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Jonathan Hughes [19]Jonathan A. Hughes [7]
  1.  75
    Does the heterogeneity of autism undermine the neurodiversity paradigm?Jonathan A. Hughes - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (1):47-60.
    The neurodiversity paradigm is presented by its proponents as providing a philosophical foundation for the activism of the neurodiversity movement. Its central claims are that autism and other neurodivergent conditions are not disorders because they are not intrinsically harmful, and that they are valuable, natural and/or normal parts of human neurocognitive variation. This paper: (a) identifies the non‐disorder claim as the most central of these, based on its prominence in the literature and connections with the practical policy claims that the (...)
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  2.  32
    Conscientious objection in healthcare: why tribunals might be the answer.Jonathan A. Hughes - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (4):213-217.
    A recent focus of the debate on conscientious objection in healthcare is the question of whether practitioners should have to justify their refusal to perform certain functions. A recent article by Cowley addresses a practical aspect of this controversy, namely the question of whether doctors claiming conscientious objector status in relation to abortion should be required, like their counterparts claiming exemption from military conscription, to defend their claim before a tribunal. Cowley argues against the use of tribunals in the medical (...)
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    Lockdown and levelling down: why Savulescu and Cameron are mistaken about selective isolation of the elderly.Jonathan A. Hughes - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (11):722-723.
    In their recent article, ‘Why lockdown of the elderly is not ageist and why levelling down equality is wrong’, Savulescu and Cameron argue for selective isolation of the elderly as an alternative to general lockdown. An important part of their argument is the claim that the latter amounts to ‘levelling down equality’ and that this is ‘unethical’ or even ‘morally repugnant’. This response argues that they fail to justify either part of this claim: the claim that levelling down is always (...)
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    Conscientious objection, professional duty and compromise: A response to Savulescu and Schuklenk.Jonathan A. Hughes - 2017 - Bioethics 32 (2):126-131.
    In a recent article in this journal, Savulescu and Schuklenk defend and extend their earlier arguments against a right to medical conscientious objection in response to criticisms raised by Cowley. I argue that while it would be preferable to be less accommodating of medical conscientious than many countries currently are, Savulescu and Schuklenk's argument that conscientious objection is ‘simply unprofessional’ is mistaken. The professional duties of doctors should be defined in relation to the interests of patients and society, and for (...)
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  5.  96
    How not to criticize the precautionary principle.Jonathan Hughes - 2006 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 31 (5):447 – 464.
    The precautionary principle has its origins in debates about environmental policy, but is increasingly invoked in bioethical contexts. John Harris and Søren Holm argue that the principle should be rejected as incoherent, irrational, and representing a fundamental threat to scientific advance and technological progress. This article argues that while there are problems with standard formulations of the principle, Harris and Holm's rejection of all its forms is mistaken. In particular, they focus on strong versions of the principle and fail to (...)
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  6.  37
    Advance euthanasia directives and the Dutch prosecution.Jonathan A. Hughes - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (4):253-256.
    In a recent Dutch euthanasia case, a woman underwent euthanasia on the basis of an advance directive, having first been sedated without her knowledge and then restrained by members of her family while the euthanasia was administered. This article considers some implications of the criminal court’s acquittal of the doctor who performed the euthanasia. Supporters of advance euthanasia directives have welcomed the judgement as providing a clarification of the law, especially with regard to the admissibility of contextual evidence in interpreting (...)
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  7. The rule of rescue in clinical practice.Jonathan Hughes & Tom Walker - 2009 - Clinical Ethics 4 (1):50-54.
    People often have a strong intuitive sense that we ought to rescue those in serious need, even in cases where we could produce better outcomes by acting in other ways. It has become common in such cases to refer to this as the Rule of Rescue. Within the medical field this rule has predominantly been discussed in relation to decisions about whether to fund particular treatments. Whilst in this setting the arguments in favour of the Rule of Rescue have generally (...)
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  8. Development of the productive forces: an ecological analysis.Jonathan Hughes - 1995 - Studies in Marxism 2:179-198.
    Marxism has long been subject to criticism from the theorists of Political Ecology, and in recent years, as the concerns of Green thinkers have become harder to ignore, Marxists have begun to respond to this challenge, defending and sometimes amending Marxist theory in response to Green criticisms. This paper addresses one issue within this debate: the controversy over Marx’s commitment to the growth, or development, of the productive forces. My aim is to dispute the contention of Marx’s Green critics, that (...)
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  9. Time and Crime: Which Cold-Case Investigations Should Be Reheated.Jonathan A. Hughes & Monique Jonas - 2015 - Criminal Justice Ethics 34 (1):18-41.
    Advances in forensic techniques have expanded the temporal horizon of criminal investigations, facilitating investigation of historic crimes that would previously have been considered unsolvable. Public enthusiasm for pursuing historic crimes is exemplified by recent high-profile trials of celebrities accused of historic sexual offences. These circumstances give new urgency to the question of how we should decide which historic offences to investigate. A satisfactory answer must take into account the ways in which the passage of time can erode the benefits of (...)
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  10. Ecology and Historical Materialism.Jonathan Hughes - 2003 - Science and Society 67 (1):122-124.
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  11.  63
    Palliative Care and the QALY Problem.Jonathan Hughes - 2005 - Health Care Analysis 13 (4):289-301.
    Practitioners of palliative care often argue for more resources to be provided by the state in order to lessen its reliance on charitable funding and to enable the services currently provided to some of those with terminal illnesses to be provided to all who would benefit from it. However, this is hard to justify on grounds of cost-effectiveness, since it is in the nature of palliative care that the benefits it brings to its patients are of short duration. In particular, (...)
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  12.  88
    Consequentialism and the slippery slope: A response to Clark.Jonathan Hughes - 2000 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 17 (2):213–220.
    Michael Clark has recently argued that the slippery slope argument against voluntary euthanasia is ‘entirely consequentialist’ and that its use to justify continued prohibition of voluntary euthanasia involves a failure to treat patients who request assistance in ending their lives as ends in themselves. This article agues that in fact the slippery slope is consistent with most forms of deontology, and that it need not involve any violation of the principle that people should be treated as ends, depending upon how (...)
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  13. Entrepreneurial Activity and American Economic Progress.Jonathan Hughes - 1979 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 3 (4):361-370.
  14.  27
    Ecology and Historical Materialism.Jonathan Hughes - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book challenges the widely-held view that Marxism is unable to deal adequately with environmental problems. Jonathan Hughes considers the nature of environmental problems, and the evaluative perspectives that may be brought to bear on them. He examines Marx's critique of Malthus, his method, and his materialism, interpreting the latter as a recognition of human dependence on nature. Central to the book's argument is an interpretation of the 'development of the productive forces' which takes account of the differing ecological impacts (...)
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  15. Genetically Modified Crops and the Precautionary Principle: Is There a Case for a Moratorium?Jonathan Hughes - 2003 - In B. Almond & M. Parker (eds.), Ethical Issues in the New Genetics: Are Genes Us? Ashgate. pp. 143-152.
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  16.  50
    Justice and third party risk: The ethics of xenotransplantation.Jonathan Hughes - 2007 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 24 (2):151–168.
    The question of when it is permissible to inflict risks on others without their consent is one that we all face in our everyday lives, but which is often brought to our attention in contexts of technological innovation and scientific uncertainty. Xenotransplantation, the transplantation of organs or tissues from animals to humans, has the potential to save or improve the lives of many patients but gives rise to the possibility of infectious agents being transferred from donor animals into the human (...)
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  17. The ethics of xenotransplantation.Jonathan Hughes - 2007 - In Richard E. Ashcroft (ed.), Principles of health care ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 775-781.
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  18.  39
    Theory of professional standards and ethical policing.Jonathan Hughes - 2012 - In Allyson MacVean, Peter Spindler & Charlotte Solf (eds.), Handbook of Policing, Ethics, and Professional Standards. Routledge.
    What is the relation between professional standards and ethical policing? At first sight the answer to this question may seem obvious: in policing, as elsewhere, professional standards exist in order to promote ethical behaviour. This view, however, is both open to challenge and in need of elaboration. Sceptics can point to a range of non-moral functions and unintended consequences that may be associated with professional standards while those wishing to develop and implement professional standards need an account of how they (...)
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  19.  33
    Weighing Ethical Considerations in Proposed Non-recent Child Sexual Abuse Investigations: A Response to Maslen and Paine’s Oxford CSA Framework.Jonathan A. Hughes & Monique Jonas - 2020 - Criminal Justice Ethics 39 (2):95-110.
    Questions about when it is right for police forces to investigate alleged offences committed in the more or less distant past have become increasingly pressing. Recent widely publicized cases of child sexual abuse (CSA) and exploitation, sometimes involving high profile individuals, have illustrated the ethical, psychological, and forensic complexities of investigating non-recent child sexual abuse. Hannah Maslen and Colin Paine have developed the Oxford CSA Framework to assist police to weigh the various ethical considerations that militate for and against initiating (...)
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  20.  68
    Analytical Marxism and Ecology: A Reply to Paul Burkett.Jonathan Hughes - 2001 - Historical Materialism 9 (1):153-167.
    Presents a response to the Paul Burkett's review of the book ``Ecology and Historical Materialism.'' Overview of the book; Details of the criticisms presented by Burkett; Information on sociologist Karl Marx's theory of history.
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  21. A revolutionary ecology. [REVIEW]Jonathan Hughes - 2001 - Imprints 5 (2):161-172.
  22. Moral contractualism comes of age. [REVIEW]Jonathan Hughes & Stephen de Wijze - 2001 - Res Publica 7 (2):189--196.
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  23.  34
    Reiner Grundmann, Marxism and Ecology. [REVIEW]Jonathan Hughes, Kathleen Nutt, David Archard, Nick Smith, John Mann, Andrew Bowie, Alex Klaushofer, Gary Kitchen, Katerina Deligiorgi, Ian Craib, Andrew Dobson, Kersten Glandien, Matthew Rampley, Lynne Segal, David Macey, Peter Osborne, Anthony Elliott, David Lamb, Chris Arthur, Anne Beezer & Michael Gardiner - 1993 - Radical Philosophy 63 (63).
  24. Ecology, Policy and Politics. [REVIEW]Jonathan Hughes - 1995 - Radical Philosophy 70.
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  25. Green Political Theory. [REVIEW]Jonathan Hughes - 1993 - Radical Philosophy 65.
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  26. Postmodernism and the Environmental Crisis. [REVIEW]Jonathan Hughes - 1996 - Radical Philosophy 80.
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