcoming - Communicating the Catholic Vision of Life: Proceedings of the Twelfth Bishops' Workshop, Dallas, Texas.
  3. Communicating the catholic vision: The culture of life.Richard M. Doerflinger - forthcoming - Communicating the Catholic Vision of Life: Proceedings of the Twelfth Bishops' Workshop, Dallas, Texas.
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  4. Success stories: Natural family planning.Kay Ek - forthcoming - Communicating the Catholic Vision of Life: Proceedings of the Twelfth Bishops' Workshop, Dallas, Texas.
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  5. Success stories: Teaching the Christian vision of sexuality to the young.Rose Fuller - forthcoming - Communicating the Catholic Vision of Life: Proceedings of the Twelfth Bishops' Workshop, Dallas, Texas.
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  6. Teaching effectively the Christian vision of responsible parenthood.Robert P. George & D. Jjx - forthcoming - Communicating the Catholic Vision of Life: Proceedings of the Twelfth Bishops' Workshop, Dallas, Texas.
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  7. Effective ways of countering abortion today.Dolores Bernadette Grier - forthcoming - Communicating the Catholic Vision of Life: Proceedings of the Twelfth Bishops' Workshop, Dallas, Texas.
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  8. Population questions: Factual studies and contemporary derates.Jacqueline Kasun - forthcoming - Communicating the Catholic Vision of Life: Proceedings of the Twelfth Bishops' Workshop, Dallas, Texas.
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  9. The impact of dissent on catholic teaching and.Christian Life - forthcoming - Communicating the Catholic Vision of Life: Proceedings of the Twelfth Bishops' Workshop, Dallas, Texas.
  10. Update on selected ethical questions: New methods of handling ectopic pregnancies.Ectopic Pregnancies - forthcoming - Communicating the Catholic Vision of Life: Proceedings of the Twelfth Bishops' Workshop, Dallas, Texas.
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  11. Euthanasia and the law: The california referendum.Julie Sly - forthcoming - Communicating the Catholic Vision of Life: Proceedings of the Twelfth Bishops' Workshop, Dallas, Texas.
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  12. Communicating the catholic vision of human sexuality.William J. Thorn & Victoria Thorn - forthcoming - Communicating the Catholic Vision of Life: Proceedings of the Twelfth Bishops' Workshop, Dallas, Texas.
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