Results for 'Göttingenska recenzija Kritike čistoga uma'

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  1. Suočenje zdravoga razuma i kritičkoga uma po Göttingenskoj recenziji Kritike čistoga uma.Ljudevit Fran Ježić - 2013 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 33 (2):299-316.
    Sažetak Da postoji neka malena recenzija čuvene „Kritike čistoga uma“, na koju se Kant osjećao primoran tako odgovoriti da se od početka do kraja svojih „Prolegomena za svaku buduću metafiziku“ stalno s njome razračunava, moglo bi biti poznato boljiim poznavaocima Kantovih spisa, no bit će manje poznato da je ta recenzijaGöttingenska recenzija – ujedno dala povoda da se Kant javno postavi nasuprot onodobnoj filozofiji s kojom je njegova u više važnih pogleda bila (...)
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    Znanost i religija u okviru čistoga uma.Mladen Živković - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (4):835-855.
    Iako opsežan, ovaj članak ima skromnu svrhu: sažeto i što je moguće jasnije iznijeti osnovne Kantove teze za promišljanje odnosa znanosti i religije, te pozvati na pomnjivo iščitavanje njegova opusa, kako bi u promišljanje odnosa znanosti i religije išli s Kantom, a ne mimo njega. Kantov opus nudi intrigantne povode da ga se pokuša isčitavati s ovoga stanovišta. Polazište je dano rezultatima Kritike čistoga uma. U njoj treba potražiti odgovore na pitanja: Kako je moguća priroda, iskustvo, spoznaja prirode (...)
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    Novo izdanje Kantove Kritike čistog uma.Josip Talanga - 2004 - Prolegomena 3 (2):235-236.
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    Kritik der Urteilskraft kot sklepni kamen Kantovega sistema.Manfred Frank - 1992 - Filozofski Vestnik 13 (2).
    Članek obravnava temeljno vprašanje Kritike razsodne moči, in sicer vprašanje o načelih enotnosti narave kot sistema izkustva, ki je že obdelano s kategorijami. V središče postavlja pri tem strukturo vzpenjajočih se silogizmov uma, »prosilogistični« postopek po Kantu, pri čemer ga primerja s prakso »reflektirajoče« razsodne moči. S pomočjo te primerjave dokazuje, da je mogoče empirično naravo uvideti šele z gledišča uma, ki presega naravo in jo obravnava s točke, ki naravo poenotuje, se pravi, z gledišča njenega smotra, postavljenega s (...)
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    Kants „Glücklicher einfall“. Die wissenschaftstheoretische und - historische selbstverortung Kants in der vorrede der Kritik der reinen vernunft.Michael Nerurkar - 2011 - Filozofija I Društvo 22 (4):3-21.
    Clanak se bavi Kantovim vlastitim naucnopovesnim i naucno-teoretskim pozicioniranjem koje preduzima u izdanju B Kritike cistog uma. Istrazuje se Kantov pojam?sigurnog hoda nauke? kao i analogije izmedju matematike/prirodnih nauka, s jedne strane, i metafizike, s druge, koje on postavlja u ovoj perspektivi. Pokusace se uciniti razumljivim Kantov govor o slicnosti njegove?revolucije nacina misljenja? i?prve Kopernikove misli?. Kantov uvod u transcendentalni ideali?zam, poznat kao?Kopernikanska revolucija?, cesto se odgovarajuce povrsno i redukcionisticki tumaci kao Kopernikovo zamenjivanje geocentrickog modela Suncevog sistema sa heliocentricnim (...)
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    Čisto ja i atomika Kantove Kritike čistog uma: načela praktične logike.Tomislav Novaković - 2010 - Beograd: Desire.
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    Somente uma Nova Fórmula: A propósito das críticas eudemonistas de Tittel à Filosofia Moral de Kant.Valerio Rohden - 2005 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 61 (3/4):747 - 755.
    No presente trabalho são expostas e examinadas as críticas eudemonistas de Gottlob August Tittel (1739-1816) à Fundamentação da metafísica dos costumes, a partir da alusão indirecta de Kant a elas no Prefácio à Crítica da razão prática. Por outro lado, são também fornecidas em apêndice as informações, constantes na correspondência de Hamann, de que Kant com aquela primeira obra de filosofia moral preparava uma crítica ao eudemonismo similar de Garve, expresso em seus comentários ao De officiis de Cícero. O artigo (...)
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    Wille e Willkür: uma análise e uma interpretação na filosofia de Kant.Draiton Gonzaga de Souza & Keberson Bresolin - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (1):e32160.
    Ao longo de sua trajetória filosófica, Kant aprofundou e esclareceu os conceitos de vontade e arbítrio. Ambos os conceitos são fundamentais para a compreensão da possibilidade da liberdade, seja ela interna ou externa. O filósofo racional usa os conceitos de Wille e Willkür desde a Kritik der reinen Vernunft, mas será apenas na obra tardia da Metaphysik der Sitten que os conceitos ganharam precisão semântica dentro do sistema da metafisica da liberdade. Em virtude disso, iremos percorrer as obras críticas kantianas (...)
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    Onto-teološki ostaci i anomalija u funkcioniranju ljudskih prava. Od pitanja o onom »što« do pitanja o onom »kako« ljudskih prava.Rok Svetlič - 2009 - Synthesis Philosophica 24 (1):101-116.
    Krajem 18. stoljeća, kad je donesen jedan od najpoznatijih političkih dokumenata, Deklaracija o pravima čovjeka i građanina, nije bilo teško pronaći odgovor na pitanje o onome »što« ljudskih prava, premda se time stupilo na tlo jednog u temelju drugačijega morala. Na ovaj ili onaj način ljudska prava su se izvodila iz uma, što znači iz jedne moći koja bi trebala napisati »Evanđelje čistoga uma«. Stoljeće i pol kasnije, 1948. godine, jedno takvo pitanje ne samo da je bilo manjkavo, nego (...)
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  10. Jacques Derrida. Od krize evropskega duha do novega kozmopolitizma Jacques Derrida. From the Crisis of European Spirit to the New Cosmopolitanism.Detlef Thiel - 2004 - Phainomena 49.
    "Evropa" je eden od motivov, ki jih je Derrida v svojih spisih najbolj kontinuirano obravnaval. V Mémoire se je ukvarjal s Husserlovim Dunajskim predavanjem iz leta 1935, k temu besedilu pa se je zopet vrnil v Voyous iz leta 2003. Pričujoči esej spremlja Derridajevo pot skozi pol stoletja in skozi različne faze: od obravnave Husserlovega prezrtja izvorov krize, evrocentrizma transcendentalne teleologije, mistifikacije monogenealogije, do opredelitev možnosti in nalog Evrope kot cap, kritike Kantovih pojmov kozmopolitizma in gostoljubja in avto-imunizacije uma. (...)
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    Rawls e Marx: apontamentos em torno da “divisão do trabalho”.Paulo Fernando Rocha Antunes - 2015 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 12 (2):122-145.
    O móbil do presente artigo é dado a partir do subponto 52 da obra Justice as Fairness: A Restatement de John Rawls – “Addressing Marx’s Critique of Liberalism” –, mais precisamente quanto à objeção que o autor destaca de Karl Marx em relação à “divisão do trabalho” sob o capitalismo. Rawls considera que tal “divisão”, pelo menos da maneira como foi apontada por Marx, seria “superada” no âmbito dos princípios de justiça. Assim, através da Kritik des Gothaer Programms e de (...)
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    Kant e a ideia da Aufklärung.Keberson Bresolin - 2015 - Studia Kantiana 18:19-36.
    O presente trabalho visa desenvolver a hipótese de que o conceito de esclarecimento kantiano é um processo individual e intransferível. O processo é conceituado como a saída da menoridade. Tal processo é fundamental para que o próprio humano possa conduzir racionalmente a si mesmo, as estruturas que constrói e administra sob a égide da razão. Correlacionada com a primeira hipótese, o trabalho também desenvolve a interpretação de que a Aufklärung é uma ideia, ou seja, embora não poderemos visualizá-la completamente na (...)
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  13. O Conceito de Violência-Poder eo Caráter Paradoxal do Poder Juridico em Walter Benjamim.José Gilardo Carvalho - 2012 - Revista Inquietude 3 (1):122-139.
    No presente artigo pretendemos apresentar o conceito de violência-poder em Walter Benjamin (1892 – 1940), com base no ensaio intitulado Crítica do Poder, Crítica da Violência [Zur Kritik der Gewalt] . Utilizamos como ponto de partida da crítica aqui em questão, a consideração da violência-poder no movimento próprio do texto de Walter Benjamim. Nesse sentido, esta exposição tem a seguinte seqüência: a) A recusa crítica dos pressupostos metodológicos do jusnaturalismo e do positivismo jurídico; b) A definição do procedimento da filosofia (...)
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    „Kritisches“ Denken und das Andere der Vernunft.Nenad Malović - 2023 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 43 (2):279-295.
    Das Ziel dieses Textes ist, die Aufmerksamkeit auf einige Voraussetzungen, die als wichtig für besseres Verständnis des Denkens scheinen, das zusätzlich als „kritisches“ bezeichnet wird, zu richten. Zuerst wird einleitend konstatiert, dass die Rede vom „kritischen“ Denken im Kontext der Ausbildung aufgetreten ist, und es wird daran erinnert, dass „Kritisches“ ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Denkens überhaupt ist. Deshalb werden verschiedene Vernunfttypen vorgestellt, aus denen sich verschiedene Rationalitäts- und Denktypen entwickeln. Dabei wird an zeitgenössische Kritik an der Absolutierung der westlichen dihairetischen (...)
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  15. Samuel T. Coleridge e Kant.Silvestro Marcucci - 2005 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 61 (3):773-797.
    O presente artigo, depois de apresentar brevemente alguns dos aspectos mais salientes da vida de Samuel Taylor Coleridge, incluindo a sua vida como escritor, propõese analisar as opiniões positivas do filósofopoeta de Cambridge sobre Kant e Schelling, as menos positivas sobre Fichte, e as negativas sobre Hegel. Dentro deste contexto histórico e teorético, o autor descreve as ideias de Coleridge acerca das três faculdades tal como nos aparecem na filosofia kantiana, ou seja, sobre a sensibilidade, sobre o intelecto e sobre (...)
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    Public reason as a political ideal: John Rawls’s conception.Djordje Pavicevic - 2007 - Filozofija I Društvo 18 (2):209-234.
    Tekst razmatra Rolsovu ideju javnog uma kao sredisnji deo njegove koncepcije politickog liberalizma. Ideja javnog uma je shvacena dvostruko, kao norma opravdanja i kao politicki ideal. U tekstu su takodje razmotrene neke kritike Rolsove koncepcije i naznaceni moguci nacini na koji se Rols moze odbraniti od njih. Osnovne teze u tekstu su da se Rolsova koncepcija javnog uma moze odbraniti od standardnih kritika, ali i da sama razotkriva ogranicenja politickog ideala liberalne demokratije. Dosledno shvacen, politicki ideal liberalne demokratije mora (...)
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    Teologia política E utopia social: Apontamentos sobre a concepção messiânica de justiça de Walter Benjamin.Jéverton Soares dos Santos - 2015 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 6 (12):45-67.
    Partindo de premissas teóricas totalmente diferentes e até incompatíveis Jacques Derrida e Axel Honneth chegam a uma conclusão bastante semelhante sobre o significado político do messianismo de Walter Benjamin: trata-se de uma tentativa de fundamentar uma forma terrorista de ação política. Não estou seguro que essa seja a melhor interpretação do significado político do messianismo de Benjamin, ainda que não negue que em diversas passagens dos escritos do autor a impressão que fica é exatamente essa. Como alternativa hermenêutica sugiro cotejar (...)
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  18. Esboços de categorias no direito privado kantiano.Fábio César Scherer - 2009 - Princípios 16 (26):211-228.
    A presença, ainda que parcial, do procedimento categorial no direito privado em Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre é inegável, assim como a sua importância para a construçáo da teoria da posse. Uma prova adicional aos próprios fragmentos da primeira parte do direito natural (cf. MS R, AB 59, 79, 82, 90, 93, 119-121) sáo os esboços categoriais contidos nos Manuscritos da Rechtslehre (particularmente, em Vorarbeiten zum Privatrecht e em Zusammenhängender, signierter Entwurf in Kant's handschriflicher Nachlaß ). Os objetivos desse artigo sáo: (...)
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  19. Observações aos prolegômenos da teoria kantiana dos juí­zos jurí­dicos a priori em Rechtslehre.Fábio César Scherer - 2010 - Princípios 17 (28):99-128.
    Neste artigo interpreta-se a Rechtslehre kantiana enquanto uma doutrina jurídica crítica, compreensível à luz do projeto crítico – iniciado em Kritik der reinen Vernunft e adaptado ao campo prático em Kritik der praktischen Vernunft . Em particular, objetiva-se destacar, além da aprioridade, do caráter sistemático e da busca pela completude dos princípios jurídicos, o emprego da teoria de solubilidade de problemas da razáo em geral nos "prolegômenos" da Rechtslehre . O estudo desta parte introdutória se justifica por apresentar a divisáo (...)
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    Kant: O Federalismo visto da História.Viriato Soromenho-Marques - 2005 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 61 (2):415 - 439.
    A teoria kantiana do federalismo foi objecto de várias tentativas recentes de revisão e actualização. No entanto, a perspectiva em que tal empreendimento foi levado a cabo, acusa uma deficiente concepção das articulações do federalismo, não apenas no interior da pensamento jurídico-político do mestre de Königsberg, mas na sua plena inserção no sistema crítico kantiano no seu conjunto. Neste artigo, o autor visa demonstrar que, longe de ser um obstáculo, ou uma espécie de resíduo metafísico, a filosofia kantiana da história (...)
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    Metafizika nakon metafizike: Limitativna koncepcija prve filozofije u Kanta: Metaphysics after Metaphysics: The Limitative Conception of First Philosophy in Kant.Günter Zöller - 2003 - Prolegomena 2 (2):181-195.
    U članku se ispituje Kantova prosvjetiteljska koncepcija metafizike kao znanosti koju valja držati slobodnom od ideoloških predrasuda i izvanracionalnih kognitivnih resursa te je ustanoviti pod uvjetima javnog, intersubjektivno važećeg diskursa. Analiziram Kantovu vlastitu interpretaciju njegove transcendentalne filozofije kao “metafizike metafizike” i zastupam ekstenzionalni djelomični identitet kritike metafizike i metafizike koja je tako učinjena mogućom. Posebice identificiram “buduću metafiziku”, koju je Kant zamislio kao “metafiziku prirode općenito” ili “fiziologiju čistog uma”, koju je Kant bio zacrtao, ali je sam nikada nije (...)
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    Tattvārthasūtra pradīpikā: Ācārya Umāsvāmīkr̥ta 'Tattvārthasūtra' kī sarala-subodha vyākhyā.Vīrasāgara Jaina & Umāsvāti (eds.) - 2017 - Nayī Dillī: Bhāratīya Jñānapīṭha.
    Interpretation of Tattvārthasūtra, work on Jaina doctrines and philosophy by Umāsvāti, 2nd century author.
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  23. Uma teoria da justiça para um mundo globalizado A Theory of Justice for a Globalized World.Uma Teoria da Justiça Para Um - 2002 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 7 (18):57-68.
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    Dislocating Cultures: Identities, Traditions, and Third World Feminism.Uma Narayan - 1997 - Routledge.
    _Dislocating Cultures_ takes aim at the related notions of nation, identity, and tradition to show how Western and Third World scholars have misrepresented Third World cultures and feminist agendas. Drawing attention to the political forces that have spawned, shaped, and perpetuated these misrepresentations since colonial times, Uma Narayan inspects the underlying problems which "culture" poses for the respect of difference and cross-cultural understanding. Questioning the problematic roles assigned to Third World subjects within multiculturalism, Narayan examines ways in which the flow (...)
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  25. Dislocating Cultures: Identities, Traditions, and Third World Feminism.Uma Narayan - 1997 - Routledge.
    _Dislocating Cultures_ takes aim at the related notions of nation, identity, and tradition to show how Western and Third World scholars have misrepresented Third World cultures and feminist agendas. Drawing attention to the political forces that have spawned, shaped, and perpetuated these misrepresentations since colonial times, Uma Narayan inspects the underlying problems which "culture" poses for the respect of difference and cross-cultural understanding. Questioning the problematic roles assigned to Third World subjects within multiculturalism, Narayan examines ways in which the flow (...)
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  26. Working Together Across Difference: Some Considerations on Emotions and Political Practice.Uma Narayan - 1988 - Hypatia 3 (2):31-47.
    Uma Narayan attempts to clarify what the feminist notion of the 'epistemic privilege of the oppressed' does and does not imply. She argues that the fact that oppressed 'insiders' have epistemic privilege regarding their oppression creates problems in dialogue with and coalitionary politics involving 'outsiders' who do not share the oppression, since the latter fail to come to terms with the epistemic privilege of the insiders. She concretely analyzes different ways in which the emotions of insiders can be inadvertantly hurt (...)
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  27. Essence of Culture and a Sense of History: A Feminist Critique of Cultural Essentialism.Uma Narayan - 1998 - Hypatia 13 (2):86 - 106.
    Drawing parallels between gender essentialism and cultural essentialism, I point to some common features of essentialist pictures of culture. I argue that cultural essentialism is detrimental to feminist agendas and suggest strategies for its avoidance. Contending that some forms of cultural relativism buy into essentialist notions of culture, I argue that postcolonial feminists need to be cautious about essentialist contrasts between "Western" and "Third World" cultures.
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  28. Decentering the Center: Philosophy for a Multicultural, Postcolonial, and Feminist World.Uma Narayan & Sandra Harding (eds.) - 2000 - Indiana University Press.
    The essays in this volume bring to their focuses on philosophical issues the new angles of vision created by the multicultural, global, and postcolonial feminisms that have been developing around us.
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    Colonialism and Its Others: Considerations On Rights and Care Discourses.Uma Narayan - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (2):133-140.
    I point to a colonial care discourse that enabled colonizers to define themselves in relationship to "inferior" colonized subjects. The colonized, however, had very different accounts of this relationship. While contemporary care discourse correctly insists on acknowledging human needs and relationships, it needs to worry about who defines these often contested terms. I conclude that improvements along dimensions of care and of justice often provide "enabling conditions" for each other.
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  30. The project of feminist epistemology: Perspectives from a nonwestern feminist.Uma Narayan - 1989 - In Alison M. Jaggar & Susan Bordo (eds.), Gender/body/knowledge: feminist reconstructions of being and knowing. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press. pp. 256--69.
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    [Poems].Uma Narayan - 1988 - Hypatia 3 (2):101 - 106.
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    Resilient architectures to facilitate both functional consciousness and phenomenal consciousness in machines.Uma Ramamurthy & Stan Franklin - 2009 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 1 (2):243-253.
  33. Contesting cultures:'Westernization,'respect for cultures, and third-world feminists.Uma Narayan - 1997 - In Linda J. Nicholson (ed.), The second wave: a reader in feminist theory. New York: Routledge. pp. 396--414.
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    Mail-Order 'Brides'.Uma Narayan - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (1):104-119.
    This essay analyzes why women whose immigration status is dependent on their marriage face higher risks of domestic violence than women who are citizens and explores the factors that collude to prevent acknowledgment of their greater susceptibility to battering. It criticizes elements of current U.S. immigration policy that are detrimental to the welfare of battered immigrant women, and argues for changes that would make immigration policy more sensitive to their plight.
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  35. Dislocating Cultures: Identities, Traditions, and Third World Feminism. [REVIEW]Uma Narayan - 2001 - Hypatia 16 (2):102-106.
    Dislocating Cultures takes aim at the related notions of nation, identity, and tradition to show how Western and Third World scholars have misrepresented Third World cultures and feminist agendas.
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    Sisterhood and "Doing Good": Asymmetries of Western Feminist Location, Access and Orbits of Concern.Uma Narayan - 2019 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 5 (2).
    There are a variety of discourses and practices that position Western feminists as people who have a moral and political obligation to concern themselves with the welfare, suffering, or empowerment of non-Western subjects, often women, and intervene to “do good” on their behalf. Conversely, there are virtually no discourses and practices that assign moral and political obligations to non-Western feminists to intervene in matters involving the welfare or suffering of Western subjects, including women. A central goal of my paper is (...)
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  37. “Male-Order” Brides: Immigrant Women, Domestic Violence and Immigration Law.Uma Narayan - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (1):104 - 119.
    This essay analyzes why women whose immigration status is dependent on their marriage face higher risks of domestic violence than women who are citizens and explores the factors that collude to prevent acknowledgment of their greater susceptibility to battering. It criticizes elements of current U.S. immigration policy that are detrimental to the welfare of battered immigrant women, and argues for changes that would make immigration policy more sensitive to their plight.
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  38. Science and Other Cultures: Issues in Philosophies of Science and Technology.Sandra Harding & Uma Narayan (eds.) - 2000 - Indiana University Press.
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    Self-system in a model of cognition.Uma Ramamurthy, Stan Franklin & Pulin Agrawal - 2012 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 4 (2):325-333.
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    Having and Raising Children: Unconventional Families, Hard Choices, and the Social Good.Uma Narayan & Julia J. Bartkowiak (eds.) - 1998 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    As the term "family values" achieves prominence in the rhetoric of political debate, the social issues at the heart of today's political controversies deserve to be studied in depth. This volume brings together a group of philosophers, political scientists, and legal scholars to explore a wide range of specific topics dealing with the legal, ethical, and political dimensions of familial relationships. Topics addressed include the rights of unwed fathers, the nature of children's autonomy, children's rights to divorce their parents, parental (...)
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    Vaidika sr̥shṭi vijñāna.Umā Āryā - 2021 - Naī Dillī, Bhārata: Satyam Pabliśiṅga Hāūsa.
    Study on creation in R̥gveda and Vedic literature and philosophy.
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  42. Aristoteles und Wittgenstein: Ihre gemeinsame kritik an platons auffassung praktischer vernunft Nicholas white university of california, Irvine.Ihre Gemeinsame Kritik an Platons Auffassung - 2005 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 68 (1):163-174.
  43. A questão do sentido na filosofia atual 3.Uma Teoria Integrada Sobre O. Carisma, Expansionismo Soviético E. Segurança Continental, E. TÉCNICA, A. Corte Interamericana Dos Direitos Humanos & Gilberto Freyre - 1980 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 23.
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    Dishonoured by philosophers: Upamāna in Indian epistemology.Uma Chattopadhyay - 2009 - New Delhi: D. K. Printworld.
    pt. 1. Classical versions of Nyāya and Mīmāṁsā theories of Upamāna -- pt. 2. Critical development of the Mīmāṁsa theory of Upamāna -- pt. 3. Critical development of the Nyāya theory of Upmāna -- pt. 4. Some more objections from internal and external critics -- pt. 5. Positive views of two Naiyāyikas.
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    Faultless to a fault: Gaṅgeśa on Upamāna in Indian epistemology.Uma Chattopadhyay - 2015 - New Delhi: DK Printworld.
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    Morality and religion: some reflections.Uma Chattopadhyay, Aparna Banerjee & Shilpita Mitra (eds.) - 2012 - Kolkata: University of Calcutta, Department of Philosophy under UGC SAP DRS (Phase 1) in collaboration with Mahabodhi Book Agency.
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    Some essays on utilitarianism.Uma Chattopadhyay, Mahjabeen Jahan & Pralayankar Bhattacharyya (eds.) - 2012 - Kolkata: Department of Philosophy, University of Calcutta in Collaboration with Mahabodhi Book Agency.
    Papers presented at a seminar held at Department of Philosophy, University of Calcutta from March 15-16, 2011.
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    The glimpses of Indological heritage.Uma Deshpande - 1989 - Baroda: Good Companions.
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    The growth of colloidal centres in irradiated alkali halides.Uma Jain & A. B. Lidiard - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (1):245-259.
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    Mythos Und Kult Bei Naturvölkern.Kritik A. E. Jensens - 1952 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 4 (3):251-258.
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