Results for 'Grace Flores'

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  1. Love vs. money : understanding unique challenges in care workers' labor organizing.Grace Flores-Robles & Ana P. Gantman - 2023 - In Matthew Lindauer, James R. Beebe & Justin Sytsma (eds.), Advances in Experimental Political Philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury.
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    Knowledge, opinions and experiences of researchers regarding ethical regulation of biomedical research in Benin: a cross-sectional study.Martial Boko, Fernand Aimé Guédou, Grâce Quenum & Flore Gangbo - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundEthics in biomedical research is still a fairly new concept in Africa. This work aims to assess the knowledge, attitude and experiences of Beninese researchers with regard to the national ethical regulatory framework of biomedical research in Benin.MethodsThis was a cross-sectional and descriptive study, involving all the researchers fulfilling the inclusion criteria. Data were collected through a face-to-face interview using a questionnaire and analysed. Proportions and means were calculated with their confidence intervals and standard deviations, respectively.ResultsOf the 110 participants included (...)
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    Psiquismo de Grupo: La Perversión y la Psicosis como Real del Deseo en lo Social.Tomás Flores Estay - 2022 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 13:77-96.
    El artículo presenta las elaboraciones conceptuales de Deleuze y Guattari en torno a la perversión, especialmente según las propuestas que los autores desarrollan en El anti-Edipo. Capitalismo y Esquizofrenia. Se trabajará la idea de que la perversión, así como otras formas de lo psíquico, están entramadas al interior del campo social, en una relación de continuidad y siguiendo un proceso de producción de lo real, que es lo que Deleuze y Guattari entienden por deseo. El carácter histórico del delirio y (...)
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    El mal, la razón y el dolor: breve análisis de los principios de la ética en Kant y en Schopenhauer.Carlos Alejandro Flores Eudave - 2013 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 3 (5):12-26.
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    El programa de Grice: Más allá del significado literal intencioalidad y expectativa.Carlos Alejandro Flores Eudave - 2015 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 5 (9):7.
    Cuando un hablante emite una proferencia x, hay ocasiones en las quela audiencia puede entender otra cosa que diverge del significado literalde los signos o símbolos empleados en x; a saber, la audiencia, alescuchar x, entiende y. Sin embargo, esto no se debe a que en algunacircunstancia particular el significado literal de x cambie (éste es atemporale inmutable); pero entonces, cómo o por qué es que en algunasocasiones, por ejemplo en el sarcasmo, la ironía o los albures, la audiencialogra identificar (...)
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    La 'pérdida del aura' en la obra de arte: observaciones a la teoría de Walter Benjamín.Carlos Alejandro Flores Eudave - 2014 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 4 (8):26-32.
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    Development of a Brief Multicultural Version of the Test of Mobile Phone Dependence Questionnaire.Mariano Chóliz, Lourdes Pinto, Sukanya S. Phansalkar, Emily Corr, Ayman Mujjahid, Conni Flores & Pablo E. Barrientos - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Quantity yields quality when it comes to creativity: a brain and behavioral test of the equal-odds rule.Rex E. Jung, Christopher J. Wertz, Christine A. Meadows, Sephira G. Ryman, Andrei A. Vakhtin & Ranee A. Flores - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  9. Back to a New and Improved Future.Taylor W. Cyr & Grace Scott - forthcoming - In Joshua Heter & Richard Greene (eds.), Back to the Future and Philosophy: This is Heavy!
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    Fe and Co selective substitution in Ni2MnGa: Effect of magnetism on relative phase stability.D. E. Soto-Parra, X. Moya, L. Mañosa, A. Planes, H. Flores-Zúñiga, F. Alvarado-Hernández, R. A. Ochoa-Gamboa, J. A. Matutes-Aquino & D. Ríos-Jara - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (20):2771-2792.
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    Ethics Consultations at a Major Academic Medical Center: A Retrospective, Longitudinal Analysis.Aimee Milliken, Andrew Courtwright, Pamela Grace, Elizabeth Eagan-Bengston, Monique Visser & Martha Jurchak - 2020 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 11 (4):275-286.
    Growing evidence suggests that nurses and other clinicians often feel insufficiently equipped to manage ethical issues that arise in their practice (Truog et al. 2015; Woods 2005; Darmon et al. 201...
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    Frequency of use of the religious exemption in New Jersey cases of determination of brain death.Rachel Grace Son & Susan M. Setta - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-6.
    The 1981 Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA) established the validity of both cardio-respiratory and neurological criteria of death. However, many religious traditions including most forms of Haredi Judaism (ultra-orthodox) and many varieties of Buddhism strongly disagree with death by neurological criteria (DNC). Only one state in the U.S., New Jersey, allows for both religious exemptions to DNC and provides continuation of health insurance coverage when an exception is invoked in its 1991 Declaration of Death Act (NJDDA). There is yet (...)
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  13. Editorial Note.Moira Gilruth, Sophie Grace Chappell & Franz Berto - 2021 - Philosophical Quarterly 71 (4):pqab049.
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    Ethical Awareness Scale: Replication Testing, Invariance Analysis, and Implications.Aimee Milliken, Larry Ludlow & Pamela Grace - 2019 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 10 (4):231-240.
    Ethical awareness enables nurses to recognize the ethical implications of all practice actions, and is an important component of safe and high quality nursing care (Milliken 2016; Milliken and Grac...
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    Whether and How We Will Continue to Reproduce Ourselves.Grace Y. Kao - 2024 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (4):639-651.
    The author examines two open questions for religious ethicists: whether continuing to have children is a bad idea, given the challenges of antinatalism and climate change, and how we should evaluate the future of reproductive technology. Kao responds to these questions without resolving them by drawing upon human rights, the reproductive justice framework, and principles of social justice.
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    Filosofia e pedagogia oggi: studi in onore di Giuseppe Flores D'Arcais.Giuseppe Flores D'Arcais & Aldo Agazzi (eds.) - 1985 - Padova: Libreria gregoriana.
  17. Toward Understanding Each Other: Bridging Gaps in the Science‐and‐Religion Dialogue.Grace Wolf-Chase - 2004 - Zygon 39 (2):393-395.
    . The high degree of specialization in society and compartmentalization in education have resulted in increasing difficulty in communicating across different fields of study. I propose that these gaps in communication across disciplines must be addressed to ensure a fruitful ongoing science-and-religion dialogue.
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    In Memory of Gabriel Marcel and The Little Prince.Grace Williams-Kim - 2023 - Questions 23:54-59.
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    The Arnheim Connection: "Guernica" and "Las Meninas".Susan Grace Galassi - 1993 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 27 (4):45.
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    The Split and the Structure: Twenty-Eight Essays.Susan Grace Galassi & Rudolf Arnheim - 1998 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 32 (4):107.
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    (1 other version)Britain and Japan, 1858-1883.Grant K. Goodman & Grace Fox - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (1):156.
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    Competency frameworks, nursing perspectives, and interdisciplinary collaborations for good patient care: Delineating boundaries.Maya Zumstein-Shaha & Pamela J. Grace - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (1):e12402.
    To enhance patient care in the inevitable conditions of complexity that exist in contemporary healthcare, collaboration among healthcare professions is critical. While each profession necessarily has its own primary focus and perspective on the nature of human healthcare needs, these alone are insufficient for meeting the complex needs of patients (and potential patients). Persons are inevitably contextual entities, inseparable from their environments, and are subject to institutional and social barriers that can detract from good care or from accessing healthcare. These (...)
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    The Art of Dance in Red China.Mary Grace Swift - 1973 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 48 (2):275-285.
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    Qua Solution, 0-Qua Has Problems.Andrew Tedder, Grace Paterson & David Ripley - 2020 - Journal of Analytic Theology 8 (1):405-411.
    We present an objection to Beall & Henderson’s recent paper defending a solution to the fundamental problem of conciliar Christology using qua or secundum clauses. We argue that certain claims the acceptance/rejection of which distinguish the Conciliar Christian from others fail to so distinguish on Beall & Henderson’s 0-Qua view. This is because on their 0-Qua account, these claims are either acceptable both to Conciliar Christians as well as those who are not Conciliar Christians or because they are acceptable to (...)
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    Wisdom as Knowledge Management’s Perfect Solution: a Word of Caution.Grace Teo-Dixon & Janet Sayers - 2011 - Philosophy of Management 10 (1):61-77.
    The management of “wisdom” has been mooted in knowledge management (KM) theory mostly in relation to what is known as the “knowledge hierarchy”. We argue that there are unquestioned assumptions inherent in KM leading to wisdom being included in KM theory because of rhetorical “urges” more than theoretical ones. These rhetorical urges impel a drive towards perfection that excludes more than is included. Our interrogation of the KM literature uncovers some of the questionable implications in understanding knowledge as a resource (...)
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    Terminal Indifference: The Hollywood War Film Post-September 11.Kim Toffoletti & Victoria Grace - 2010 - Film-Philosophy 14 (2):62-83.
    Speaking about the state of the Hollywood film industry at the 2008 Academy Awards, the Oscars’ host – comedian Jon Stewart – made the following wry assessment: ‘Not all films did as well as Juno obviously. The films that were made about the Iraq War, let’s face it, did not do as well. But I’m telling you, if we stay the course and keep these movies in the theatres we can turn this around. I don’t care if it takes 100 (...)
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    Operant contingencies and “near-money”.Simon Kemp & Randolph C. Grace - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (2):188-188.
    We make two major comments. First, negative reinforcement contingencies may generate some apparent “drug-like” aspects of money motivation, and the operant account, properly construed, is both a tool and drug theory. Second, according to Lea & Webley (L&W), one might expect that “near-money,” such as frequent-flyer miles, should have a stronger drug and a weaker tool aspect than regular money. Available evidence agrees with this prediction. (Published Online April 5 2006).
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    Paul Cooke (2012) Contemporary German Cinema.Victoria Grace Walden - 2015 - Film-Philosophy 19 (1).
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    On Existence and the Human World.Peter Winch & Grace A. De Laguna - 1967 - Philosophical Quarterly 17 (68):277.
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    Acute stress improves analogical reasoning: examining the roles of stress hormones and long-term memory.Amy M. Smith, Grace Elliott, Gregory I. Hughes, Richard S. Feinn & Tad T. Brunyé - 2020 - Thinking and Reasoning 27 (2):294-318.
    Analogical reasoning relies on subprocesses of long-term memory and problem-solving. Stress, with its accompanying hormones dehydroepiandrosterone and cortisol, has been shown to impair memo...
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    Wu Wenying and the Art of Southern Song Ci Poetry.Robert H. Smitheram & Grace S. Fong - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (3):512.
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    Against directive teaching in the moral Community of Inquiry: A response to Michael Hand.Michelle Sowey & Grace Lockrobin - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 7 (2).
    While we consider directive teaching to be detrimental to the Community of Inquiry, we nonetheless find ourselves in qualified agreement with Hand as he challenges certain norms of practice that support the common presumption in favour of nondirective teaching in the moral CoI. We agree with Hand that it is possible for teachers to impart their own moral beliefs without indoctrinating students, yet we argue that the risk of indoctrination remains present in the many realistic scenarios in which teachers misjudge (...)
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  33. Epistemic norms on evidence-gathering.Carolina Flores & Elise Woodard - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (9):2547-2571.
    In this paper, we argue that there are epistemic norms on evidence-gathering and consider consequences for how to understand epistemic normativity. Though the view that there are such norms seems intuitive, it has found surprisingly little defense. Rather, many philosophers have argued that norms on evidence-gathering can only be practical or moral. On a prominent evidentialist version of this position, epistemic norms only apply to responding to the evidence one already has. Here we challenge the orthodoxy. First, we argue that (...)
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  34. Methodology and Philosophy of Economics: A Tale of Two Biases.Luis Mireles-Flores & Michiru Nagatsu - 2022 - History of Economic Thought 64 (1):33-57.
    This article comprises an up-to-date critical review of the field known as Economic Methodology or Philosophy of Economics (EM/PE). Two edited volumes (Kincaid and Ross 2021; Heilmann and Reiss 2021), a special issue of the Journal of Economic Methodology (2021), and a recent bibliometric analysis of the field (Claveau et al. 2021) constitute the basis of the review. Drawing on these sources, we identify a number of problematic trends in current EM/PE research. We claim that these trends could be interpreted (...)
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  35. Why think that belief is evidence-responsive?Carolina Flores - forthcoming - In Eric Schwitzgebel & Jonathan Jong (eds.), What is Belief? Oxford University Press.
    The orthodox view in epistemology is that belief is constitutively evidence-responsive. I offer a novel argument for a version of this view, one that appeals to capacities to rationally respond to evidence. I do so by developing the Sellarsian idea that the concept of belief functions to mark the space of reasons in a non-intellectualist and naturalistic direction. The resulting view does justice to the role of belief in social interactions, joint deliberation, and rational persuasion, while including evidence-resistant beliefs and (...)
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  36. Resistant beliefs, responsive believers.Carolina Flores - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy.
    Beliefs can be resistant to evidence. Nonetheless, the orthodox view in epistemology analyzes beliefs as evidence-responsive attitudes. I address this tension by deploying analytical tools on capacities and masking to show that the cognitive science of evidence-resistance supports rather than undermines the orthodox view. In doing so, I argue for the claim that belief requires the capacity for evidence-responsiveness. More precisely, if a subject believes that p, then they have the capacity to rationally respond to evidence bearing on p. Because (...)
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  37. El mundo en la piel de un árbol : transdisciplina, complejidad y esthesis decolonial en el amate pintado del Alto Balsas, Guerrero.Oscar Ochoa Flores - 2021 - In Nicolás Amoroso, Olivia Fragoso Susunaga & Alejandra Olvera Rabadán (eds.), Lo estético en el arte, el diseño y la vida cotidiana. Ciudad de México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco.
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    Los fines del derecho.Fernando Flores García - 2008 - México: Porrúa.
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    (1 other version)Sobre los complejos n-dimensionales que están absolutamente autoenlazados en R2n+.A. I. Flores - 1992 - Theoria 7 (1/2/3):525-527.
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    Opinions of nurses regarding conscientious objection.Rafael Toro-Flores, Pilar Bravo-Agüi, María Victoria Catalán-Gómez, Marisa González-Hernando, María Jesús Guijarro-Cenisergue, Margarita Moreno-Vázquez, Isabel Roch-Hamelin & Tamara Raquel Velasco-Sanz - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (4):1027-1038.
    Background: In the last decades, there have been important developments in the scientific and technological areas of healthcare. On certain occasions this provokes conflict between the patients' rights and the values of healthcare professionals which brings about, within this clinical relationship, the problem of conscientious objection. Aims: To learn the opinions that the Nurses of the Madrid Autonomous Community have regarding conscientious objection. Research design: Cross-cutting descriptive study. Participants and research context: The nurses of 9 hospitals and 12 Health Centers (...)
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  41. Kant e o problema do sujeito.Paulo Henrique Flores - 2020 - Sofia 8 (2):66-79.
    Este artigo apresenta o conceito problemático de sujeito na filosofia de Kant. Iniciamos por apresentar as linhas principais e os sentidos empírico e transcendental da Subjektivität na primeira Crítica de Kant, as suas significações epistemológicas e práticas e a maneira como ela responde à invenção de uma posição radicalmente construtivista em filosofia. O sujeito é, acima de tudo, uma atividade formal de unificação no nível teórico, uma atividade que é também a condição de possibilidade universal de toda experiência coerente. Daí (...)
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    Political philosophy for the global age.Sánchez Flores & Mónica Judith - 2005 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In a time of globalization, Political Philosophy for the Global Age provides a theoretical basis for the convergence of human values in terms of legitimate conceptions of time, language, and notions of self. Sánchez Flores reviews what she considers to be the most important positions in the current debate on political theory (liberalism, communitarianism, feminism, and postcolonialism) and also proposes her own original contribution. Sánchez Flores’s unique approach is a critique of a type of morality formulated solely on (...)
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    Bases teóricas para el estudio de familias desplazadas.Juan José Flores Flores - 2018 - Cultura 32:261-278.
  44. História (e) Arte : experiência estética (e) acontecimento.M. Bernardete R. Flores, Grégori Czizeweski, Marcos Luã Freitas & Thays Tonin - 2016 - In Maria Bernardete Ramos Flores, Maria de Fátima Fontes Piazza & Patricia Peterle (eds.), Arte e pensamento: operações historiográficas. São Paulo, SP, Brasil: Rafael Copetti Editor.
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    Valor y sentimiento: la noción de persona en el pensamiento de Max Scheler.Silveyra Flores & Juan Salvador - 2014 - Madrid: Plaza y Valdés.
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  46. Paolo Flores d'Arcais, Joseph Ratzinger.Paolo Flores D'Arcais - 2016 - Roma: Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso. Edited by Benedict, Gad Lerner & Lucio Caracciolo.
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    A response to 'ontologies of nursing in an age of spiritual pluralism: Closed or open worldview?' By Barbara pesut: Our review of the central unifying focus perspective as implying an open worldview: A clarification. [REVIEW]Danny G. Willis & Pamela J. Grace - 2010 - Nursing Philosophy 11 (1):24-24.
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    The Philosophy of Spinoza: Unfolding the Latent Processes of His Thinking. [REVIEW]Grace A. de Laguna - 1935 - Philosophical Review 44 (3):288-292.
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    Political philosophy for the global age.Mónica Judith Sánchez-Flores - 2005 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In a time of globalization, Political Philosophy for the Global Age provides a theoretical basis for the convergence of human values in terms of legitimate conceptions of time, language, and notions of self. Sánchez Flores reviews what she considers to be the most important positions in the current debate on political theory (liberalism, communitarianism, feminism, and postcolonialism) and also proposes her own original contribution. Sánchez Flores’s unique approach is a critique of a type of morality formulated solely on (...)
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    On the Contented Life. [REVIEW]Grace A. de Laguna - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47 (6):648-649.
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