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    "The Bold Arcs of Salvation History": Faith and Reason in Jürgen Habermas’s Reconstruction of the Roots of European Thinking.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2022 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    This book offers the first in-depth treatment in English language of Habermas’s long-awaited work on religion, Auch eine Geschichte der Philosophie, published in 2019. Charting the contingent origins and turning points of occidental thinking through to the current "postmetaphysical" stage, the two volumes provide striking insights into the intellectual streams and conflicts in which core components of modern self-understanding have been forged. The encounter of Greek metaphysics with biblical monotheism has led to a theology of history as salvation, expanding in (...)
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  2.  7
    Self, Christ and God in Schleiermacher’s Dogmatics: A Theology Reconceived for Modernity.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2020 - De Gruyter.
    Since its first appearance in 1821/22, The Christian Faith has had a fractious history of reception. It implements decisive departures for theology, founding the possibility to speak about God on human freedom. It recognises the role of historical consciousness, and the need to relate to advances in the natural sciences. The study investigates the early critiques of Schleiermacher’s analysis of the feeling of utter dependence, of his conception of Christ as the archetype of the God-consciousness, and of his doctrine of (...)
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  3.  89
    Genetic enhancement as care or as domination? The ethics of asymmetrical relationships in the upbringing of children.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2005 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 39 (1):1–17.
    Should a society oriented towards justice provide parents with the possibility of enhancing their children's genes? The opposing arguments of authors in the Rawls School and of the theorist of communicative action, Jürgen Habermas, are analysed in terms of their key concepts. Their positions are then assessed from the point of view of the principles of the pedagogical task to educate towards autonomy under conditions of asymmetry. They each call for respect both of children's difference and of their dependence, and (...)
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  4.  14
    Watershed or Cul-de-Sac? Disputes in the Theological Reception of Kant’s Philosophy.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2021 - Kantian Journal 40 (4):121-155.
    Kant’s turn to the subject has changed the epistemological conditions for theology. Four intellectual backgrounds of objections are examined: an Aristotelian and Thomistic teleological order of nature (1); Augustinianism based on original sin in which human agency is completely attributed to God’s grace (2); a Hegelian critique of the deontological conception of an “unconditional ought” which also puts Kant’s postulate of the existence of God into question (3); the combination in Radical Orthodoxy of a postmodern critique of the subject, an (...)
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  5.  30
    Religion and Public Reason: A Comparison of the Positions of John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas and Paul Ricoeur.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2014 - De Gruyter.
    The role of religious self-understandings as resources for the normative foundations of democracy is much debated in social and political ethics, theology and law. The comparison of the positions of Rawls, Habermas and Ricoeur highlights alternative conceptions of the premises of "public reason" and of religion. Recent philosophical and theological receptions and critiques in English and German are brought into conversation.
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    Approaches to theological ethics: sources, traditions, visions.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2019 - New York: T&T Clark.
    Maureen Junker-Kenny offers a systematic overview of the discipline of theological ethics in the variety of its approaches, which draw upon different philosophical traditions and theological visions in treating its sources. Part One examines the four sources of theological ethics: the Bible, tradition, philosophical accounts of the human, and the individual human sciences. Part Two compares five frameworks in English- and German-speaking theological ethics, based on virtue, worship, natural law, autonomy, and feminist analyses. Part Three compares three types of vision (...)
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    Bibliography.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2014 - In Religion and Public Reason: A Comparison of the Positions of John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas and Paul Ricoeur. De Gruyter. pp. 302-311.
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  8. Between Postsecular Society and the Neutral State: Religion as a Resource for Public Reason.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2009 - In Nigel Biggar & Linda Hogan (eds.), Religious Voices in Public Places. Oxford University Press.
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  9. Book Reviews-Designing Life? Genetics, Procreation and Ethics.Maureen Junker-Kenny & Elisabeth Hildt - 2002 - Bioethics 16 (4):380-381.
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    Contents.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2014 - In Religion and Public Reason: A Comparison of the Positions of John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas and Paul Ricoeur. De Gruyter.
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    4. Conclusion of the comparison of the three positions.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2014 - In Religion and Public Reason: A Comparison of the Positions of John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas and Paul Ricoeur. De Gruyter. pp. 280-301.
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    Conditions of Communicative Action: Schleiermacher’s Conception of Language and Theory of Religion in Habermas’s Reconstruction.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2023 - In Christian Berner, Sarah Schmidt, Brent W. Sockness & Denis Thouard (eds.), Kommunikation in Philosophie, Religion und Gesellschaft: Akten des InternationalenSchleiermacher-Kongresses 25.–29. Mai 2021. De Gruyter. pp. 65-80.
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    Discovering an entangled freedom: Philosophical and theological perspectives on symbols and myths of evil.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2022 - In Azadeh Thiriez-Arjangi, Geoffrey Dierckxsens, Michael Funk Deckard & Andrés Bruzzone (eds.), Le mal et la symbolique: Ricœur lecteur de Freud. De Gruyter. pp. 21-44.
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    Designing Life?: Genetics, Procreation and Ethics.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 1999 - Ashgate.
    This text sets out to examine the implications of the power to design life which the application of genetics to reproductive biology has brought about.
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    Ethics for graduate researchers: a cross-disciplinary approach.Maureen Junker-Kenny, Linda Hogan & Cathriona Russell (eds.) - 2012 - Oxford: Elsevier.
    This is an edited collection that is intended both as a primer for core concepts and principles in research ethics and as an in-depth exploration of the contextualisation of these principles in practice across key disciplines.
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    Introduction.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2014 - In Religion and Public Reason: A Comparison of the Positions of John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas and Paul Ricoeur. De Gruyter. pp. 1-4.
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    Introduction — Ricoeur and the Question of Religion.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2022 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 13 (2):1-3.
    Introduction to the volume “Ricoeur and the Question of Religion”.
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    Introduction — Ricoeur et la question de la religion.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2022 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 13 (2):4-7.
    Itroduction to the volume “Ricoeur et la question de la religion”.
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    Introduction to Parts Two and Three.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2014 - In Religion and Public Reason: A Comparison of the Positions of John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas and Paul Ricoeur. De Gruyter. pp. 102-102.
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    Memory, narrativity, self and the challenge to think God: the reception within theology of the recent work of Paul Ricoeur.Maureen Junker-Kenny & Peter P. Kenny (eds.) - 2004 - Münster: LIT.
    This book explores the usefulness of major categories of Paul Ricoeur's work, such as "memory, " "narrativity, " and his conception of self, within different ...
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    Preface.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2014 - In Religion and Public Reason: A Comparison of the Positions of John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas and Paul Ricoeur. De Gruyter.
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    Person Index.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2014 - In Religion and Public Reason: A Comparison of the Positions of John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas and Paul Ricoeur. De Gruyter. pp. 312-314.
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    1. Public reason as a neutral mediator in pluralist democracies in John Rawls’s political philosophy.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2014 - In Religion and Public Reason: A Comparison of the Positions of John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas and Paul Ricoeur. De Gruyter. pp. 5-101.
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    2. Practical reason in the public sphere: Jürgen Habermas’s rehabilitation of religion as a resource within the project of modernity.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2014 - In Religion and Public Reason: A Comparison of the Positions of John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas and Paul Ricoeur. De Gruyter. pp. 103-183.
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    3. Religions as co-foundational of the public space in Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutical philosophy.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2014 - In Religion and Public Reason: A Comparison of the Positions of John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas and Paul Ricoeur. De Gruyter. pp. 184-279.
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    Subject Index.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2014 - In Religion and Public Reason: A Comparison of the Positions of John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas and Paul Ricoeur. De Gruyter. pp. 315-322.
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  27. Virtues and the God who makes everything new.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2009 - In Enda McDonagh & Vincent MacNamara (eds.), An Irish reader in moral theology: the legacy of the last fifty years. Dublin: Columba Press.
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  28.  16
    What Scope for Ethics in the Public Sphere? Principled Autonomy and the Antinomy of Practical Reason.Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2019 - Studies in Christian Ethics 32 (4):485-498.
    Concepts of ‘public reason’ vary according to the underlying understandings of theoretical and practical reason; they make a difference to what can be argued for in the public sphere as justified expectations to oneself and fellow-citizens. What is the significance for the scope of ethics when two neo-Kantian theorists of public reason, John Rawls and Jürgen Habermas, propose a reduced reading of the ‘antinomy’ highlighted in Kant’s analysis of practical reason? The desire for meaning, unrelinquishable for humans, is frustrated when (...)
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  29.  26
    Valuing the Priceless: Christian Convictions in Public Debate as a Critical Resource and as 'Delaying Veto' (J. Habermas).Maureen Junker-Kenny - 2005 - Studies in Christian Ethics 18 (1):43-56.
    In three respects, ethics can be marked by the category of the ‘priceless’. Its key reference point, ‘human dignity’, was described by Kant as the exact opposite to what can be priced in equivalents. As an enterprise, ethics is ‘priceless’ as a commitment of the human spirit which goes beyond and against the attitude of success calculation. Yet, an understanding of ethics as unconditional recognition and the anticipatory, asymmetric, innovative praxis (Helmut Peukert) that expresses it have a cost. Where does (...)
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  30. Book Reviews : Philosophical Perspectives on Bioethics, edited by L. W. Sumner and Joseph Boyle. University of Toronto Press (Abingdon: Marston), 1997. 299 pp. hb. £41. ISBN 0-8020-771-6. pb. £14.90. ISBN 0-8020-7139-2. [REVIEW]Maureen Junker-Kenny - 1999 - Studies in Christian Ethics 12 (2):91-94.