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  1. Prostor slobodan od države: Koncepcija univerziteta u filozofiji egzistencije.Aleksandar Prnjat - 2023 - Anali Filološkog Fakulteta 35 (2):147 - 154.
    In this paper, the author presents Jaspers’ view of the relationship between the state and university. According to Jaspers, universities should be free from any state control. Jaspers’ attitudes are mostly normative. According to Jaspers, the very existence of the institution of universities means that the state strives to provide a space where truth can be investigated, a space that would be independent of any kind of influence. Therefore, according to Jaspers, there is a certain tension, or even hostility, between (...)
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  2. Crkva i paternalizam-odgovor Mihailu Markoviću.Aleksandar Prnjat - 2008 - Filozofija I Društvo 19 (2):253-256.
  3. Ksenija Atanasijević o etičkoj osnovi feminizma.Aleksandar Prnjat - 2022 - Reči 14 (15):102-109.
    This paper explores Ksenija Atanasijević's (1894 - 1981) understanding of the ethical basis of feminism. It highlights her understanding that feminism as such has an ethical basis. Her criticism of the degrading position of women which, according to her, has its origins in a family based on the male violence against women is also pointed out. The paper also points to Ksenija Atanasijević's understanding of the universal goals of feminism, goals that are not directed only at women. The author points (...)
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  4. Xenophobia and Identitarian Nationalism.Aleksandar Prnjat - 2019 - In Vladimir Milisavljević & Natalija Mićunović (eds.), XENOPHOBIA, IDENTITY AND NEW FORMS OF NATIONALISM. pp. 240 - 251.
    In this paper, the author considers the concepts of xenophobia and nationalism. He distinguishes between three diferent forms of nationalism: 1) classical nationalism, 2) anti-colonial nationalism, and 3) identitarian nationalism. The frst is based on a belief in the racial and civilizational superiority of one’s nation, and is used to justify colonialism as a kind of messianic civilizing of the “inferior” Other. The second type emerges as a reaction to the frst one and acts as a defense against the cultural (...)
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  5. Apokalipsa bez otkrivenja: Svetozar Stojanović o mogućnosti samouništenja čovečanstva.Aleksandar Prnjat - 2012 - Theoria: Beograd 55 (4):113-128.
    Mogućnost samouništenja čovečanstva čini stalnu prateću temu u svim knjigama Svetozara Stojanovića napisanim posle njegovog doktorata o metaetici. Kakve god da su teme inače obrađivane, našlo bi se ponešto i o ovome, isprva kao usputno zapažanje i mogući ugao gledanja na glavnu temu, a kasnije, sve više kao posebna oblast razmatranja ili čak kao vodeća perspektiva. U ovom radu rekonstruišem Stojanovićevo tretiranje ove teme. Pošto je kod Stojanovića reč o apokalipsi u sekularnom smislu, ja za nju predlažem, u otvorenoj protivrečnosti (...)
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  6. Lični interes i moralna motivacija vernika.Aleksandar Prnjat - 2012 - Kultura (137):340-347.
    In this paper, I consider an important objection to moral motivation of believers. It is the objection that their acts are motivated by self-interest,i.e. their personal salvation. Such motivation is sometimes identified as selfish. Therefore, I demonstrate the distinction between self-interest and selfishness. I would like to remind the reader that the critique of self-interest as moral motivation of believers appears within the very traditions of the major world religions. Then, I argue that some contemporary forms of secular ethics still (...)
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  7. Antisemitski diskurs kao jezičko-ekspresivni paternalizam.Aleksandar Prnjat - 2012 - Kultura (134):395-400.
    In this paper, I present some remarks about an example of Christian anti-Semitism. It is about well known anti-Semitic attitudes that Zoran Kindjic supports in his paper with some scholarly pretensions. I use this example to illustrate one kind of unacceptable paternalistic discourse. Namely, I argue that when it comes to basic eschatological teachings of Abrahamic religions, even the mildest form of what I have previously defined as linguistic-expressive paternalism – what could also be called conversational paternalism – cannot be (...)
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  8. Između samoočiglednosti i argumentacije - ponovo o antisemitskom diskursu.Aleksandar Prnjat - 2012 - Kultura (135):333-335.
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  9. Antisemitski diskurs i odbacivanje traganja za istinom.Aleksandar Prnjat - 2012 - Kultura (136):429-440.
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    Language, literature and philosophy =.Aleksandar Prnjat (ed.) - 2016 - Beograd: Alfa BK univerzitet.
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  11. Zapis o crkvi.Aleksandar Prnjat - 2000 - Književnost 55 (7-8-9):1119-1121.
  12. P. F. Strawson, Entity and identity and other essays, Oxford, 1997. [REVIEW]Aleksandar Prnjat - 1997 - Naša Borba 3 (1050):12.
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    Razumevanje čežnje (Valter Benjamin, Berlinsko detinjstvo oko hiljadudevetstote). [REVIEW]Aleksandar Prnjat - 1992 - Theoria 35 (4):147-148.
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