About this topic
Summary Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) studied at the Sorbonne and taught at various lycées before holding professorships at the University of Lyon (1964-1969) and the University of Paris VIII at Vincennes (1969-1987). Throughout his career, Deleuze sustained a profound engagement with the history of philosophy, publishing monographs on Spinoza, Leibniz, Hume, Kant, Nietzsche and Bergson, in addition to his original philosophical work on a variety of topics including metaphysics, ethics, science, language, politics and psychoanalysis, as well as literature, cinema and painting. Nonetheless, Deleuze once called himself a “pure metaphysician,” and this characterization becomes apparent through some common themes that range across his diverse body of work: immanence (as opposed to transcendence), emergence and becoming (as opposed to persistence and being), and difference (as opposed to identity). Scholarship on Deleuze is rapidly growing and his increasing influence extends far beyond philosophy.
Key works Deleuze’s magnum opus is Difference and Repetition (1968). He is also widely known for his collaborative works with Felix Guattari, most notably the two-volumes of Capitalism and Schizophrenia: Anti-Oedipus (1972) and A Thousand Plateaus (1980), as well as their last collaboration, What is Philosophy? (1991). While it is difficult to isolate key texts from his work on the history of philosophy, Nietzsche and Philosophy (1962) and Bergsonism (1966) reinvigorated interest in those figures and garnered considerable attention of their own account.
Introductions Claire Colebrook’s Gilles Deleuze (2001) and Todd May’s Gilles Deleuze: An Introduction (2005) are two basic introductions to Deleuze’s thought. Daniel Smith’s Essays on Deleuze (2012) is the most comprehensive reference on Deleuze.

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  1. Reversing Platonism Gilles Deleuze and Paul Ricoeur on the genetic power of events and actions.Martijn Boven - manuscript
    [Presented at the 52nd Annual Conference of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP), University of Oregon, 24-26 October. Part of the panel Events, Actions and the Problem of Agency in the Wake of Deleuze’s Logic of Sense, organized in collaboration with Sean Bowden and James Williams.] In this paper I will bring the positions of Gilles Deleuze and Paul Ricoeur into proximity with each other in order to draw out points of conflict. I do not aim to solve (...)
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  2. What is decadence in philosophy? How does it come between Rorty and Deleuze? - Delivered at 42nd Meeting North Texas Philosophical Association, 2009.James Brusseau - manuscript
    Decadence in philosophy is defined in the relation between thinking and truth, and explored as a conflict between Richard Rorty and Gilles Deleuze.
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  3. How Much Writing is Enough? - Delivered at Derrida Today Conference, 2014 Fordham University, New York.James Brusseau - manuscript
    The difference between Derrida and Deleuze has been debated in terms of their understandings and uses of the historical distinction between Being and beings. Daniel W. Smith intersects with the question when discussing transcendence and immanence. Clair Colebrook intersects when discussing materialism. Paul Patton intersects when distinguishing the unconditioned and conditioned. This essay moves along with their ideas, and contributes to the discussion by re-inscribing the debate in terms of nouns and verbs. The conclusion suggests that the noun/verb prism yields (...)
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  4. Deleuze's metaphysics of structure in Difference and Repetition.Yannis Chatzantonis - manuscript
    This essay describes and evaluates the conception of mereological structure that underpins Deleuze’s account of ontogenesis in Difference and Repetition. A theory of mereology is a theory of composition: it asks what it is to be a part making a whole, what it is to be a whole collecting its parts; in short, in what the relation of making or composing consists. The locus classicus for modern mereology is the third of Husserl’s Logical Investigations (‘On the Theory of Wholes and (...)
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  5. Mis-readings of Leibniz: Deleuze and Whitehead against Badiou.James Juniper - manuscript
    The paper is motivated by the desire to identify exactly what Leibniz has contributed to Deleuze and Whitehead’s particular version of vitalism. This reading of Leibniz is compared with those of Badiou. The paper compares each of these philosopher’s interpretations of the fundamental principles that ground Leibnizian monadology, with the intention of highlighting the implications of these readings for political theory. In particular, Badiou’s notion of a schema of torsion is examined and distinguished from Deleuze’s notions of actualization and realization.
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  6. Habit as Mediating Time and the Now: Hegel’s Response to Deleuze’s Empiricism.William R. O'Shea - manuscript
    This research paper investigates habit and temporality in G.W.F. Hegel’s philosophy, in response to recent Deleuzian criticisms that Hegel has misunderstood empiricism by simplifying the nature of sensations. The paper begins with an exegesis of Deleuze’s critique of Hegel’s view of empiricism namely that Hegel neglects the importance of non-conceptual difference for understanding the nature of sense-experience. It then shows that Deleuze’s own empiricism remains incomplete without positing habit as a principle of relations, and, in turn, that habit on Hegel’s (...)
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  7. (1 other version)M.P.::W.i.P.Jacob Parr - manuscript
    M.P.::W.i.P. Jacob Roman Parr has found a robust homomorphism between a collection of works and Deleuze and Guatarri's What is Philosophy[?] ; by asserting and defending the Minor Prophet books as being within their own ( idaontical ) genre Remonstration(s) and that W.i.P. is also an idaontical Remonstration for W.i.P.'s specific contexts ; thus through numerous shared functoral relations , or comports , does Jacob Roman Parr " discover " or ellucidate where 1970s-1980s Philosophy-at-large was ( projected ) vectorally .... (...)
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  8. El proceso de individuación en Spinoza.Nicolas Pernigotti - manuscript
    En el presente trabajo, expondremos uno de los problemas centrales de la filosofía spinoziana, que ha atravesado a gran parte de los pensadores occidentales, nombres tales como Gilles Deleuze o Gilbert Simondon, pero que, a partir del filósofo holandés, tuvo un desarrollo particular con una visión renovadora. Hacemos referencia a la noción de individuación, sus procesos generadores y la importancia que en ella tiene el concepto spinoziano de conatus. Procederemos a explicar este concepto y su función en el proceso de (...)
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  9. La méthodologie et l'ontologie deleuzienne de Foucault dans ses cours des années 70s.John Protevi - manuscript
    Cette communication explorera la nature deleuzienne de l'ontologie présupposée par Foucault dans ses cours Sécurité, Territoire, Population et Naissance de la Biopolitique. L'objectif sera d'identifier certaines formules de Foucault qui font écho à un concept clé de Différence et Répétition: l'individuation comme intégration d'une multiplicité. Dans ces textes se trouveront pas mal d'éléments de l'ontologie deleuzienne: par exemple, le couple différentiation / différenciation; l'anti-essentialisme; et le champ différentiel, pré-individuel, problématique, ou virtuel d'où émergent, par l'auto-organisation, des individus actuels. Mais, on (...)
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  10. Heidegger, Gendlin and Deleuze on the Logic of Quantitative Repetition.Joshua Soffer - manuscript
    Philosophers such as Nietzsche, Heidegger, Deleuze and Gendlin pronounce that difference must be understood as ontologically prior to identity. They teach that identity is a surface effect of difference, that to understand the basis of logico-mathematical idealities we must uncover their genesis in the fecundity of differentiation. In this paper, I contrast Heidegger’s analyses of the present- to-hand logico-mathematical object, which he discuses over the course of his career in terms of the ‘as’ structure, temporalization and enframing , with the (...)
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  11. Time as Relevance: Gendlin's Phenomenology of Radical Temporality.Joshua Soffer - manuscript
    In this paper, I discuss Eugene Gendlin’s contribution to radically temporal discourse , situating it in relation to Husserl and Heidegger’s analyses of time, and contrasting it with a range of interlinked approaches in philosophy and psychology that draw inspiration from, but fall short in their interpretation of the phenomenological work of Husserl and Heidegger. Gendlin reveals the shortcomings of these approaches with regard to the understanding of the relation between affect, motivation and intention, intersubjectivity, attention , reflective and pre-reflective (...)
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  12. Manuel DeLanda, Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy.A. Aitken - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  13. Deleuze, vitalisme pratique. [REVIEW]Éric Alliez - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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  14. History at the Virginia theological seminary, alexandria, Virginia. He is the author of fear. Love and worship (1962); the rise of moralism (1966); and guilt, anger and God: The patterns of our discontents (1972). Owen Brandon, D. litt. Was formerly rector of fordwich, Kent and a fellow of. [REVIEW]C. Fitzsimons Allison - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  15. Review of Jack Reynolds' "Chronopathologies: Time and Politics in Deleuze, Derrida, Analytic Philosophy, and Phenomenology". [REVIEW]Marco Altamirano - forthcoming - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews:xx-yy.
  16. Le logiciel chinois de kafka.Michel Arouimi - forthcoming - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie.
  17. Deleuze and Neo-aesthetics, Tate Modern.J. Beasley-Murray - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  18. L'homme machinal et la machine humaine perspectives sur l'automate.Jean-Claude Beaune - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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  19. Aşteptându-l pe Godot.Samuel Beckett - forthcoming - Eleutheria. Sfârşitul Jocului.
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  20. Woman'as Theatre: Beijing 1995.G. Chakravorty Spivak - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  21. La machine a tuer dans la colonie pénitentiaire de kafka.Jeanine Charue - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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  22. Nietzsche et la pensée de l'asie. [REVIEW]F. Chenet - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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  23. Spiritual Automata and Bodies Without Organs: Spinoza, Deleuze, and Parallelism.Emanuele Costa - forthcoming - LaDeleuziana.
    In this paper, I seek to examine Deleuze’s fascination with “spiritual automata” as a counterpoint to his more famous notion, the “body without organs”. I shall argue that both are grounded in a deep reflection, on Deleuze’s part, on the problems and issues generated by Spinoza’s notion of parallel attributes. Ultimately, I argue, the development of the two notions is motivated by identical metaphysical worries regarding the tenability of transformation, persistence, and affective interrelations between individuals. The answer, for both thinkers, (...)
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  24. Franz Kafka: The Ghost in the Machine by Stanley Corngold and Benno Wagner.Stijn De Cauwer - forthcoming - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie.
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  25. (1 other version)Conceito de Estrutura na Lógica e na Matemática.V. de Sousa Alves - forthcoming - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia.
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  26. De la Vida cientifica Y literaria.Condiciones de Venta - forthcoming - Studium.
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  27. (1 other version)L. Lawlor: the challenge of bergsonism.Didier Debaise - forthcoming - Philosophy in Review.
  28. (3 other versions)Francis Bacon alchimiste de l'esprit humain.Didier Deleule - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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  29. Sur la « production » Des concepts en mathématiques.Jean-Toussaint Desanti - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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  30. Thomas E. Patton.Syntactic Deviance - forthcoming - Foundations of Language.
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  31. Conceito de ato criador no pensamento de Nietzsche.Rosa Maria Dias - forthcoming - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy.
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  32. Eric Alliez, Capital Times: Tales from the Conquest of Time.B. Dillon - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  33. Virginia Values.George W. Bush Energieke - forthcoming - Idee.
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  34. An Interview with Gilles Quispel.Christopher Farmer - forthcoming - Gnosis.
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  35. Recherche sur le bonheur et la sagesse.Michel Fattal - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
  36. La mémoire chez Francis Bacon.Marta Fattori & Michèle Fourment - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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  37. (1 other version)Henri Maldiney et Gilles Deleuze. La station rythmique de l'œuvre d'art.Jean-Christophe Goddard - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru sur Deleuze International en février 2009. Nous remercions Jean-Christophe Goddard de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. En introduction à L'art, l'éclair de l'être, paru en 1993, Maldiney consacre un texte à un article d'Oskar Becker initialement publié en 1929 et traduit et annoté en 1986 par Jacques Colette dans le n° 9 de la revue Philosophie. Le titre de l'article de Becker est « La fragilité du beau et la nature aventurière de l'artiste. (...)
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  38. Image Science & MediaArtHistories.Oliver Grau - forthcoming - Mind and Matter: Comparative Approaches Towards Complexity;[... Based on the Symposium... Which Took Place 2010 in the Context of the Paraflows Festival in Vienna].
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  39. Ordinary Differential Equations with Mathematica.A. Gray, M. Mezzino & M. Pinsky - forthcoming - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary.
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  40. Gilles Deleuze: voyance et impensé du cinéma. [REVIEW]Evelyne Grossman - forthcoming - Rue Descartes.
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  41. Decolonization Coopted: Deleuze in Palestine.Joshua M. Hall - forthcoming - A Decolonial Manual.
    In his influential history of the post-1967 history of the Palestinian Occupation, radical Israeli architect Eyal Weizman show how even well-meaning decolonial efforts from privileged allies can be coopted by the colonizers, in what I call “de-decolonizing.” Here I focus on one of his examples, namely IDF (Israeli Defense Force) military professors repurposing the anarcho-communist philosophy of French postmodernist Gilles Deleuze into a weapon against Palestinian guerrilla resistance. My conclusion is that attempted decolonizing via (inevitably complicit) privileged allies must include (...)
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  42. Dramatization and Poeticization: Deleuze and the Poeticity of Metaphysics.Movahedi Hamed - forthcoming - Philosophy Today.
    In Difference and Repetition, Deleuze evokes dramatization when he suggests that intensities must dramatize the Ideas to condition their actualization. This allusion to an artistic category, in the midst of his metaphysical inquiry, has remained obscure, and despite its cruciality, it is not clear why he appeals to dramatization to explain any actualization and not solely the artistic actualization. This essay attempts to elucidate this ambiguity, by foregrounding a zone of torsional continuity, wherein intensity encounters the Idea and expresses it (...)
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  43. Proust: A Biography (London).Ronald Hayman - forthcoming - Minerva.
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  44. Les définitions de la substance et du mode Par Spinoza.Francis Kaplan - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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  45. Pierre Klossowski, Nietzsche and the Vicious Circle.C. Kerslake - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  46. Paul Patton, ed., Deleuze: A Critical Reader.C. Kerslake - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  47. Insects and Incest: From Bergson and Jung to Deleuze.Christian Kerslake - forthcoming - Multitudes: Revue Politique, Artistique, Philosophique (October 22, 2006). Http://Multitudes. Samizdat. Net/Insects-and-Incest-From-Bergson. Html.
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  48. Deleuze, Marx and Non-human Sex: An Immanent Ontology Shared between Anti-Oedipus and Manuscripts from 1844.Jae-Yin Kim - forthcoming - Theory and Event 16 (3).
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  49. Search for Stability: Rhythm in the Philosophies of Husserl, Deleuze & Guattari.Ineta Kivle - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    This article has already been published in The Polish Journal of Aesthetics, Numer 61. We warmly thank Ineta Kivle and The Polish Journal of Aesthetics for the permission to republish it here.: During the pandemic situation while the usual order changes and the search for new elements of security become more active, rhythm studies may provide a deeper understanding of human and ongoing processes. The current study views rhythm as a force of stability in the context of - Philosophie – (...)
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  50. Progrès et tâches futures de la recherche leibnizienne en mathématiques.Eberhard Knobloch - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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