Results for 'Lia Kinane'

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  1.  9
    Book review: Moya Lloyd, Beyond Identity Politics: Feminism, Power and Politics. London: SAGE Publications, 2005. 198 pp. (incl. index). ISBN-10: 0—8039—7884—7, ISBN-13: 978—0—8039—7884—3, £60.00 (hbk); ISBN-10: 0—8039—7885—5, ISBN-13: 978—0—8039—7885—0, £20.99 (pbk). [REVIEW]Lia Kinane - 2007 - Feminist Theory 8 (3):372-373.
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    Language Philosophies and the Language Sciences: A Historical Perspective in Honor of Lia Formigari.Lia Formigari, Daniele Gambarara, Stefano Gensini & Antonino Pennisi - 1996
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    International Governance of Climate Engineering.Lia N. Ernst & Edward A. Parson - 2013 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 14 (1):307-338.
    Continued failure to limit emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that are causing global climate change has brought increased attention to climate engineering technologies, which actively modify the global environment to counteract heating and climate disruptions caused by elevated greenhouse gases. Some proposed forms of CE, particularly spraying reflective particles in the upper atmosphere to reduce incoming sunlight, can cool the average temperature of the Earth rapidly and cheaply, thereby substantially reducing climate-related risks. Yet CE interventions provide only (...)
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    Egg distributions and the information a solitary parasitoid has and uses for its oviposition decisions.Lia Hemerik, Nelly van der Hoeven & Jacques J. M. van Alphen - 2002 - Acta Biotheoretica 50 (3):167-188.
    Approximately three decades ago the question was first answered whether parasitoids are able to assess the number or origin of eggs in a host for a solitary parasitoid, Leptopilina heterotoma, by fitting theoretically derived distributions to empirical ones. We extend the set of different theoretically postulated distributions of eggs among hosts by combining searching modes and abilities in assessing host quality. In the models, parasitoids search either randomly (Poisson) (1) or by vibrotaxis (Negative Binomial) (2). Parasitoids are: (a) assumed to (...)
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    'Os Capitães da Areia' e a coragem dos Erês: Notas sobre o imbricamento da arte, música e religião | 'Os Capitães da Areia' and the courage of the Erês: notes on the overlap of art, music and religion.Lia Machado dos Santos & Rosângela Fachel de Medeiros - 2021 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 3 (1):116-136.
    ResumoAs práticas culturais fundem, a todo o momento, diferentes relações entre sistemas culturais (EVEN-ZOHAR, 1990) que antes eram separados. Tais manifestações híbridas reconfiguram e desterritorializam processos simbólicos. Nesse sentido, o presente artigo realiza uma análise comparatista das relações intertextuais presentes na configuração artística do álbum Esú, do rapper brasileiro Baco Exu do Blues, em especial na faixa “Capitães de Areia” em relação ao romance quase homônimo de Jorge Amado, às referências à mitologia dos Erês, e à série fotográfica Laróyè, de (...)
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    On the adaptations of organisms and the fitness of types.Lia Ettinger, Eva Jablonka & Peter McLaughlin - 1990 - Philosophy of Science 57 (3):499-513.
    We claim that much of the confusion associated with the "tautology problem" about survival of the fittest is due to the mistake of attributing fitness to individuals instead of to types. We argue further that the problem itself cannot be solved merely by taking fitness as the aggregate cause of reproductive success. We suggest that a satisfying explanation must center not on logical analysis of the concept of general adaptedness but on the empirical analysis of single adapted traits and their (...)
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    On causality, heritability and fitness.Lia Ettinger, Eva Jablonka & Raphael Falk - 1991 - Biology and Philosophy 6 (1):27-29.
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  8. Analogie, grammaire mentale, système de la langue.Lia Formigari - 2019 - In Valentina Bisconti, Anamaria Curea & Rossana De Angelis (eds.), Héritages, réceptions, écoles en sciences du langage: Avant et après Sausssure. Presses Sorbonne nouvelle. pp. 97-10.
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  9. Considerazioni sull'estetica di S. Langer.Lia Formigari - 1966 - Rivista di Estetica 3:423-435.
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  10. Linguaggio e pedagogia civile in Italia tra edificazione borghese e Restaurazione.Lia Formigari - 1983 - In Albano Leoni Federico, D. Gambarara, F. Lo Piparo & R. Simone (eds.), Linguaggio e pedagogia civile in Italia tra edificazione borghese e Restaurazione. pp. 31-47.
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    Creating, Reinventing, and Assessing Cultural Performances in The Sakha Republic.Lia Zola - 2009 - World Futures 65 (8):613-619.
    This article aims at offering a broad perspective on the evolution and changes of the national Sakha kumys , a beverage made up of raw mare's milk that is quite popular in the Middle Asia area, above all among Turkic-speaking nomadic cattle breeders such as Kazaks, Bashkirs, Tatars, Tuvans, Altaians, and Sakha. I argue that, in spite of its use as an everyday commodity of the Sakha's diet until the beginning of the twentieth century, today it appears to be the (...)
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  12.  13
    Il linguaggio: storia delle teorie.Lia Formigari - 2001 - Roma/Bari: Laterza.
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  13. “Eu sou, eu existo: isto é certo; mas por quanto tempo?”: o tempo, o eu e os outros eus.Lia Levy - 1997 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 2 (2):161-185.
    Ce texte propose une justification de la critique que Spinoza adresse à Descartes, par l’intermédiaire de Louis Meyer, dans la Préface des Principes de la Philosophie de Descartes ; plus particulièrement, il s’agit de reconstruire ses raisons pour affirmer qu’il n’a pas été prouvé, dans la Seconde Méditation, que la chose qui est désignée par le terme ‘je’ puisse être une substance. L’argument qui doit soutenir cette affirma- tion peut être schématisé de la façon suivante : Descartes ne peut introduire (...)
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    A Mental Odd-Even Continuum Account: Some Numbers May Be “More Odd” Than Others and Some Numbers May Be “More Even” Than Others.Lia Heubner, Krzysztof Cipora, Mojtaba Soltanlou, Marie-Lene Schlenker, Katarzyna Lipowska, Silke M. Göbel, Frank Domahs, Maciej Haman & Hans-Christoph Nuerk - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:364587.
    Numerical categories such as parity, i.e., being odd or even, have frequently been shown to influence how particular numbers are processed. Mathematically, number parity is defined categorically. So far, cognitive, and psychological accounts have followed the mathematical definition and defined parity as a categorical psychological representation as well. In this manuscript, we wish to test the alternative account that cognitively, parity is represented in a more gradual manner such that some numbers are represented as “more odd” or “more even” than (...)
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    Inmaculada Pérez Martín, Miguel Ataliates, Historia. [Nueva Roma, 15.].Lia Raffaella Cresci - 2003 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (2):759-764.
    Al centro dell'attenzione degli studiosi nell'ultimo ventennio per l'importanza della testimonianza storica, per il carattere peculiare delle strutture compositive, per varie sfaccettature dell'impostazione ideologica, l'opera di Michele Attaliata non disponeva di un'analisi complessiva né tantomeno di un'edizione critica condotta sulla base degli attuali criteri ecdotici e di una traduzione in una lingua moderna. Lacuna avvertita dai bizantinisti con maggiore evidenza, dal momento che per gli altri storici di primo piano dell'XI secolo, da Michele Psello a Giovanni Scilitza, ci si avvale (...)
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    Kʻartʻuli estʻetikuri azris istoriidan.Lia Curcumia - 2005 - Tʻbilisi: Tʻbilisis universitetis gamomcʻemloba.
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  17. Synomilies me tēn Eirēnela.Phertēs Ēlias - 1976 - [Athēna]: Iōlkos. Edited by Eirēnela.
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  18.  90
    (1 other version)Militant linguistics and philosophy of reforms in italy.Lia Formigari - 1985 - Topoi 4 (2):207-213.
    Theory of language is an important factor in the plans of political and educational reform drawn by Italian philosophers of the eighteenth century. Analysis of language is a technique they often resort to when discussing the foundations of political philosophy and the ways and means of social communication. Interesting suggestions concerning philosophy of language can be found in the works of writers on political economy and philosophy of jurisprudence (Antonio Genovesi, Gaetano Filangieri, Cesare Beccaria, Melchiorre Gioia, Gian Domenico Romagnosi, among (...)
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  19. Sulla genesi del concetto di espressione.Lia Formigari - 1962 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 16 (1=59):101-115.
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  20. El ciclo de Lesbia: Catulo y la biografía de la pasión.Lía Galán - 1999 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 4.
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    The eclipse of species ranges.Lia Hemerik, Rob Hengeveld & Ernst Lippe - 2006 - Acta Biotheoretica 54 (4):255-266.
    This paper distinguishes four recognisably different geographical processes in principle causing species to die out. One of these processes, the one we dub “range eclipse”, holds that one range expands at the expense of another one, thereby usurping it. Channell and Lomolino (2000a, Journal of Biogeography 27: 169–179; 2000b, Nature 403: 84–87; see also Lomolino and Channell, 1995, Journal of Mammalogy 76: 335–347) measured the course of this process in terms of the proportion of the total range remaining in its (...)
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    Jeffery Nicholas, Reason, Tradition and the Good. MacIntyre’s Tradition Constituted Reason and Frankfurt School Critical Theory.Lia Mela - 2015 - Philosophy Study 5 (6).
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    (1 other version)Reseña de Una etnohistoria de Chiquitos, más allá del horizonte jesuítico de Cecilia Martínez. Cochabamba.Lía Guillermina Oliveto - 2019 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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    After the Truth Commission: Gender and Citizenship in Timor-Leste.Lia Kent - 2016 - Human Rights Review 17 (1):51-70.
    This article explores the relationship between truth commissions and gendered citizenship through a case study of Timor-Leste. It examines how, 10 years after the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation has completed its work, women’s citizenship remains constrained by, and negotiated within, deeply gendered narratives of nation-building that are informed by historical experiences of the resistance struggle. The power of these narratives—which foreground heroism rather than victimisation—underscores the need to situate truth commissions as part of an ongoing politics of memory. (...)
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    Philosophy of education in a new key: Constraints and possibilities in present times with regard to dignity.Klas Roth, Lia Mollvik, Rama Alshoufani, Rebecca Adami, Katy Dineen, Fariba Majlesi, Michael A. Peters & Marek Tesar - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (8):1147-1161.
    Human beings as imperfect rational beings face continuous challenges, one of them has to do with the lack of recognizing and respecting our inner dignity in present times. In this collective paper, we address the overall theme—Philosophy of Education in a New Key from various perspectives related to dignity. We address in particular some of the constraints and possibilities with regard to this issue in various settings such as education and society at large. Klas Roth discusses, for example, that it (...)
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    Comentário a “Epistemologia e autonomia no conceito de ideia musical de E. Hanslick”: a autonomia da música em Hanslick”.Lia Tomás - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e02400213.
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    Language and Society in the Late Eighteenth Century.Lia Formigari - 1974 - Journal of the History of Ideas 35 (2):275.
  28.  7
    L'estetica del gusto nel Settecento inglese.Lia Formigari - 1962 - Firenze FI, Italia: Sansoni.
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    Corrigendum: A Mental Odd-Even Continuum Account: Some Numbers May Be “More Odd” Than Others and Some Numbers May Be “More Even” Than Others.Lia Heubner, Krzysztof Cipora, Mojtaba Soltanlou, Marie-Lene Schlenker, Katarzyna Lipowska, Silke M. Göbel, Frank Domahs, Maciej Haman & Hans-Christoph Nuerk - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Contemplation and renewal.Danny Kinane - 2002 - The Australasian Catholic Record 79 (1):64.
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    Isn't it ironic?: irony in contemporary popular culture.Ian Kinane (ed.) - 2021 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume addresses the relationship between irony and popular culture and the role of the consumer in determining and disseminating meaning. Arguing that in a cultural climate largely characterised by fractious communications and perilous linguistic exchanges, the very role of irony in popular culture needs to come under greater scrutiny, it focuses on the many uses, abuses, and misunderstandings of irony in contemporary popular culture, and explores the troubling political populism at the heart of many supposedly satirical and (apparently) non-satirical (...)
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    Let's forget the everyday/laboratory controversy.Lia Kvavilashvili & Judi Ellis - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):199-200.
    In contrast to its aims, Koriat & Goldsmith's article vividly demonstrates(1) the complementarity of ecological and traditional approaches and (2) the difficulty of characterising the growing diversity of memory research with a single set of distinctions. Moreover, the contrast between correspondence and storehouse metaphors is important enough to stand alone without reference to an everyday/laboratory controversy, which is neither acute nor necessary.
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  33. Sujeito e Representação: o Conceito Cartesiano de Idéia.Lia Levy - 1999 - In Edgar Marques, Ethel Rocha, Marcos A. Gleizer, Lia Levy & Ulysses Pinheiro (eds.), Verdade, Conhecimento e Ação. Ensaios em Homenagem a Guido Antônio de Almeida e Raul Landim Filho. São Paulo: Edições Loyola. pp. 233-246.
    The Cartesian notion of idea is the focal point of this paper, which aims to determine whether this concept entails (a) the proposition that ideas are the immediate objects of perception, or (b) the proposition that ideas are the immediate perception of objects, or (c) both. Merely examining the Cartesian texts raises this question, as there are passages that seem to support all these positions. This discussion is not original, as it delves into one of the key questions that Cartesian (...)
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  34. Storie e profezie. Le regole del racconto sacro in Jean Le Clerc.Lia Mannarino - 2008 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 28 (3):453.
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  35. The fantasies of men, the revelation of God. Jean le clerc and the question of inspiration of sacred authors.Lia Mannarino - 2011 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 7 (1):76 - +.
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  36. MacIntyre on Personal Identity.Lia Mela - 2011 - Public Reason 3 (1).
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  37. 9 de fevereiro de 1645. Os “novos” rumos da concepção cartesiana de liberdade.Lia Levy - 2000 - Discurso 31:201-228.
    Este artigo apresenta a maneira pela qual atualmente compreendo um dos pontos mais controverso: da doutrina cartesiana, a saber, sua concepção de liberdade. Meu interesse nas concepções cartesianas de vontade e de liberdade é exclusivamente epistêmico, e não prático; ou melhor, trata-se de pensar esses conceitos, bem como sua relação a partir do ponto de vista estrito do problema do conhecimento, embora - aparentemente - o próprio Descartes não acreditasse que tal separação fosse possível. Através da análise das relações entre (...)
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  38. La sémiotique empiriste face au kantisme.Lia Formigari & Mathilde Anquetil - 1996 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 186 (3):416-417.
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    (1 other version)Ainda o cogito II: A recusa da definição de homem como animal racional na Segunda Meditação (1a Parte).Lia Levy - 2009 - Analytica. Revista da Filosofia 13 (1):257-284.
    Este artigo prolonga a análise do argumento apresentado por Descartes em favor da primeira certeza no início da Segunda Meditação, iniciada em um artigo anterior (Ainda o Cogito). É examinada a passagem subsequente ao referido argumento com vistas a estabelecer que sua compreensão aponta para um debate velado entre Descartes e seus leitores versa- dos na doutrina escolástica, mais particularmente nas concepções da definição como estruturada pela composição do gênero e da diferença e de específica e de conceito universal abstrato. (...)
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  40. Automatismi corporei, linguaggio mentale, parola. Il linguaggio prima della coscienza.Lia Formigari - 2020 - In Maurizio Maione (ed.), La lunga ombra del Settecento: nuove prospettive sul secolo dei lumi. Roma: Aracne editrice. pp. 15-26.
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    Introduzione alla filosofia delle lingue.Lia Formigari - 2007 - Roma/Bari: Laterza.
  42.  12
    Imago in phantasia depicta: studi sulla teoria dell'immaginazione.Lia Formigari, Giovanni Casertano & Italo Cubeddu (eds.) - 1999 - Roma: Carocci.
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  43.  71
    Language and passions.Lia Formigari - 1987 - Topoi 6 (2):99-104.
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    Signs, science, and politics: philosophies of language in Europe, 1700-1830.Lia Formigari - 1993 - Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Edited by Lia Formigari.
    This book tells the story of how 18th-century European philosophy used Locke's theory of signs to build a natural history of speech and to investigate the semiotic tools with which nature and civil society can be controlled. The story ends at the point where this approach to language sciences was called into question. Its epilogue is the description of the birth of an alternative between empiricism and idealism in late 18th- and early 19th-century theories of language. This alternative has given (...)
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    O juízo moral das crianças sobre a ingratidão.Lia Beatriz de Lucca Freitas, Aline Zimmermann Mileski & Jonathan Richard Henry Tudge - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 34:6-18.
    Apresentam-se resultados de um estudo que examinou o juízo moral das crianças sobre a ingratidão. Participaram 77 crianças (49% do sexo feminino), distribuídas em três grupos (5-6, 8-9 e 11-12 anos). Utilizaram-se duas histórias protagonizadas por um(a) benfeitor(a) e um(a) ingrato(a). Após cada his..
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  46. Estudos de Filosofia Moderna.Lia Levy & Ethel Rocha (eds.) - 2011 - Porto Alegre: Linus Editora.
    Aristotle, Master Eckhart, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Hobbes, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, and Kant are among the authors exegetically challenged in this collection of fifteen investigations on classical philosophical themes (rational justification, theory of judgment, analysis of duty and moral principles, doctrine of the subject, freedom, substance and property, necessity and contingency, existence and causality). The choice of the logical geography of these themes relies on the conviction that philosophical understanding and historical inquiry are intrinsically connected.
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    L'Automate spirituel. La subjectivé moderne d'après l'Ethique de Spinoza.Lia Levy - 2000 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
    According to the majority of interpreters of Spinozist philosophy, his doctrine is independent of the modern notion of subjectivity. This study, however, shows that the theory of human knowledge presented in the Ethics can not be rightly understood without adding a certain concept of self-consciousness, and so must contain a theory of subjectivity. Moreover, this theory is reconstructed from Spinozist concepts: self-awareness is, for man, the manifestation of his conatus as a finite thinking unity existing in duration . This reconstruction (...)
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    Implications of neural reuse for brain injury therapy: Historical note on the work of Kurt Goldstein.Barry Lia - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (4):281-282.
    This commentary suggests how the target article raises new implications for brain injury therapies, which may have been anticipated by the neurologist Kurt Goldstein, though he worked in an earlier era of fervent localization of brain function.
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    Ontogeny and ontology: Ontophyletics and enactive focal vision.Barry Lia - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (1):43-44.
  50. The importance of circumstance. Considerations on sacred history in the work of Spinoza, Toland, Le Clerc.Lia Mannarino - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 61 (4):863-890.
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