Results for 'Dante Galeffi'

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  1. O Diálogo Na Formação Transdisciplinar Do Educador-filósofo.Dante Augusto Galeffi - 2008 - Childhood and Philosophy 4 (7):103-114.
    Considering dialogue as a fundamental philosophical experience, this paper aims to understand the possibility of a radical and emphatic dialogic practice in the formation of the educator-philosopher. “Educator-philosopher” is the term used to detach the importance of a dialogic specialization in philosophy so that the teacher’s teaching practice becomes a philosophical activity, and he finds himself as a philosopher in the ways of philosophy. The transdisciplinary perspective announced is configured as an epistemologic field of a dialogue methodology practiced at all (...)
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    Transdisciplinary philosophy to face complex geopolitical challenges of the anthropocene.Javier Collado Ruano, Dante Galeffi & Florent Pasquier - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:29-47.
    El trabajo tiene como objetivo explorar la formación profesional de los docentes desde una filosofía transdisciplinar, para promover la comprensión del mundo por una ciudadanía que debe enfrentar el cambio global del Antropoceno. A partir de una metodología cualitativa, se explora y analiza la evolución del comercio internacional en los últimos siglos, así como su relación con la extinción de la biodiversidad planetaria, el cambio climático y la salud de nuestro planeta. Se trata de un ensayo filosófico que aborda las (...)
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    (1 other version)Dante: Convivio: A Dual-Language Critical Edition.Dante Alighieri - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    Dante's Convivio, composed in exile between 1304 and 1307, is a series of self-commentaries on three of Dante's long poems. These allegorical love poems and philosophical verse become the basis for philosophical, literary, moral, and political exposition. The prose is written in Italian so that those who were not educated in Latin could take part in what Dante called his 'banquet of knowledge'. In this edition, eminent Dante translator-scholar Andrew Frisardi offers the first fully annotated translation (...)
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  4. Novos ensaios de estética.Romano Galeffi - 1979 - Salvador-Bahia: Centro Editorial e Didático da Universidade Federal da Bahia.
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  5. O problema estético.Romano Galeffi - 1967 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 10.
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  6. Presença de Bergson.Romano Galeffi - 1961 - [Salvador]:
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  7. Relação entre arte E teologia em sao boa Ventura (*).Romano Galeffi - 1975 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 18:13.
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  8. A autonomia da arte na estética de Benedetto Croce.Romano Galeffi - 1966 - Coimbra,: Atlântida Editora.
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  9. Investigações de estética: coletânea de ensaios, comunicações e conferências.Romano Galeffi - 1900 - Salvador, Bahia: Universidade Federal da Bahia.
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    Cultura ed etica ebraica: scritti scelti di Dante Lattes.Amos Luzzatto & Dante A. Lattes (eds.) - 2015 - Acireale: Bonanno editore.
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  11. Learning robots and human responsibility.Dante Marino & Guglielmo Tamburrini - 2006 - International Review of Information Ethics 6:46-51.
    Epistemic limitations concerning prediction and explanation of the behaviour of robots that learn from experience are selectively examined by reference to machine learning methods and computational theories of supervised inductive learning. Moral responsibility and liability ascription problems concerning damages caused by learning robot actions are discussed in the light of these epistemic limitations. In shaping responsibility ascription policies one has to take into account the fact that robots and softbots - by combining learning with autonomy, pro-activity, reasoning, and planning - (...)
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    Die Theologie Der Göttlichen Komödie Des Dante Alighieri In Ihren Grundzügen..Franz Hettinger & Dante Alighieri - 2019 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Racism and the Western Tradition.Dante A. Puzzo - 1964 - Journal of the History of Ideas 25 (4):579.
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    Two critical theories about modernity in the Latin American context: Bolívar Echeverría and Enrique Dussel.Dante Ramaglia - 2019 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 8 (15):215-244.
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze some of the thesis developed in the context of the Latin American critical thought in order to address the question of the crisis of modernity. We particularly consider the theories of two contemporary authors: Bolívar Echeverría and Enrique Dussel. Their theoretical positons are clearly different from the critique that had occurred in the postmodern discourse and they intend to account for the meaning of modernity in relation with certain phenomena that characterize it (...)
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  15. The divine comedy.Dante - 2006 - In Thomas L. Cooksey (ed.), Masterpieces of philosophical literature. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
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    Las raíces agustinianas de la conceptualidad de" ser y tiempo".Dante Klocker - 2007 - Tópicos 15:113-129.
    The progressive publication -along the past two decades- of the courses taught by Heidegger in his first years in teaching has allowed the reconstruction of the process of creation of Being and Time , its multiple textual references and influences. Among these, St. Augustine's thought bears a prominent place, for which reason I intend to consider its noticeable presence in some of the key concepts in the work mentioned. The first to be considered is Sorge , with which Heidegger characterises (...)
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    Sujetos de derecho y cuerpos performativos. Interrogantes sobre un diseño institucional capaz de proteger a las minorías.Dante Augusto Palma - 2014 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 19 (2).
    En el marco del debate acerca de los diseños institucionales capaces de dar cuenta de reivindicaciones minoritarias complejas, el siguiente trabajo se propone examinar algunas de las dificultades que se les plantean a las propuestas deconstructivistas, en particular a aquella línea teórica que realiza una crítica a la visión descriptivista del sujeto de derecho desde la perspectiva del concepto de performatividad austiniana. Así, se analizará la construcción teórica de Judith Butler, para, desde allí, marcar algunas perplejidades a las que arribaría (...)
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    De te narratur fabula: la metalidad militar del neoliberalismo y las posibilidades imaginales del Golpe leídas desde México.Dante Ariel Aragón Moreno - 2023 - Aisthesis 74:108-128.
    En el presente artículo se piensa la relación entre el golpe, los problemas de la re-presentación y la militarización neoliberal a través de varias imágenes, entre las que la del tanque de guerra será primordial para reflexionar acerca del origen violento del nuevo régimen económico y vital que se desplegó con el golpe. Lo anterior se enmarca desde el imaginario político de México en los años setenta, particularmente a través del régimen del presidente Luis Echeverría y su singular relación con (...)
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    (3 other versions)Philosophische Werke / Das Gastmahl I-IV. Ital. /Dt.: Erstes Buch.Dante Alighieri, Thomas Ricklin & Francis Cheneval - 1996 - Meiner, F.
    Im ersten Buch des Convivio erläutert und verteidigt Dante sein Vorhaben. Es bietet den Zugang zu den nachfolgenden drei Büchern, in denen er zur inhaltlichen Vorstellung seiner Philosophie fortschreitet.
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    Are “Bad” Employees Happier Under Bad Bosses? Differing Effects of Abusive Supervision on Low and High Primary Psychopathy Employees.Dante Pirouz, Yongsuhk Jung, Lauren Simon & Charlice Hurst - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (4):1149-1164.
    Psychopathy is typically seen as a trait that is undesirable in any context, including the workplace. But several authors have suggested that people high in psychopathy might possess resources that preserve their ability to perform well in stressful contexts. We consider the possibility that primary psychopathy is adaptive—for the employee, if not for the organization—under conditions of abusive supervision. In particular, we draw from the multimotive model of interpersonal threat and the theory of purposeful work behavior to argue that high (...)
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  21. Machiavelli's thoughts on the psyche and society.Dante Germino - 1972 - In Niccolò Machiavelli & Anthony Parel (eds.), The Political calculus. [Toronto]: University of Toronto Press. pp. 59--82.
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    Philosophische Werke / Über die Beredsamkeit in der Volkssprache I: Lat. /Dt.Dante Alighieri, Francis Cheneval, Ruedi Imbach, Irène Rosier-Catach & Tiziana Suarez-Nani - 2007 - Meiner, F.
    In dieser Schrift begründet Dante die Priorität der Volks- und Muttersprache vor der lateinischen Gelehrtensprache und fordert eine italienische Hochsprache. Er untermauert seine Ausführungen durch eine anthropologische Erörterung der menschlichen Sprachfähigkeit. Dank einer originellen Interpretation des biblischen Mythos vom Turmbau von Babel legt er eine vernünftig begründete Neubewertung der Vielfalt und der historischen Entwicklung der Sprachen vor. Das Problem der Sprache stellt sich im Denken Dantes in zweifacher Weise: als Problem der Sprache der Philosophie und unter dem Gesichtspunkt der (...)
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    (1 other version)The Subject of Minority Rights New Categories and a Critique of Will Kymlicka’s Group-Differentiated Rights.Palma Dante - 2014 - Ideas Y Valores 63 (155):191-217.
    Will Kymlicka ha sido considerado como compatibilizador de liberales y comunitaristas en cuanto a los derechos de las minorías. Su distinción entre derechos de grupo como protecciones externas y como restricciones internas buscó dar cuenta de las reivindicaciones minoritarias sin vulnerar el principio liberal de autonomía. En este artículo se buscan dos objetivos: primero, adoptar una perspectiva crítica, al afirmar que tal distinción soslaya el eje central de la discusión, esto es, la problemática de la titularidad del derecho, y, segundo, (...)
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    Work, Society, and Culture.Dante Germino - 1972 - International Philosophical Quarterly 12 (4):625-626.
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    Gaetano Salvemini: Historiographical Essay.Dante A. Puzzo - 1959 - Journal of the History of Ideas 20 (1/4):217.
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    Filosofía latinoamericana: humanismo y emergencia en la obra de Arturo Andrés Roig.Dante Ramaglia - 2014 - Cuyo 31 (1):53-67.
    En el siguiente trabajo se retoman las tesis desarrolladas por Arturo Roig en relación a la problemática del sujeto y la dimensión antropológica, entendiendo que constituyen ejes conceptuales centrales que se presentan en su propuesta filosófica. Desde la elaboración singular de lo que denomina como "a priori antropológico", que supone un ejercicio de autoafirmación y reconocimiento, hasta la enunciación de una "moral de la emergencia", es posible ubicar sucesivas formulaciones que sigue en su tratamiento teórico. A partir de la referencia (...)
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    Two poems and a commentary.Dante Gabriel Rossetti, G. K. Chesterton & John LeVay - 1990 - The Chesterton Review 16 (3/4):369-373.
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  28. Fundamentos psico-físicos de la libertad.Dante Sierra - 1962 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Freeland.
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  29. Philosophische Werke. Band 2. Disputation Über Das Wasser Und Die Erde.Dante Alighieri - 1994 - Felix Meiner Verlag.
    In der Beantwortung der für das geozentrische Weltbild aristotelisch-ptolemäischer Prägung zentralen Frage, welches der Elemente höher liege, legt Dante in gut scholastischer Argumentationsweise seine kosmologischen Auffassungen dar. In der ausführlichen Einleitung wird die Naturphilosophie Dantes in ihren historischen Kontext eingebunden und bewertet.
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  30. Philosophische Werke. Band 1. Das Schreiben an Cangrande.Dante Alighieri & Ruedi Imbach - 1993 - Felix Meiner Verlag.
    In seinem Schreiben an den Fürsten Cangrande behandelt Dante literaturhistorisch relevante Fragen, wie z. B. jene nach den Bedeutungsebenen seiner "Commedia". In den Ausführungen zur Frage nach der gegenseitigen Abhängigkeit von Sein und Wesen oder bei der Erklärung des zehnten Himmels, dem sog. Empyreum, legt Dante zudem auch in philosophischen und theologischen Fragekomplexen eigenständige Antworten vor.
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  31. Tras algunas" marcas" de un pensar en" camino".Dante E. Klocker - 2000 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 19 (3):215-226.
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  32. A conceptual analysis of pakikisama.Dante Luis P. Leoncini - 2005 - In Rolando M. Gripaldo (ed.), Filipino Cultural Traits: Claro R. Ceniza Lectures. Council for Research in Values and Philosophy. pp. 157--184.
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  33. Alle radici del razio-vitalismo di Ortega (Una rilettura dell'Ensayo de estética a manera de Prólogo) / On the Root of Ortega's Ratiovitalism (A Rereading of Ensayo de estética a manera de Prólogo).Dante Argeri - 1993 - Giornale di Metafisica 15 (2):261-288.
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    L'ebreo non ebreo: Israele incirconciso : corrispondenza con Dante Lattes, Ariel Toaff ed altri e alcuni saggi.Carlo Giuseppe Lapusata, Dante A. Lattes & Ariel Toaff - 1996 - Pisa: TEP.
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    Altos instintos. Jean-Jacques Rousseau: La relación entre religión y ética en el marco de sus antecedentes deístas y sus derivaciones ilustradas.Dante Baranzelli - 2010 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 55:191-192.
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  36. La filosofia e il problema della storia, itinerari spirituali.Dante Petaccia - 1947 - Bari,: G. Laterza.
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  37. Il motocorpo.Dante Salvo - 1972 - Roma,: Lo Faro.
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    Teoría y realidad del derecho.Dante Cracogna - 1996 - Buenos Aires: Abeledo - Perrot.
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    El derecho natural en una perspectiva comparada.Dante Figueroa - 2016 - Santiago, Chile: Ediciones Olejnik.
  40. Jesus, Deus filósofo: ensaio filosófico-político-teologal.Dante Pacini - 1987 - São Paulo: Casa do Mestre.
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  41. Grupo de enseñanza-aprendizaje en filosofía. Método y liberación.Dante Polimeni - 1977 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 41:247-254.
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    Meaning and limits of the exception criminal.Dante Valitutti - 2015 - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 8 (1).
    The present paper studies the relationship between criminal law and exception. In the first part are presented the categories of legality and legitimacy, in relation to the crisis of the liberal state. The second part presents the theory of Agamben on the state of exception, seeing a connection with the legal theory of Jakobs.
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    Vita Nuova.Dante Alighieri - 2008 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Vita Nuova is the first of Dante's major writings. It is a supreme work of love; thirty-one poems are linked by a lyrical prose narrative poem celebrating and debating the subject of love. In the opening chapter Dante sets himself the task of giving meaning to the poetry which he composed and the events which took place after his meeting with Beatrice and the `Lord of Love'. The `new life' which this meeting inspired is the subject of (...)'s most profound creation, which has been read variously as biography, religious allegory, and a meditation on poetry itself. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more. (shrink)
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  44. Monarchia.Dante Alighieri, Ruedi Imbach & Christoph Flüeler - 1990 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 44 (2):323-328.
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    The Significance of the Phenomenon of Love in Martin Heidegger's Work.Dante Eugenio Klocker - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (161):217-245.
    Se ha señalado con frecuencia el escaso tratamiento de Heidegger acerca del amor. Se busca recuperar y articular algunas alusiones importantes. Cabe distinguir tres registros temáticos: como modo de "encontrarse", como "actitud" con los otros y como rasgo del "ser mismo". Se intenta no solo comprender el fenómeno amoroso en el pensamiento heideggeriano, sino mostrar la incidencia que habría tenido en la interpretación de otras cuestiones y, sobre todo, en el asunto central sobre el sentido del Ser. Heidegger's scarce treatment (...)
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  46. Antes como farsa, mejor como tragedia.Dante Ariel Aragón Moreno - 2019 - In Pablo Lazo Briones & Carlos Béjar (eds.), Gilles Deleuze: las políticas minoritarias en resistencia. Ciudad de México: Universidad Iberoamericana.
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  47. Il problema del metodo nell'educazione.Dante Morando - 1954 - Domodossola,: Cartografica.
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    I presupposti teoretici dell'educazione estetica.Dante Morando - 1953 - Domodossola,: S.A.L.E. Sodalitas.
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  49. Ausonio e Orazio.Dante Nardo - 1990 - Paideia 45:321-36.
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  50. De Goddelijke Komedie.Dante Alighieri, C. Kops & G. Wijdeveld - 1958 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 20 (2):344-344.
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