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  1.  35
    Arguing to Display Identity.Dale Hample & Amanda L. Irions - 2015 - Argumentation 29 (4):389-416.
    A rarely studied motive for engaging in face-to-face arguing is to display one’s identity. One way people can manage their impressions is to give reasons for their commitments. This appears to be the first study to focus on this reason for arguing. 461 undergraduates recalled an episode in which they had argued to display own identity. They filled out trait measures as well as instruments describing the episode. Identity display arguments do not require controversy, are not very emotional episodes, can (...)
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  2.  36
    A Cross-Cultural Study of Argument Orientations of Turkish and American College Students: Is Silence Really Golden and Speech Silver for Turkish Students?Yeliz Demir & Dale Hample - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (4):521-540.
    In this paper, we report on the orientations of Turkish college students to interpersonal arguing and compare them with American students’ predispositions for arguing. In measuring the argument orientations, a group of instruments was utilized: argument motivations, argument frames, and taking conflict personally. Turkish data come from 300 college students who were asked to complete self-report surveys. Analyses contrast the mean scores of the Turkish and American respondents, offer gender-based comparisons in the Turkish data, and show whether religiosity has an (...)
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  3.  57
    A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Argument Predispositions in China: Argumentativeness, Verbal Aggressiveness, Argument Frames, and Personalization of Conflict.Yun Xie, Dale Hample & Xiaoli Wang - 2015 - Argumentation 29 (3):265-284.
    China has a longstanding tradition of stressing the values of harmony and coherence, and Chinese society has often been portrayed as a culture in which conflict avoidance is viewed more positively than direct confrontation and argumentation. In order to evaluate the validity of this claim, this paper sketches Chinese people’s feelings and understandings about interpersonal arguing by reporting results of a data collection in China, using measures of argumentativeness, verbal aggressiveness, argument frames, and personalization of conflict. These results were compared (...)
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  4.  53
    Framing and Editing Interpersonal Arguments.Dale Hample, Ben Warner & Dorian Young - 2008 - Argumentation 23 (1):21-37.
    Since argument frames precede most other arguing processes, argument editing among them, one’s frames may well predict one’s preferred editorial standards. This experiment assesses people’s arguing frames, gives them arguments to edit, and tests whether the frames actually do predict editorial preferences. Modest relationships between argument frames and argument editing appear. Other connections among frames, editing, and additional individual differences variables are more substantial. Particularly notable are the informative influences of psychological reactance. A new theoretical contribution is offered, connecting argument (...)
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    How do Culture, Individual Traits, and Context Influence Koreans’ Interpersonal Arguing? Toward a More Comprehensive Analysis of Interpersonal Arguing.Youllee Kim, Sungeun Chung & Dale Hample - 2020 - Argumentation 34 (2):117-141.
    This research explores the dynamics of interpersonal arguing in South Korea by considering cultural influence, individual traits, and contexts. In a cross-cultural study where Koreans were compared to U.S. Americans on basic measures of argument orientations, several interesting contrasts emerged, along with considerable similarity. Koreans evaluated conflicts more positively than Americans even though they were more worried about the relational consequences of arguing. Within the Korean sample, sex difference was pronounced. Study 2 found that power distance orientation was critical individual-level (...)
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  6.  82
    The Aggressiveness of Playful Arguments.Dale Hample, Bing Han & David Payne - 2010 - Argumentation 24 (4):405-421.
    Some people report that they argue for play. We question whether and how often such arguments are mutually entertaining for both participants. Play is a frame for arguing, and the framing may not always be successful in laminating the eristic nature of interpersonal argumentation. Previous research and theory suggest that playfulness may be associated with aggression. Respondents supplied self - report data on their arguing behaviors and orientations. We found support for the hypothesis that self - reported playfulness and aggression (...)
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    The Arguers.Dale Hample - 2007 - Informal Logic 27 (2):163-178.
    I wish to argue in favor of a particular orientation, one expressed in Brockriede’s remark that “aruments are not in statements but in people.” While much has been gained from textual analyses, even more will accrue by additional attention to the arguers. I consider that textual materials are really only the artifacts of arguments. The actual arguing is done exclusively by people, either the argument producers or receivers, and never by words on a page. In fact, most of our textua (...)
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  8.  33
    Arguers as editors.Dale Hample & JudithM Dallinger - 1990 - Argumentation 4 (2):153-169.
    People use editorial criteria to decide whether to say or to suppress potential arguments. These criteria constitute people's standards as to what effective and appropriate arguments are like, and reflect general interaction goals. A series of empirical investigations has indicated that the standards fall into three classes: those having to do with argument effectiveness, those concerned with personal issues for arguer and target, and those centered on discourse quality. The essay also sketches the affinities certain types of people have for (...)
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  9.  14
    The Toulmin model and the syllogism.Dale Hample - 1992 - In William L. Benoit, Dale Hample & Pamela J. Benoit (eds.), Readings in argumentation. New York: Foris Publications. pp. 225--238.
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  10.  75
    Readings in argumentation.William L. Benoit, Dale Hample & Pamela J. Benoit (eds.) - 1992 - New York: Foris Publications.
    Introduction: the Study of Argumentation Although our overall organization of the readings suggests one way of dividing our selected literature, ...
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  11.  18
    A critical examination and development of Wellman’s theory of conductive argument.J. Blair & Dale Hample - unknown
    The paper aims to provide an analysis and critique of Carl Wellman’s account of conduction presented in Challenge and Response and Morals and Ethics. It considers several issues, including: reason-ing vs. argument, the definition vs. the three patterns of conduction, pro and con arguments as dialogues, their assessment, the concept of validity, applications beyond moral arguments, argument type vs. as crite-rion of evaluation.
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  12.  32
    A test of the argument engagement model in Romania.Ioana Cionea, Dale Hample, Fabio Paglieri & Lilian Bermejo-Luque - unknown
    Hample, Paglieri, and Na’s model of argument engagement proposes that people en-gage in arguments when they perceive the benefits of arguing to be greater than the costs of doing so. This paper tests the model in Romania, a different culture than the one in which the model was developed, by using a 2 x 2 design.
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    In Memoriam.Dale Hample - 2022 - Informal Logic 44 (2):359-361.
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  14.  36
    “Agreement Builds and Disagreement Destroys:” How Polish Undergraduates and Graduates Understand Interpersonal Arguing.Kamila Dębowska-Kozłowska & Dale Hample - 2022 - Argumentation 36 (3):365-392.
    This is a descriptive study (_N_ = 243) of how Polish undergraduates and graduates perceive face to face arguing. We had some reasons to suppose that they would not be especially aggressive. The Polish culture has a number of proverbs warning against combative arguing, with “agreement builds and disagreement destroys” being illustrative. In addition, up until 1989 public dissent and open disagreements were suppressed by the government, and older generations often found it prudent to avoid arguing. We compared Polish results (...)
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  15.  38
    Are attitudes arguable?Dale Hample - 1978 - Journal of Value Inquiry 12 (4):311-312.
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  16.  50
    A Pragma-Dialectical Analysis of the Inquisition.Dale Hample - 2001 - Argumentation 15 (2):135-149.
    Disagreement space consists of all the commitments and understandings required for an utterance to take on its discourse function. These are virtual standpoints that can be called out for explicit argumentation. This paper shows how the Inquisition systematically controlled disagreement space, preventing some apparently important standpoints from ever being argued about, and requiring attention to others that may not have initially seemed relevant. This control of disagreement space constituted violation of the rules for critical discussion. The essay suggests that the (...)
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  17.  20
    Convergent causal arguments in conversation.Dale Hample & Katarzyna Budzynska - unknown
    In theory, flawed arguments are not individually sufficient to justify a conclusion, but several may converge to do so. This is an empirical study of how arguers respond to a series of imperfect causal arguments during a serious conversation. People became less critical of the flawed arguments as more of the arguments appeared. The study gives empirical evidence that ordinary arguers permit sufficiency to accumulate during an extended discussion.
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  18.  35
    Christopher W. Tindale: The Anthropology of Argument: Cultural Foundations of Rhetoric and Reason: Routledge, 2021, 202 pp.Dale Hample - 2021 - Argumentation 35 (3):509-512.
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  19.  81
    Frans van Eemeren, Bart Garssen, & Bert Meuffels: Fallacies and Judgments of Reasonableness: Empirical Research Concerning the Pragma-Dialectical Discussion Rules: Springer, Dordrecht, 2009, Volume 16 of the Springer Argumentation Library. ISBN: 978-90-481-2613-2. DOI: 10.1007/978-90-481-2614-9. HB: $139.00.Dale Hample - 2010 - Argumentation 24 (3):375-381.
    Frans van Eemeren, Bart Garssen, & Bert Meuffels: Fallacies and Judgments of Reasonableness: Empirical Research Concerning the Pragma-Dialectical Discussion Rules Content Type Journal Article Pages 375-381 DOI 10.1007/s10503-010-9183-6 Authors Dale Hample, University of Maryland College Park MD 20742 USA Journal Argumentation Online ISSN 1572-8374 Print ISSN 0920-427X Journal Volume Volume 24 Journal Issue Volume 24, Number 3.
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  20.  26
    Serial arguments in organizations.Dale Hample & Susan Allen - 2012 - Journal of Argumentation in Context 1 (3):312-330.
    This research project substantially extends the reach of serial argument theory from its nearly exclusive application to close relationships, into the workplace. Data were gathered on general motivation to engage in a serial argument, specific goals, several tactics, and three outcome measures. Results indicated causal relations from goals and motivations to tactics, and from tactics to outcomes. A structural equation model was successful in fitting the whole system of variables. Results were generally compatible with those found in relational and classroom (...)
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  21.  16
    The role of the unconscious in nonverbal information processing.Dale Hample - 1987 - Semiotica 67 (3-4):211-232.
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  22.  16
    What is a good argument?Dale Hample - 1992 - In William L. Benoit, Dale Hample & Pamela J. Benoit (eds.), Readings in argumentation. New York: Foris Publications. pp. 11--313.
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  23.  53
    Ana Patrícia Macedo: The Development of Children’s Argument Skills: Ph.D. Dissertation, Royal Holloway, Department of Psychology, University of London, 2011, 362 pp. [REVIEW]Dale Hample - 2012 - Argumentation 26 (4):529-531.
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