Results for 'Kwok-kan Tam'

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  1.  12
    Fate as Visioning of the Self in Soul Mountain.Kwok-kan Tam - 2014 - In Nikola Chardonnens & Michael Lackner (eds.), Polyphony Embodied - Freedom and Fate in Gao Xingjian’s Writings. De Gruyter. pp. 225-240.
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    A Multidimensional PERMA-H Positive Education Model, General Satisfaction of School Life, and Character Strengths Use in Hong Kong Senior Primary School Students: Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Path Analysis Using the APASO-II.Man K. Lai, Cynthia Leung, Sylvia Y. C. Kwok, Anna N. N. Hui, Herman H. M. Lo, Janet T. Y. Leung & Cherry H. L. Tam - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  3. Kanādamunipraṇītam Vaiśeṣikadarśanam: Tarkārṇava Paṇḍitaratna (Uttamūr) Śrīvīrarāghavācāryaviracita-Rasāyanākhya-vyākhyopetam = Kaṇād's Vaiseshika darsana ; with Rasāyana-commentary. Kaṇāda - 1958 - Madras: For copies, V.S. Venkata Raghavacharya. Edited by Uttamur T. Viraraghavacharya.
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    Corrigendum: A Multidimensional PERMA-H Positive Education Model, General Satisfaction of School Life, and Character Strengths Use in Hong Kong Senior Primary School Students: Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Path Analysis Using the APASO-II.Man K. Lai, Cynthia Leung, Sylvia Y. C. Kwok, Anna N. N. Hui, Herman H. M. Lo, Janet T. Y. Leung & Cherry H. L. Tam - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Müslüman Örneklemler Arasında Bilişsel-Davranışla İlişkili Dua Türleri ve Ruh Sağlığı İlişkisi.Fatumetul Zehra Guldas - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (1):437-454.
    Psikolojik ve öznel iyi oluş, bireyin yaşamı hakkında nasıl hissettiğine ve yaşam olaylarına nasıl tepki verdiğine bağlıdır. Bireysel olarak kişi, kontrolü dışında gerçekleşen tüm dış olayları bilişsel şemalarında istemsizce hissedebilir. Özellikle ruh sağlığı göz önüne alındığında, son yıllarda dini inanç ve uygulamaların ruh sağlığının çeşitli bileşenleri üzerindeki etkisi, din psikolojisinde en çok çalışılan konulardan biri olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Çoğu çalışma, bireylerin anlam arayışları ve yaşam olaylarına tepkileri hakkında cevaplar ararken dinin rolüne odaklanmıştır. Hayatın zorluklarıyla karşılaşan ve strese maruz kalan bireylerin (...)
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    Kādî Abdülcebb'r’ın Düşüncesinde Dillerin Ortaya Çıkışı ve Modern Dilbilim.Hüseyin Elmhemit - 2022 - Atebe 7:99-113.
    İslam düşüncesinde dillerin ortaya çıkışı konusu, dilbilimsel çalışma ve tartışmaların büyük bir bölümünü oluşturmuştur. Bu tartışmalarda en büyük pay usul ve kelâm âlimlerine aittir. Müslümanlar, dillerin ortaya çıkmasıyla ilgili iki teori öne sürmüşlerdir: Birincisi, tevkîf teorisidir. Buna göre dil ilahi bir mevhibe olup insana Allah tarafından öğretilmiştir. Çok kadim olan bu teori Yunan filozofları tarafından da savunulmuştur. İkinci teori ise tevfîk teorisidir. Bu teorinin sahipleri dilin toplumsal uzlaşı ile doğduğunu öngörürler. Bu teoriyi savunanların çoğu, delillerini aklî temele dayandıran Muʻtezile’ye mensup (...)
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    Ahl'kî Özdenetim Duygusu Olarak Pişmanlığın Mahiyeti.Muhammet Caner Ilgaroğlu - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (1):365-374.
    Duygular; insanın epistemik, etik ve estetik yönleriyle doğrudan ilişkili varoluşsal özniteliklerdir. İnsan anlam-lı, değerli ve güzel bir hayat kurarken akılla birlikte duygulardan motivasyon almaktadır. Duygular, çok fonk-siyonlu yapısıyla insanın niyet, tutum, tavır ve eylemlerini belirleme, harekete geçirme, yönlendirme, etkile-me, dönüştürme, frenleme ve bazen de manipüle etme araçlarıdır. Bu nedenle ahlak başta olmak üzere insan eylemlerini problem edinen her araştırma, duyguları ele almak durumun¬dadır. İnsanı tam anlamıyla tanıma-nın yolu, pratik yaşantısı içerisinde ortaya çıkan duygusallığını anlamaktan geçer. Dolayısıyla teorik olanın durağanlığı ile (...)
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    Hadis İlmi Açısından "Men Hafiza" Riv'yeti ve Manzum Kırk Hadis Geleneğine Tesiri.Mustafa Yüceer - 2020 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 6 (2):931-970.
    Hz. Peygamber’den nakledilen rivayetler dine ait hükümleri bildirmekle beraber toplumsal ve kültürel bağları da etkilemiştir. Rivayetlerin tedvini ile birlikte ortaya çıkan hadis edebiyatı dinin bütün konularını kapsayan eserlerin yanında belirli konuları veya özellikleri barındıran metinler etrafında gelişmiştir. Bu eserlerden kırk hadisler, zayıf hükmü verilen bir rivayette geçen Hz. Peygamber’in şefaatine ulaşma ve fakih olarak diriltilme düşüncesiyle yaygınlık kazanmıştır. Özellikle Abdurrahman Câmî’nin etkisiyle kırk hadisler tam veya kısmî iktibasla ya da tercüme yoluyla nazma çekilerek Osmanlı döneminde manzum kırk hadis geleneği oluşmuştur. (...)
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    İbadet: Bilgi, Niyet ve Özgürlük.Şaban Ali DÜZGÜN - 2022 - Kader 20 (3):841-852.
    İbâdet, bütün akıl sahibi varlıkların Allah'ın varlığını idrak edebilme ve O'na karşı şükretme duygusu olarak tanımlanır. İbadet eylemini incelemek, ibadet edenin doğasını tahlil etmeyi gerektirir. Bu tahlil bizi ibadet eylemine eşlik eden bilgi/kavrayış, niyet/yönelimsellik ve sürecin sonunda ortaya çıkan özgürlükle buluşturur. Bilgi/kavrayış, Kur'an'ın ibâdet olarak işaret ettiği ilişki formuna en derin mânâyı verir. İbadet, Tanrı'nın mutlak yaratıcı iradesini keşfetme ve ona insanî seviyede eşlik etme arzusudur. Allah’ın varlığını ve birliğini bilmeye yapılan çağrı, ibadetin bilgi ve niyet unsuruna en üst seviyede (...)
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    Mu‘tezilî Âlim K'dî Abdülcebb'r Ş'fiî miydi?Bahaddin Karakuş & Ahmet Yaman - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (1):42-59.
    Genel olarak İslam düşüncesini özel olarak da fıkıh düşüncesini derinden etkileyen isimlerden biri de hiç şüphesiz Kâdî Abdülcebbâr’dır (öl. 415/1025). Hayatının çoğu hicrî 4./11. yüzyılda geçen ve Basra Mu’tezilesi’nin Cübbâî’lerden sonra en önemli temsilcisi olan Abdülcebbâr, hem kelam hem de fıkıh usûlü alanındaki eserleriyle sadece Mu’tezilî çevrelerde değil Sünnî muhitlerde de çığır açıcı bir âlim olarak görülmüştür. Birçok Sünnî usûlcünün ortak kanaatine göre İmam Şâfiî’den sonra fıkıh usulü alanındaki en önemli isimlerden biri Abdülcebbâr’dır. Teoloji ve metodoloji alanlarında bu denli etkili (...)
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    Epistemik Güvenilircilik ve Alvin Plantinga’da Tanrı İnancının Güvenilirliği Sorunu.Musa Yanık - 2020 - Din Ve Felsefe Araştırmaları Dergisi 3 (6):181-208.
    Güvenilirci (reliabilist) bilgi teorisi, çağdaş epistemik gerekçelendirme kuramları içerisinde, dışsalcı (externalist) kuramın bir türü olarak kendisine yer bulmaktadır. Kısaca, bir inancı gerekçelendiren şeyin o inancın oluşturulduğu sürecin güvenilirliği olduğunu öne süren bu yaklaşım, bu bilişsel süreçleri özne dışı unsurlara bağladığı içinde dışsalcı bir pozisyonda yer almaktadır. Bu bilgi teorisinin tam karşı konumunda yer alan içselci (internalist) bilgi teorisi ise, özne merkezli bir yaklaşımla, doğru inancı gerekçelendirecek yöntemin, kişinin kendi zihinsel yapısından yola çıkarak, belli kognitif süreçler sonucunda ulaşılabileceğini öne sürmektedir. Epistemik (...)
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    Beyz'vî ve Lütfullah el-Erzurûmî’nin Tefsirlerinde İrab Olgusu.Mücahit Elhuut & Yakup Kizilkaya - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):1053-1072.
    İrap Arap dili ve İslami ilimlere dair tedvin faaliyetlerinin başlangıcından bu yana önemini devam ettiren bir olgudur. Bu sebeple farklı alanları konu alan İslami ilimlerin çoğunda esas alınan unsurlardan birisi olmuştur. Bu alanlardan biri olan ve öncelikli hedefi Kur’ân’ın anlaşılmasına katkı sağlamak olan tefsirin de önemli bir parçasıdır. Zira dile ait özelliklerin tam manasıyla gözetilmesiyle ancak doğru bir tefsir faaliyetinden söz etmek mümkün olabilmektedir. Arap dilinin tefsirle ilgili en bariz özelliklerinden biri ise iraptır. Bundan dolayı her bir müfessirin tefsir yönteminde (...)
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    Aristoteles’in Kategoriler’i Formlar Teorisini Nasıl Eleştirir?Duran Zeynep - 2023 - Felsefe Arkivi 58:111-133.
    Kategoriler’de, iki tür ontolojik yüklemleme ilişkisi ve karşılık gelen iki temel varlık ayrımı karşımıza çıkar. Aristoteles, bir taşıyıcı içinde olma ifadesiyle tözleri ilineklerden, bir taşıyıcı için söylenir olma ifadesiyle de tümelleri, özleri bakımından aynı olan tikellerinden ayırır. Anılan ayrımlar bize Aristoteles’in varlık görüşündeki iki temel prensibi verirler: Var olan çok anlamlıdır ve her zaman belirli bir şeydir. Bu bakımdan Kategoriler, şeylerin hem özlerini hem de ilineklerini açıklama ve böylece ilgili yüklemleme problemlerini çözme iddiasına sahiptir. Bu doğrultuda, metnin kendisinde doğrudan bir (...)
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    Hayız Döneminde Kadını Kirli Sayan Kadim Anlayışın Sünnetteki Uygulamayla Kaldırılması.Sehal Deniz Varlık - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (1):202-219.
    Kadınların mukaddes görevlerini, insan neslinin devamlılığını sağlamayı yerine getirebilmelerine imkân veren aylık kanama dönemlerinin ironik bir şekilde kirlilik sebebi sayılması kadim bir kabuldür. Belki de ilkel inançlarda kana yüklenen tabu anlamı bu kabulün benimsenmesinde rol oynamıştır. Her ne kadar feminist akımlarla beşeriyet tarihinin başlangıcındaki anaerkil dönemde kadınlara kutsallık katan doğurganlıklarının bir uzantısı olan adet görmelerinin, ataerkil düzene geçişle bir aşağılanma ve murdarlık sebebi sayılmaya başlandığı iddia edilmiştir. Fakat bu görüşün dayanakları doğruluğunu ispatlayacak sağlamlıkta olmadığı gibi alanın uzmanlarınca da ortaya atılmıştır. (...)
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  15. Matsubara Kan.Kan Matsubara (ed.) - 1972
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    Scientism in Chinese thought, 1900-1950.D. W. Y. Kwok - 1965 - New York,: Biblo & Tannen.
  17.  21
    Phenomenology and Intercultural Understanding: Toward a New Cultural Flesh.Kwok-Ying Lau - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book approaches the topic of intercultural understanding in philosophy from a phenomenological perspective. It provides a bridge between Western and Eastern philosophy through in-depth discussion of concepts and doctrines of phenomenology and ancient and contemporary Chinese philosophy. Phenomenological readings of Daoist and Buddhist philosophies are provided: the reader will find a study of theoretical and methodological issues and innovative readings of traditional Chinese and Indian philosophies from the phenomenological perspective. The author uses a descriptive rigor to avoid cultural prejudices (...)
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    Culture and Humanity in the New Millennium: The Future of Human Values.Kwok Siu Tong & Chan Sin-wai (eds.) - 2003 - Columbia University Press.
    The last millennium saw rapid change, spreading globalization, and shifting populations. These have posed moral, ethical, and social dilemmas that have challenged the very foundations of our beliefs and radically changed our way of life. In this volume, some of the world's greatest thinkers in philosophy, music, religion, and the arts share their insights on the future shape of human civilization. How can old cultural legacies fit new contexts? Can there be a universalist values coexist with local differentiation? Are literature (...)
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    Hegel und Schelling über die Einheit und das Leben des Einzelnen.Kwok-Kui Wong - 2007 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2007 (1).
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  20. “On Indirect Speech Acts and Linguistic Communication: A Response to Bertolet”1: McGowan, Tam and Hall.Mary Kate McGowan, Shan Shan Tam & Margaret Hall - 2009 - Philosophy 84 (4):495-513.
    Suppose a diner says, 'Can you pass the salt?' Although her utterance is literally a question (about the physical abilities of the addressee), most would take it as a request (that the addressee pass the salt). In such a case, the request is performed indirectly by way of directly asking a question. Accordingly this utterance is known as an indirect speech act. On the standard account of such speech acts, a single utterance constitutes two distinct speech acts. On this account (...)
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  21. The Attraction of the Cosmos: How information inducing happiness and impression affects attitudes toward space tourism.Tam-Tri Le, Ruining Jin, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Space tourism is an emerging field where few people have direct experience. However, considering the potential in the near future, it is beneficial to better understand how related information influences people’s attitudes about this new form of tourism. Employing information-processing-based Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics on a dataset of 361 respondents consuming content related to space tourism on Chinese social media, we found that induced happiness and impression are positively associated with willingness to try space tourism. Information authenticity positively moderates (...)
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  22. Yŏkchu Oeam Yi Kan ŭi ch'ŏrhak kwa sam.Kan Yi - 2008 - Ch'ungch'ŏng-namdo Asan-si: Onyang Munhwawŏn.
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    Li Ta-chao and the Origins of Chinese Marxism.D. W. Y. Kwok - 1969 - Philosophy East and West 19 (4):449-450.
  24. Ju Fo ssu hsiang tsung ho yen chiu.Kwok-wai Woo - 1975 - Tʻai-pei hsien Yung-ho chen : Pʻu tʻi wen i chʻu pan she yin hsing,:
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    An Epistemological Disjunctivist Account of Memory Knowledge.Chung Him Kwok, Shane Ryan & Chienkuo Mi - 2023 - Episteme 20 (3):584-597.
    This paper explores the prospects for a Pritchardean epistemological disjunctivist account of memory knowledge. We begin by providing an overview of Duncan Pritchard's epistemological disjunctivist account of perceptual knowledge, as well as the theoretical advantages of such an account. Drawing on that account, we present and motivate our own Pritchardean epistemological disjunctivist account of memory knowledge. After distinguishing different sorts of memory and the different roles that memory can play in knowledge acquisition, we set out our account and argue that (...)
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  26. The Vaiśeṣika sûtras of Kaṇâda, with the commentary of Śaṅkara Miśra and extracts from the gloss of Jayanârâyaṇa, together with notes from the commentary of Chandrakânta and an introduction by the translator. Kaṇāda - 1910 - Allahabad: Pâṇini Office. Edited by Śaṅkaramiśra, Jayanārāyaṇa Tarkapañcānana, Candrakānta tarkalaṅkāra & Nandalal Sinha.
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  27. Examining the influence of generalized trust on life satisfaction across different education levels and socioeconomic conditions using the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework.Tam-Tri Le, Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Ruining Jin, Viet-Phuong La, Hong-Son Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Extant literature suggests a positive correlation between social trust (also called generalized trust) and life satisfaction. However, the psychological pathways underlying this relationship can be complex. Using the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF), we examined the influence of social trust in a high-violence environment. Employing Bayesian analysis on a sample of 1237 adults in Cali, Colombia, we found that in a linear relationship, generalized trust is positively associated with life satisfaction. However, in a model including the interactions between trust and education (...)
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  28.  52
    Introduction: Thinking Freely, Acting Variously, or Thought as a Practice of Freedom.Chan Kwok-Bun & Chan Nin - 2010 - World Futures 66 (3-4):163-191.
  29. Think more before you cheat: The influences of attitudes toward cheating and cognitive reflection on cheating behavior.Tam-Tri Le, Ruining Jin, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Cheating is widely considered a condemnable behavior in society and a big problem in the educational system. In this study, we employ the information-processing-based Bayesian Mindsponge Framework to explore deeper the subjective cost-benefit evaluation involving the perceived value of cheating. Conducting Bayesian analysis on 493 university students from Germany, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, and Japan, we found that students who have more positive attitudes toward cheating are more likely to cheat. However, a higher capability of cognitive reflection acts as a moderator (...)
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    How Does Corporate Social Responsibility Engagement Influence Word of Mouth on Twitter? Evidence from the Airline Industry.Tam Thien Vo, Xinning Xiao & Shuk Ying Ho - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (2):525-542.
    Our study examines how a company’s engagement in corporate social responsibility influences word of mouth about the company on Twitter, particularly during a service delay. We use the airline industry as the study context. On the popular social medium Twitter, people post tweets about airline services and raise concerns about service delays when flights are delayed, canceled, or diverted. Drawing on the literature on legitimacy and the halo effect, we argue that a company’s CSR engagement enhances its corporate image, which (...)
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  31. Examining the influence of generalized trust on life satisfaction across different education levels and socioeconomic conditions using the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework.Tam-Tri Le, Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Ruining Jin, Viet-Phuong La, Hong-Son Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Extant literature suggests a positive correlation between social trust (also called generalized trust) and life satisfaction. However, the psychological pathways underlying this relationship can be complex. Using the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF), we examined the influence of social trust in a high-violence environment. Employing Bayesian analysis on a sample of 1237 adults in Cali, Colombia, we found that in a linear relationship, generalized trust is positively associated with life satisfaction. However, in a model including the interactions between trust and education (...)
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    On Menopause and Cyborgs: Or, Towards a Feminist Cyborg Politics of Menopause.Kwok Wei Leng - 1996 - Body and Society 2 (3):33-52.
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    The White Bull effect: abusive coauthorship and publication parasitism.L. S. Kwok - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (9):554-556.
    Junior researchers can be abused and bullied by unscrupulous senior collaborators. This article describes the profile of a type of serial abuser, the White Bull, who uses his academic seniority to distort authorship credit and who disguises his parasitism with carefully premeditated deception. Further research into the personality traits of such perpetrators is warranted.
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  34. Trust is for the strong: How health status may influence generalized and personalized trust.Tam-Tri Le, Phuong-Loan Nguyen, Ruining Jin, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    In the trust-health relationship, how trusting other people in society may promote good health is a topic often examined. However, the other direction of influence – how health may affect trust – has not been well explored. In order to investigate this possible effect, we employed Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics to go deeper into the information processing mechanisms underlying the expressions of trust. Conducting Bayesian analysis on a dataset of 1237 residents from Cali, Colombia, we found that general health (...)
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    Kicking the Psychophysical Laws into Gear A New Approach to the Combination Problem.Tam Hunt - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (11-12):11-12.
    A new approach to the 'hard problem'of consciousness, the eons-old mind-body problem, is proposed, inspired by Whitehead, Schopenhauer, Griffin, and others. I define a 'simple subject' as the fundamental unit of matter and of consciousness. Simple subjects are inherently experiential, albeit in a highly rudimentary manner compared to human consciousness. With this re-framing, the 'physical' realm includes the 'mental' realm; they are two aspects of the same thing, the outside and inside of each real thing. This view is known as (...)
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    Factors influencing the performance of English as an Additional Language nursing students: instructors’ perspectives.Tam Truong Donnelly, Elaine McKiel & Jihye Hwang - 2009 - Nursing Inquiry 16 (3):201-211.
    The increasing number of immigrants in Canada has led to more nursing students for whom English is an additional language (EAL). Limited language skills, cultural differences, and a lack of support can pose special challenges for these students and the instructors who teach them. Using a qualitative research methodology, in‐depth interviews with fourteen EAL nursing students and two focus group interviews with nine instructors were conducted. In this paper, the instructors' perspectives are presented. Data acquired from the instructors suggest that (...)
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    Cultural hybridization: A third way between divergence and convergence.Chan Kwok-Bun & Peter J. Peverelli - 2010 - World Futures 66 (3-4):219 – 242.
    The convergence-divergence debate on whether business cultures are growing alike or not has become an important part of studies of the influence of national cultures on the operation of firms. This article intends to formulate a third way, a third model, by creating synergy between the model of cultural hybridization and Social Integration Theory. We contend that cultural hybridization takes place in multicultural joint ventures but this process happens unevenly and in different parts of the venture. The new model, itself (...)
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    Transnationalism and its personal and social consequences for chinese transmigrants.Chan Kwok-Bun - 2008 - World Futures 64 (3):187 – 221.
    In this essay, I investigate the origins of Chinese migrant transnationalism and its personal and social consequences. I propose a theoretical perspective that turns on a synthesis that I shall call “cultural functionalism,” a synthesis that attempts to reconcile functionalism and postmodernism. My argument is that Chinese transmigrants overcome modern alienation through a two-way approach: first, a strong participation in and full commitment to community development and connectivity within the Chinese diaspora ; and, second, a religio-cultural renaissance—both being conceived of (...)
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    The Epistemology of Corporate Power: The Limits of the Firm–State Analogy.Chi Kwok - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Philosophy.
    Political theorists frequently utilize the ‘firm–state analogy’ (FSA) to support the arguments for democratic governance in firms. This article presents the FSA as an analogy with both justificatory and epistemic functions. Its justificatory function provides valid justificatory strategies for workplace democracy, while its epistemic function offers models that shape the understanding of corporate power. In this article, four limitations of the justificatory function of the FSA are identified: (i) the problem of ambiguity, (ii) the boundary problem, (iii) the issue of (...)
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    Methodological suggestions for climato-economic theory.Kwok Leung & Grand H.-L. Cheng - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (5):494-495.
    To evaluate and extend climato-economic theory, the use of more micro units of analysis, such as cities and families, may open up new data sources. The consideration of environmental demands other than thermal climate may also broaden the range of useful data. Longitudinal designs can provide causal evidence, and so can experiments if the theory can be applied to individuals.
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    Reflections on the May Fourth Movement: A Symposium.D. W. Y. Kwok - 1974 - Philosophy East and West 24 (3):369-369.
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    The Concept of Being and the Ontological Status of Plato's "The One", "The Good" and the Ideas.Kwok-Kui Wong - 2004 - Philosophical Inquiry 26 (4):67-88.
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    The Concept of Being and the Ontological Status of Plato's.Kwok-Kui Wong - 2004 - Philosophical Inquiry 26 (4):67-88.
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    Nishitani’s Critique of Hegel in Prajñā and Reason.Edward Kwok & Gregory S. Moss - 2024 - Journal of East Asian Philosophy 3 (1):115-143.
    In Prajñā and Reason Nishitani presents a powerful vision of philosophy as Absolute knowing. Nishitani’s conclusions are striking: Absolute knowing can only fulill its potential by beginning without any presuppositions and affirming the truth of contradiction. Because Hegel’s philosophy also purports to be a science of Absolute knowing, in Prajñā and Reason Nishitani develops his own account of the Absolute in conversation with Hegel’s philosophy. We reconstruct Nishitani’s reading and various critiques of Hegel, and thereafter evaluate its merits. Our inquiry (...)
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    Schelling’s Understanding of Laozi.Kwok Kui Wong - 2017 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 16 (4):503-520.
    This article examines Schelling’s understanding of Laozi 老子. It begins with Schelling’s reception of Laozi’s text and its translation. The main part of this article focuses on Schelling’s discussion of Laozi in his Philosophy of Mythology. It then compares some of the key concepts mentioned in Schelling’s comments and their respective counterparts in Laozi: nothingness and wu 無, portal and abyss, reason and dao 道, name and concept, nature and ziran 自然, and so on, and analyzes the possible reasons for (...)
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    Ethical issues in the evolution ofcorporate governance in china.OnKit Tam - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 37 (3):303 - 320.
    China is establishing its corporate governance structures by emulating the stylized Anglo-American model. However, the country does not yet have the necessary formal and informal institutions, or the financial infrastructure to make these structures work effectively. Corruption, stock market manipulation, tax cheating, fraudulent dealing, all manners of plundering of state assets and the lack protection of shareholders' rights are some of the more conspicuous manifestations of the ethical issues that have emerged in this mismatch. This study shows how these issues (...)
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  47. The Easy Part of the Hard Problem: A Resonance Theory of Consciousness.Tam Hunt & Jonathan W. Schooler - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    On a Recent Naturalism Debate in Business Ethics – from a Philosophy Point of View.Kwok Tung Cheung - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (4):889-898.
    William C. Frederick proposes a naturalistic business ethics. Many commentators focus on the issues of naturalistic fallacy, deprivation of freedom of the will, and possibility of important and universal moral values in business ethics. I argue that an ethics being naturalistic is not a worry. The issue of deprivation of free will is irrelevant. Yet there are urgent questions regarding the possibility of important and universal moral values, which may prevent Frederick’s view from getting off the ground.
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    Tissue for transplantation.Tam Dalyell - 1975 - Journal of Medical Ethics 1 (2):61-62.
    In this article Mr Tam Dalyell mp uses extracts from the speech1 he made in the House of Commons on 11 December 1974 to reiterate his reasons for persisting in his attempts to have formulated in law the right of hospitals to take such organs from a dead person as might be useful unless before death potential donors (all of us) had stated that they did not consent. Details of those objecting would be registered on a central computer.
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    Aristotle and Gadamer on Mimesis and Tragedy.Kwok-Kui Wong - 2006 - Philosophical Inquiry 28 (3-4):21-34.
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