Birdwhistell 1989 aims to
unlock the mystery of Shao Yong’s system of symbolic representation of reality.
It begins with Shao Yong’s historical and philosophical contexts, and moves on
to reconstruct Shao Yong’s thought as an explanatory structure of the operation
of the universe. It is an accessible introduction
to an otherwise obtuse philosophy.
Don J. The Recluse of Loyang - Shao Yung
and the Moral Evolution of Early Sung Thought. Honolulu: University of
Hawaii Press. 1996.
This book may unlock some of the mysteries surrounding
Shao Yong the philosopher. It sets Shao
in his historical context, and recounts his family background, his
relationships with friendly associates and political enemies. It gives a
partial introduction to Shao’s moral philosophy, and challenges Birdwhistell
1989’s negligent treatment of Shao’s moral philosophy.